Chapter 1 A new guest

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10th November 1942

Sarawat entered the room , he knew what he had to do that day, it was a really important day for both Tine and Sarawat. He locked the door, Tine was focused on some documents that he had to show to a german diplomat, Herr Fischer, but he noticed the noise of the key and looked at his colleague who was the only other person in that room

"Sarawat? What are you doing? Did you bring those documents I talked to you about? Sarawat?"

Sarawat looked at Tine, the only person he loved in his whole life... the only reason he kept waking up each morning instead of waiting for a bomb to hit his house

"Sarawat?" tine continued confused. Sarawat came closer, he threw his jacket onto the floor, he was so close that he could smell the french parfum Tine used the day before. He started kissing and biting his neck, he heard him moaning as he left some noticable marks on his pale skin

"Sarawat... we have... a meeting... la... oh ... " 

"Shh, I don't want them to hear you... I'm the only one allowed here... clear?" Sarawat said as he unbuttoned Tine's shirt and started kissing his chest too. The feeling of the fresh air on his skin and the excitement for that situation was simply too much, Tine couldn't resist

"Sarawat... the..." 

"Don't worry, you will be a total mess for the meeting... just let me... give you a present..." Sarawat said as he took off his pants

Even if it was quite cold outside they both started sweating, their wet bodies one against the other... that kind of stuff just drove Sarawat crazy

"Luckly you have to sat down for the whole meeting... " Sarawat said smirking as he started pushing lightly... a pretty slow pace that started getting faster after a while... and faster... Tine's moans became always louder so Sarawat kissed him on his lips so that no one could hear him. 


"Shut up.. I'm... I'm... c... c..." 


"I said shut up..." Sarawat said as he continued doing what he was doing in that moment, the sensation was simply amazing and suddenly...

"Sarawat for God's sake wake up!"


Tine slapped him hard and Sarawat stood up immediately. 

"I'm sorry Herr Fischer, we work really hard and... my colleague fell asleep... so, do you want to wait for us in the dining room? We will have lunch soon, Fukuda san will arrive soon too, umm... Tanaka san? Can you show Herr Fischer the way to the dining room? Arigatou" 

Tine quickly closed the door as the guest was finally outside and looked at Sarawat

"Do you want to explain what the hell you did last night? Why did you fall asleep in the office?! Tine said with a pretty angry voice

"Well... I had to work..."

"Work? We had dinner together yesterday! It was our day off! Do you think that I'm dumb? Tell me the truth, you went out with a prostitute right? This would explain why you just kept moaning while you were asleep... I didn't even know how to cover your embarassing noise when the guest arrived... I tried to put on some music but I had to yell just to cover how loud you were!" Tine yelled

"Hey calm down... I just... oh you wouldn't understand it..." 

"Ok, next time I will take a bucket of cold water and throw it on you if this happens again... clear?"

"Yes sweetie..." Sarawat said whispering the second word, Tine turned back and looked at him confused


"Nothing... just let's go"

Tine was the first one who left the room, it was what usually happened in that office, and there was a really important safety reason behind it... it was because Sarawat could stare at Tine's ass without being noticed by him. 

You had to pass in front of the entrance to reach the dining room and as they walked through that room Fukuda arrived

"Oh Fukuda san, goodmorning, Oberst Fischer is waiting in the dining room, I'm sure that you will have a lot of things to talk about"

"Goodmorning, great... " Fukuda Akio was a 25yo officer of the ministry of war, Tine and Sarawat met him quite often at the embassy, especially when their German guest was there.

They all sat down and started talking about the situation of the war, Fukuda kept asking about the situation of the german army in Stalingrad while Sarawat just got bored. A few minutes later another employee of the embassy of Thailand where Sarawat and Tine worked arrived with a document

"This is for you P'Tine"

"thank you" Tine came closer to Sarawat and said

"We have the tickets for our first class suite, we will leave tomorrow, do you think that you will feel asleep before the departure and you will arrive late?" Tine whispere and smirked. 

Sarawat didn't even know how he could resist those lips that were so close this time... was he dreaming again? He got interrupted as he heard the german diplomat shouting

"Do you think that I can do whatever I want? The Führer is the Führer! We have to obey! An order is an order..." 

"I'm sorry Herr Fischer but what happened? I wasn't listening to your conversation but it looks like there's something wrong" Sarawat said

"Oh nothing... maybe the journey... I apologize Fukuda san, I didn't mean to offend you"

"Don't worry... it's alright now..." they all started eating again. And well there was a problem... the main dish of that day was Weisswurst, a white sausage, Tine tasted it before since it was Fischer's favourite dish or at least this was what he said the last time he arrived in Tokyo a few days before the war started. And well... Tine liked a particular creamy sauce with it... 

"Tine... I suppose that you should..." Sarawat started

"What?" Tine replied as he had a pretty generous piece of that sausage with some sauce on the top of it on his fork. Since Sarawat didn't continue, Tine ate that piece leaving some of that sauce on his lips. 

Sarawat stood up nervously, as he walked he gave him a napkin and went to the toilet

Tine swallowed it and looked at the two guests

"Did i do something wrong?" Fukuda and Fischer looked at each other and at the end the German officer said

"I don't know... but you have some sauce on your... lips sir" 

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