Chapter 11 way too much...

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"Don't do that again idiot!" Tine shouted as he closed the door behind him. Sarawat covered his ears whining and sat down on a chair on the private promenade. A maid came closer to Tine

"Are you alright my lord?" 

"Do you think you can just go away!? I'm talking to you! You have to listen to me!" Tine shouted but Sarawat just kept whining. 

"Are you sure you're ok sir? Do you want a cup of hot tea? You might get better" another maid said

"I'm pretty angry now, Sarawat almost fell into the water.. I don't think that a stupid cup of tea might help at the moment but thank you, at least someone cares about me, can you hear me asshole!?" Tine shouted again

"I'm sorry sir... if there's anything..." 

"Yes, give me a glass of brandy..."

"Don't you think that it's a bit early to drink something like that?" Sarawat said waving the bottle in his right hand.

"You just kept listenign to me without replying right?! I hate you so much... you should thank God that I didn't let you fall today... I don't think that I will be so kind next time." 

Sarawat came closer to him and whispered

"You will come back to save me even if I was on a sinking ship and you were on  the last lifeboat..." 

"Oh oh oh, how can you be so sure? Why should I do something like that?" Tine replied

"Because I'm your man, you said it... but I'm not sure now... should I accept your confession? IT's pretty sweet that you love me... but you're a man... and not such a handsome one..." 

"Are you trying to tease me?! Fuck it, do whatever you want! Do you want to die? Good, I won't stop you, do you want a new girlfriend?... That's good too..."  Tine... if you really want to hide your feelings I suppose that you should practice a little more... it isn't much effective. 

Tine went out since he didnt want to see that... handsome... hot... ummm... that dude who just wanted to tease him anymore. He was going to a cafe when he heard the noise of someone running, it was Meyer, he looked pretty worried, Tine stopped him to ask what was happening

"Meyer? What's going on?"

 "Oh... Tine... do you... do you know where the doctor is? Herr Fischer is really sick... he's sure that someone poisoned him... but I suppose that it might be something else"

"I'm sorry but I can't help you, probably the receptionist will be able to help you." 

"Thank you..." Meyer replied an ran away. 

"You asshole... how dare you... do you think that I'm a toy?!" Tine murmued while walking sure that the music in the hall could hide his rants.

After an hour Sarawat went out for lunch, he reached the dining hall and sat down, Fischer was with the doctor so Fukuda and Meyer were the only other two people with him. 

"Why is he so late?" Sarawat said as he looked at his watch. 

"Oh, I'm not sure... but someone told me that a passenger fell from the grand staircase an hour ago... I don't know if..." 

"What?!" Sarawat shouted and he stood up immediately, he thought about what happened and the fear of something terrible was filling his heart. He almost fell because of how fast he was trying to go away but luckly someone stopped him before he could fall

"Where are you going? Don't you even know how to walk properly? Do I have to teach you that too?" Tine asked

Sarawat looked at him and smiled, he stood up and said

"Sorry, I had to go to the toilet" 

"Shut up, I know you were looking for me, I asked Fukuda to help me with this joke" Tine replied and both Fukuda and Tine started laughing.

"You two little... Fukuda san! I thought you were a serious person! And you did this! I'm disappointed" 

"Oh come on Sarawat, laugh with us, we have to stay happy, we might day even today, are you sure you don't want to fall asleep for the last time with a bright smile on your face?" Fukuda said

"Well, I'm not sure actually, but I hope that I will spend that last moment with the person I love..." as Sarawat noticed that Fukuda changed his expression about the person he loves he tried to make him laugh again

"... and a large glass of whiskey!" 

"Well, that sounds pretty good Sarawat!" Tine added smiling... God who could handle that smile without melting like ice next to something hot.... hot like the sun... or even hotter... like Tine

"So that's it, a bright smile right?" Sarawat asked

"Exactly!" Meyer, Fukuda and Tine replied. At that mment Sarawat couldn't help but think:

-I'm wondering if the Bright smile can be a prize for someone who can Win it.-

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