Chapter 8 Tastless meal

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He couldn't do anything else. Tine gave him his ring... so it coud only mean that he didn't love him back... what could he do in that situation? He knew that Tine was a bit clueless sometimes but he was quite sure that Tine knew the meaning of that ring he gave him. 

Sarawat wasn't the only one who wasn't happy that day, he was sitting next to Fukuda who remained silent for the whole time. He wanted to ask why he was so silent but then Sarawat thought that he already had enough problems to deal with. 

"Sarawat, you were so funny yesterday and today you're almost sad, what's going on?" Fischer asked, hearing that question Tine looked at Sarawat since he wanted to listen to the answer as well. Sarawat stood up 

"I'm sorry... just an headache... maybe some air will help." and he left the dining hall. He went back to his cabin and before opening the door he threw the ring onto the floor of the corridor.

"Are you alright sir?" one of the maids asked, he nodded and asked them to leave him alone, as they did that he closed the door of the bedroom leaving the two maids in the living room and grabbed a pillow. 

"Why... why..." he said while sobbing because of what happened.

"Herr Fischer, Fukuda san, do you mind if..." Tine started, the German diplomat looked at him while the employee of the ministry of war didn't even pay attention to him

"Don't worry"  Fischer said, Tine bowed and left, as he reached the corridor of the first class cabins section he noticed the ring on th floor and took it. He knocked and a maid opened the door

"Is Sarawat here?"

"Yes sir, he's in the bedroom but he locked the door" 

"Oh come on..." Tine sighed and knocked

"Sarawat! Sarawat open the door! What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?! I found your ring" 

"You can throw it into the ocean... I don't care..." Sarawat replied

"Can you tell me what's wrong with you?! Open this door! Now!"

"Go away... I want to stay alone..." Sarawat replied and then he buried his face in the pillow

Tine heard Sarawat crying and gave up, there was nothing that he could do now and it was weird since it was the first time he heard him crying, then he asked

"Sarawat... the person you love.... that person cheated on you... right?" no reply, Sarawat slowly stood up and reached the door, as he opened he saw Tine's worried face looking at him in a miserable attempt to find an asnwer to his questions, however, the only thing he found, were Sarawat's red eyes... 

"No.. that person didn't cheat on me... that person doesn't love me back... that's all..." 

"How can you be so sure? Why don't you ask that person... " Tine stopped, he was thinking about the way he was talking to Sarawat, he was instictively using the word person... instead of... 

Sarawat looked at him...

"Leave... just for a moment..." Tine said without looking at the two maids behind him, they understood and left them. 

"Sarawat? Do you want to tell me... what's going on?" Tine asked still concerned, after a deep breath Sarawat started talking

"How.... how can I tell him that I love him? I tried... I tried so many time to make it almost obvious to that guy that I loved him... I thought it wasn't that difficult... I sju want answers... one at least... he doesn't have to tell me that he loves me back... I love you... I don't love you... I hate you... one of these three would be enough... I know that I will be able to move on... after that..."

Tine couldn't stop looking at him, maybe fearing an even worse reaction

Stop... stop it now... please... I can't handle this... I can't ... stop for God's sake... I can't... don't continue anymore... it hurts... it hurts so much... it isn't my fault... why are you giving me hope... and then you just throw me... away... why do you have to love someone else... and not me? Why can't you simply love me for the rest of your life... WHY?!

It sounds like this is what Sarawat was thinking right? It would fit him perfectly, the frustration... the love that he will never receive... well... you're wrong... this isn't Sarawat... this is what Tine was thinking in that moment while hearing Sarawat's words. 

Sarawat calmed down waiting for an answer... Tine went to the door... he opened and looked outside so that Sarawat couldn't see his face

"I don't care... if you like a guy... or a girl... but just tell me his name... and I will kill him... I won't let anyone hurt you like this..." 

"You couldn't harm that person..." Sarawat replied smirking

"Sarawat... you don't know me... you dont' know what I'm able to do..." 

Tine came back to the dining hall and sat back at his table

"Is he alright?" Meyer asked

"Yes... he's alright... he's fine..." 

Fukuda looked still sad like when Tine left the table, Tine took a telegram he had in his pocket and looked at the japanese employee

"Fukuda san, I have a telegram that belongs to you, probably the steward just made a mistake, it's from the ministry of war, I don't know what it was about since I didn't open as I noticced it was for you" Tine said

Fukuda was now  way more calm and took the sheet.

"Thank you Tine." Akio said, he opened the letter and read, his eyes widened as he reached the end of the letter. 

Akio stood up and left the hall slowly, he went to the promenade deck and threw the telegram away. 

In a moment of panic he looked at the ocean and behind him to see if someone else was there, since he didn't notice anyone he was ready to jump. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? STOP SIR!"  a few sailors shouted as they noticed him and arrived just in time to save him. Fukuda was unconscious and two sailors took him to the doctor. 

That telegram... that telegram...

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