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(I was thinking about this the other day: I never specified on my ocs' accent. you dont know. i dont know. for all we know quinn could have a russian accent. Idk thats up to you guys.)
(in honor of XL, this chapter is longer than normal, about 2600 words)

A gust of cold air brushed against my skin. I shivered and pulled the sheets on top of myself, curling into a small ball. Outside, I heard the occasional rocket fire, the rattling of a skeleton, the groan of a zombie... but the mobs eventually burned to a crisp as the sun came up.

I forced my eyes open, squinting. A ceiling of end rods dangling on purple stained glass was the first thing I saw.

Though I haven't been here before, I heard about this place from the other Hermits. I was in the main room of Stress's castle.

The bed I laid on had red coverings. I grasped the sheets, making sure I was physical in the world this time.

I gazed around, rubbing my eyes. Stress's base was eerily quiet. All light sources were dimmed. Looking down at my body, my clothes have been replaced with fresh new ones, athletic shorts and a white shirt. I'd have to find my sweater and jeans soon. There was no more blood or dirt on me. I wonder who had cleaned it off. My ribs and ankle were wrapped tightly, and the smaller injuries were cleaned and bandaged.

There were about ten beds total. The bed to my right was empty, the sheets haphazardly thrown away. The others were in all different states of neatness.

"Grian? Alright there, mate?" Mumbo asked. He slipped his communicator in his pocket and came closer to my bedside.

"Yeah, I think so," I said, staring up at the ceiling. Mumbo pulled a chair up and sat on the edge, leaning forwards with his fingers tightly laced together.

"You sure? You were out for five days," he said. It took a moment for me to comprehend what he said. I snapped my head towards Mumbo, startling him.

"Five days?" I repeated, eyes widening. Mumbo sensed my panic and quickly shook his head.

"Nothing happened while you were out," he said before pausing and tilting his head. "Well..."

"I'm listening." I sat up, propping myself up against the soft pillows.

"Doc and I found Xisuma crying a few hours ago." I nodded. It wasn't too late to talk to him... if he is still awake, that is. "He's sleeping right now. We're going to let him rest. He was losing sleep over the fact that you were missing." Closing my eyes, I looked down into my lap. I exhaled a long and disappointed sigh.

Xisuma's sleep deprived because I was an idiot and got caught. Even though he is the main admin and is tasked with the job of taking care of the server and it's members, he didn't have to put his health at risk.

A few times in the past, I would think about what would have happened if I didn't get taught by the Watchers. First of all, this entire mess wouldn't have happened. However, though they were teaching players and later using them to take over Minecraft, it makes me wonder if there are other types of hidden magic out there. Could there be some that are more powerful than our magic besides that Creator magic?

"Hey, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault they took you and stuff," Mumbo tried, pulling me out of my thoughts. I shook my head slowly, looking into my lap. I lightly traced the burns on my left thigh that came from Lynnthuic during that duel. It had never healed, and I doubt it will.

"It's... nothing. Anything else?" I warily asked, looking around. "Where's Zachariah?"

"Evi- um, EX was last seen a few hours ago. He left this place to do... whatever he does," Mumbo said. I put a hand to my forehead, rubbing it gently.

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