Chapter 7 Osaka

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12th November 1942

The ship finally reached Osaka. The passengers didn't really care about it since only three people came aboard. From their suite Sarawat and Tine couldn't see what was going on in the harbor and Tine became rapidly nervous, he started walking up and down the private promenade deck while Sarawat kept sipping his tea trying to hide how funny it was to look at Tine acting like that. 

"What's going on? More than four hours and there are only three new passengers?! What the hell is wrong with this ship and his captain!"

"Calm down Tine, we will arrive on time, don't worry, they're probably just taking something. Now sit down, you're causing me an headache..." Sarawat said smiling

"Oh right, you dont' care about anything, you're just sitting there... drinking your tea and playing your stupid guitar... I'm wondering why you keep bringing it with you all the time!"

"it helps me to calm down... like you should do now. Come on, do you want to have breakfast? Maybe the cafè parisien?" Sarawat said while taking the cup and widening his eyes. 

"Well..." Tine liked that place but it costed a lot since it wasn't included in the ticket. 

"I'll treat you" Sarawat said smirking

"then let's go" a smile appeared on Tine's face and Sarawat stood up quickly just to make his little baby happy. They went out when they saw Fukuda walking really rapidly, he wasn't running probably just because he was in a first class corridor

"Is everything alright Fukuda san?" Tine asked grabbing Sarawat's arm since he was already walking. Akio stopped for a moment and answered

"Nothing to worry about" and he went away

"I suppose that he should play your magic guitar so that he will be calmer right?" Tine said and Sarawat nodded. 

Akio went downstairs and looked at the boxes that the soldiers were bringing. There were weapons and medicines as the papers on them said but while reading the documents a soldier came closer to him 

"What may I do for you?" Akio asked without taking his eyes off the documents in front of him

"I found this sir, I supposed that it could be something important" the soldier replied giving him a small sheet

"Thank you, go back to work now, there are still a few boxes"

"yes sir" and the soldier went back to work. Akio continued reading the documents for a   minutes and he didn't looked at the letter the soldier gave him a moment before. He left the ship's cargo hold and went upstairs. He reached his cabin and sat on his bed. He finally took the letter

Dear Akio... we all know why lieutenant Suzuki Ryo is so important... but don't worry, your secret is safe. We are sure that you know we need something in return... just be ready... we will tell you soon, just follow our orders and you will have your beloved officer back and live a happy life after that. 

"oh... God..." Akio said, his eyes widened, his breath was faster than before and he covered his mouth with his hand just because he didn't want someone to hear him. It was terrible... but at least he knew that Ryo was still alive, he couldn't be sure about that... but at least he had hope... and he knew that he could do anything just to save him, it was his duty. 

The letter from the korean resistance was the proof that something big was going on, an employee of the ministry of war and diplomats from Thailand and Germany were all there on the same boat... and he received that letter... it was obvious that the targets were the diplomats but why did they choose him? 

Akio didn't think t

hat much about the reasons because he was afraid of what could possibly happen to Ryo.

Sarawat and Tine came back to their cabin and it was the moment that Sarawat wanted to use. They night before made him think that maybe he had a chance so he thought that he could start with some hints. 

Tine was in the bathroom so Sarawat had all the time. He got dressed for lunch and went to the bathroom to wash his hands while Tine was still in the bathtub


"What do you want? Do you think it's the first time I see a naked man?" well... actually it was and thank God the sink was in a place that didn't show Sarawat's face since he accidentally looked... lower

"Are you feverish?" Tine asked looking at the mirror... fuck the mirror

"No why?" Sarawat replied trying to hurry up as much as he could

"You're blushing" 

"I'm ok" he said leaving the room. He closed the door and said

"I'm going out for a walk before lunch, I'll wait for you at our table ok?"

"Ok..." Tine replied

Sarawat was ready to leave, he took the silver ring from his coat and left it on the pillow of Tine's bed. 

An hour later Sarawat was ready to enter the first calss dining hall, Fischer and his orderly arrived and asked Sarawat if he wanted to go to the table with them but he replied that he wanted to wait for Tine. 

Fukuda arrived too but he didn't even look at Sarawat who was near the entrance but the Thai guy didn't even notice that. Finally Tine arrived... he was handsome as usual, Sarawat looked at Tine's hands, he hesitated a bit since he feared that he misunderstood but then... oh yes he had that! That silver ring was shining on his left hand... so... he accepted?

Sarawat smiled as Tine came closer to him

"Tine..." he said smiling

"Gimme your hand"


"I said give me your hand" Tine said 

"Ok..." Sarawat replied doing what Tine asked. Tine let the ring fall on Sarawat's hand and said smiling

"You shouldn't leave your stuff all around, someone could steal it"

"But...Tine" seriously...Tine what do you think that it meant!?

"Oh don't worry, you dont' need to thank me" 

AN updates on Monday and Thursday at 8pm

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