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(Sorry if it says I uploaded this twice, something isn't working.)
(Alright. Warning: More 'gore' [for lack of a better word] in the next upcoming chapters [not much in this one]. Read at your own risk. I just thought I'd give you a heads up. I'm gonna be honest, I don't think it's going to get that bad, but if you're sensitive, be careful.)

"I was staying out of trouble for once, thank you very much." I growled, trying to get the binds off my wrists. Yavin looked startled before narrowing glowing eyes at me. His slender fingers curled around his staff, knuckles turning white. The green gemstone glowed, flashing with dangerous and dark magic.

"You dare use a different language here?" Yavin hissed, stepping forward. I got onto my knees from my lying position, glaring up at my former instructor. My ripped red sweater swayed as I jerked to the left, trying to get out of the other Watcher's grasp. The atmosphere was thicker in the End, and I wasn't used to it from being in the Overworld for a long time. I took an audible breath, which caused Yavin to observe in amusement.

"I didn't want to be here. You kidnapped me!" I quietly hissed. The seven foot instructor squatted in front of me, tilting his head with a lazy smirk. The magic that radiated from his skin was powerful, but it was no where close to mine, even when it's controlled. I could easily defeat him if I could use magic.

"For a good reason..." Yavin smirked, almost singing those four words. I wrinkled my nose, pulling away from him. He grabbed my arm, the one that was sliced with the other Watcher's magic as we fought. I hissed as his skin touched the open wound. Yavin suddenly retracted his hand, as if he didn't know I had a wound there. He stared at his bloody hand as the red substance started dripping down his arm.

"What can be a good reason for kidnapping?" I asked. If my hands weren't tied, I would have thrown them up in the air. Yavin made eye contact with me, those emotionless dark blue eyes staring into my soul.

"You'll understand in time. You'll realize why." Yavin said standing up, not answering my question. He nodded to the Watcher that held me. I was harshly pulled to my feet and pushed towards another doorway. I tried moving my injured wing, but again, it throbbed in pain. The only thing I could do was pull my left wing close to me to prevent it from getting injured.

I was pushed through many sets of doors and down many familiar hallways. Occasionally, there were some Watcher apprentices that were in some halls. Most scattered the moment they laid their eyes on me. How bad was my condition?

For those apprentices that were brave and stayed their ground, I looked at them with an emotionless expression and a soulless stare, letting pain be the only emotion to break through the facade. They shrunk back in fear, breaking eye contact almost instantly.

I was roughly forced into a dim room. The iron door slammed shut behind me, slightly shaking the cell I was in. I blinked my eyes as they adjusted to the darkness. The only thing light in the room was from the windows of the iron door. It was from a lantern hanging in the hall, naturally making the light dim. Even though the walls of the five-by-five room were made out of the bright yellow end stone bricks, it was so dark I could barely see the other wall.

I tried breaking the bonds, but they must be lined with obsidian or diamond. I couldn't bring my hands to the front over my head, I'd break them. I could step over them, but I risk injuring my wing more.

It's better than being stuck here.

As quickly as I could, I moved my hands to the front, wincing as I accidentally disturbed the wing. I tried breaking the bonds, but it was rigged with magic and lined with almost unbreakable material. I tried using magic, but trying to channel magic through my hands failed. Attempting to summon the sword didn't work. I couldn't even feel the weapon's presence.

My hopes lowered drastically.

I looked towards the ground, squinting at the four small patches of light. The blood stained tiles stood out against the shadowed floor. My breath caught in my throat. Was this room some unfortunate soul's end? Would this be my end?

I tried to kick the door open, putting as much force into the kick as I possibly could. I yelped in pain and stumbled back. Joy, I fractured my ankle.

I leaned against the wall, defeated. Sinking to the cold yellow brick floor, I released a large shaky breath. I looked down to my hands as they started shaking. Whether it was out of fear or I was cold, it didn't matter.

I was probably not going to see the other Hermits again.

I must have sat there for at least thirty minutes, staring blankly at the ground. Every once in a while I would release a shaky breath, scared for my life. Every once in a while I would think about the Hermits, causing me to tear just by the thought. Every once in a while my gaze would turn to the blood stains, wondering if earlier was the last time I set foot in Hermitcraft.

And everytime I did, something broke inside of me.

Hermitcraft had become my home. With the other Hermits, it was the one place I could be myself. Not in the Watcher Facility. Not in the server before the Facility. And as surprising as it may be, not even with my parents.

In Hermitcraft, I felt like I belonged.

But that comfortable environment, that safe place... had been ripped away from me, right before my very eyes.

I've been lying on my side for so long that area started going numb. If I move, my injuries would flare in pain. Huffing to myself, I picked at my ripped jeans and sweater. The Watcher's probably won't give me new clothing. I'll die in these clothes I've been wearing for such a long time.

I was yanked out of my thoughts when the iron door slammed open, booming in my ears. Light barely flooded the small room as Yavin stalked through the door, but was blocked with his tall frame. He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. Yavin studied me with an unsympathetic look.

"Well, you look like you're enjoying your stay." He said in his low, monotone voice. I weakly rolled my eyes.

"Oh really? What gave it away?" Yavin ignored my comment, stepping into the room. The iron door slammed close behind him.

"It seems like you haven't learned the many lessons we have taught you over the years. Only speak in Galactic. No talking back. Things like that. Such simple concepts... and you seem to have failed in remembering them." Yavin said, drawing out his words. I raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"What are you going to do, put the mask on me?"

"No, much worse than that. We realized the mask would not make you learn." Yavin grinned, looking down at my prone form. I narrowed my eyes at Yavin, lips twitching into a frown.

"So, how much do you care about your fellow Hermits?"


(How do you actually read my story [and possibly stories] without cringing? Without making fun of it? How? Why? Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful you like what I for you all, but like.. the plot is off, there's barely any Hermit interaction [actually, that'll get fixed in 34 if I don't cut a chapter], the pace was bad... if anything, it's more focused on the OCs and just Grian. How do you do it?)

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