Chapter 13 Miss Nakano

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14th November 1942

The ship arrievd in Jemulpo in the morning. The soldier that were rescued after the sinking of the Fubiki class destroyer got off the ship and a truck came there to pick them up since the local military headquarter received a telegram from the ship about the condition of the survivors. 

A young women came onn board she looked pretty, Tine was the first one to come welcoming her, he looked so focused on her that Sarawat couldn't help but feel a terrible pain in his chest and the worst part was that he knew he had to hide that. 

"Goodmorning, I'm Tine, diplomat of the Thai Embassy in Tokyo" 

"Nice to meet you, I'm..."

"Miss Nakano right? I read your name on one of your lugguages" 

"A true detective" 

"What is your cabin?" 

"B21 sir" she replied

"Really? Just next to mine" we share our cabin you hot idiot Sarawat thought immediately but it looked like Tine didn't even notice how terrible it was for Saarwat watching as such a scene. 

"Please follow me ma'am" Tine added and went away. 

Sarawat was about to scream but he managed to calm down, he sat down on one of the armchairs of the reception hall and asked for a cup of coffee, he hoped that the noise of the crowd in that room could help him thinking about something else but it didn't help that much. 

He noticed that Fukuda was sitting not so far from him, he was rubbing his temples like he was trying to focus on a difficult problem that appeared to be withut a proper solution. 

"Not bad right?" Sarawat said as the band finished playing the Poet and Peasant overture, Fukuda looked at him a bit confused and then he replied quickly

"Yeah right" and he became silent again. 

"Is there anything wrong?" Sarawat asked, Fukuda didn't reply and stood up all of a sudden, he walked and grabbed Sarawat's hand. Sarawat stood up and followed him, they reached the toilet and Fukuda closed the door

"So? Fukuda san?" 

"I need your help..."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember when we found those surivivors?"

"Yes, it was just yesterday..." Sarawat replied

"Well, I talked to them before we arrived here, they said that the explosion was weird" 

"And you called me just for a weird explosion? It looked like something important" Sarawat said still thinking about Tine

"I know I know... but think about it Sarawat! Why should the Americans blow up the cover of one of their submarines in the middle of the Empire just to sink a destroyer? They could sink a battleship like the Yamato... and they waste such a good opportunity just to sink a destroyer?" Fukuda asked

"Well... you got a point... so you think that someone..."

 "Exactly Sarawat... sabotage" 

"but why are you telling me this?" Sarawat asked

"Ok ok... did you notice any strange behaviour? I couldn't tell this to Meyer of Fischer, do you even imagine what could happen if the Germans find out that not only the americans can sink our ships... but even the sailors themselves?"  Akio replied

"I understand... but I didn't notice anything weird... they remained in the third class for most of the time..." Sarawat replied, Fukuda patted his shoulder, he thanked him for his help and left the restroom. 

Fukuda went back to his cabin and found a small bottle on his desk. There was a message on it

I hope that this might help you Fukuda san

He looked closer and he noticed that it was poison... but who could have brought that to his cabin, he went outside

"excuse me, did one of those soldier pf the sunken ship come here lately?" he asked as he spotted a steward

"No sir, the soldiers left from the third class hall" and the steward went away

Sarawat went back to his cabin, as the maid opened the door he asked if Tine already came back but she shook her head. He sighed and jumped onto the bed, fuck you Tine and your stupid new friend... I dont care about you... I'm not even jealous... 

Those jealous thoughts went away almost immediately when he thought about the nightmare he had the previous day, he couldn't get mad... even if that silly guy didn't love him back he couldn't think what he could be able to do if something bad... oh let's think about something else.

Finally Tine came back, Sarawat didn't look at him and asked

"Wow, did you have to show her even how to open the door of the bathroom?" 

"What do you mean Sarawat?"  Tine asked confused

"Did you enjoy your time with Miss Nakano?"

"Yeah, she's such a kind and beautiful woman... but I went away as we reached her cabin, I went to check if Fischer was ok... he's feverish... I'm wondering what the hell is going on..." 

Sarawat didn't know how to continue since he was ready to start an argument about miss Nakano... not about a sick german officer. 

"But I suppose he will get better soon" 

"Yes right..." 

Tine sat beside Sarawat and sighed

"I'm so tired... and it's only 11am... oh god..." Tine took Sarawat's guitar which was near the bed and started hitting one of the string

"Hey itisn't a toy" 

"Calm down... do you want to teach me?" 


"How to play this guitar idiot, so will you teach me?" Tine asked again smiling, how could you say no to that smile?

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