Chapter 24 Manila

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The ship finally reached Manila, it was in the evening and it wasn't easy to see what was going on in the harbour since it was all dark outside and there were just a few lights that could make it possible to the people to walk without hitting something on the streets. 

"So, Fukuda san, when are you going to get off and reach the headquarter?" Sarawat said while he was having dinner with Akio and Tine

"I will go after dinner, there's no reason to hurry up, we have to act in the most natural way possible, the ship will start its way to Laem Chabang port only tomorrow so I have the time to go and meet the officers"

"Thank you Fukuda san, but what are you going to do with your... umm.. partner?" Tine asked, Akio looked away for a moment and sighed

"actually... I didn't think about it... I don't know what I should do, I just hope for a mistake of the killer... who do you think that I could do? By the way, let's talk about something else, I have a... so called Plan B if things get problematic"  Akio replied

"Really? And what is it?" Sarawat asked pretty excited like the answer to the problem was just around the corner

"Excuse me? May I have more sauce please?" Akio said as he spotted a waiter, then he turned back to Sarawat smiling

"Calm down, shit... do you want the enemy to notice that we really have a plan B? Now act like you're on honeymoon with your beloved boyfriend and let me do my job..." 

"Boom... roasted" Tine said chuckling because of how Fukuda replied to Sarawat

"Is it so funny?" Sarawat asked disappointed

"Oh yes it is cool boy, you have to admit that sometimes someone is way cooler than you, I'm sorry" Tine said laughing

"Fuck..." Sarawat started but he got interrupted by Tine who was ready with another joke

"Me? do you want to fuck me? I'm not afraid that the other would see us but I don't think that the table or the floor would be comfortable for this kind of activity, I fear that my back might hurt after that, I can bear the pain in my ass after your performance but I coudn't bear anything else" Tine said, Sarawat was shocked, Tine was playing dirty jokes when the polite Fukuda replied in the most rude way he could 

"Seriously what the hell is wrong with you two?" Sarawat said, a waiter came closer to them with a bottle of wine in his hands

"Care for a drink sir?" 

"Yes thank you very much... and leave the bottle here... I think that I will need it..." 

"Yes sir" the waiter replied and left the bottle on the table. Tine took his glass and showed it to Sarawat waiting for him to pour some of the wine in his glass, he waited until he noticed that Sarawat poured some wine in his own glass until it was completely full and he didn't allow anyone else to touch the bottle

"I have to go now, sorry. Don't wait for me, I will call you if I have some news, try to remain together as much as possible, it wouldn't help with poison... but maybe if the killer is alone you might win a fight" Fukuda said. 

Akio went back to his cabin to take a coat since it was pretty cold outside and he was about to get off the ship when he saw something that surprised him, he saw that someone was getting on board, he had a black coat and hat and he was followed by two officers, as the little group left the reception hall Fukuda went to the receptionist, he wanted to ask who was that person but at the end he gave up and got off the ship. 

Tine and Sarawat were about to enter their cabin when they noticed that someone was entering Miss Nakano's room as well, an officer they didn't see before, he had a strong german accent but it was pretty easy to understand what he was saying

"MA'am, it is an honor for me to meet you, may I enter?"

"Of course Herr Schneider, you can enter too" she said to the other two officer who thought they had to wait outside.

Sarawat went to the bathroom to take a shower while Tine was leaning his ear against the wall of the room and trying to overhear their conversation

"So... this is our guest? I'm sorry Miss Nakano but how is he going to help us? I still don't get it, the documents weren't really clear... and of course you know why they weren't... and couldn't, be clearer" 

"I know Herr Schneider, we didn't want to risk, by the way, he's the key... and his friend is the door, do you get it now?" 

"I think that I got it now ma'am, by the way, did the operation Troy  succeed?"

"Oh yes, it worked"

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