Chapter 26 Fear

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Tine ran back to his cabin, Sarawat followed him even if Tine told him to stay away, Sarawat slowly opened the door, Tine was crying on the bed, Sarawat sat beside him and patted his back

"Don't worry... I'l find a solution..." 

"Really? Like what? Are we going to kill ourselves? Because I don't see how we will be able to spend out lives together!" 

Sarawat didn't know what to do, he couldn't look at him anymore, it was terrible, no one could bear his cry, the most terrible part of the whole situation was that he knew Tine was right, what were they supposed to do? How could they live together? There was no way for it to work... but he knew he had to do something, Tine had to think about something else... for a few minutes at least... Sarawat couldn't allow Tine to even think about killing himself. 

"So what? What are you doing? what is your solution Sarawat? Huh?" Tine added, Sarawat looked away for a moment, he turned back and kissed him, he pushed him on the bed unbottoning his shirt, he didn't know why he felt that he had to do that... it was like there was no other way to think about something else

"Sa... sarawat what are you doing?"

"Shut up... if the rumors are true... then probably we won't survive this journey... are you sure that you don't want to make it at least one last time Tine?" Sarawat said as he looked at him smirking

"But Sarawat... I ... I don't think that..." Tine continued, Sarawat was kissing his chest when he heard Tine talking, he stopped his job down there and kissed him again

"I don't want to listen to your thoughts about the future... not at the moment at least... but if you want to moan well... I surely won't stop you"  Sarawat said, Tine wanted to reply but the pleasure that he started feeling was way too much to let him focus on anything else that wasn't Sarawat licking him and making him shievering. 

"Sa... Sarawat... what... what..." 

"Shh, what do you want first sir? Do you prefer an entree or the main dish?" 

"What... what the hell should that mean?"

"Do you want something before I start fucking you or you prefer to start immediately?" Sarawat said as he licked two fingers and he was ready to play with Tine's ass. 

"Sa.... Sarawat... what... oh God... please... stop... stop..." 

"Are you sure you want me to stop?" Sarawat replied smirking

"What do you think!?" Tine replied irritated, Sarawat stopped for a moment and enjoyed the disappointed expression on Tine's face. Then he thought about his plan for a second, Sarawat was strong enough to hold Tine's hands with one hand, with the other he started running his fingers up and down Tine's tool. 

"What... what are you doing?"

"Oh you will see soon." Sarawat replied smirking

"What... Sa... Sarawat... what..." 

"Shh, I will surely enjoy it."

"What do you me.... mean!? ... WE will enjoy it..."

"Oh no dear, it will be a torture..." 

Sarawat remained silent, as he noticed that Tine was ready to shoot he stopped all of a sudden and started holding even more tightly his hands

"Sarawat... what are you doing... why did you stop?"

"You just took 20 minutes... ths has to last an hour at least..." Sarawat said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

The same thing happened another time, this time Tine started sweating and panting, he wanted to finish the job so bad but he couldn't since Sarawat always stopped a moment before he could release himself and his hands were useless since Sarawat didn't let him use them

"Sa... Sarawat please... I... I can't... please... let me... let me..." 

"What do I have to do? You have to tell me what you want, how am I supposed to understand if sou speak weirdly"

"Let me... c... c"

"What do you want? Do you want to cook?"

"Oh come on... you... you know... let me ...c... cu..."

"oh I got it!"

"God... thank you..."

"You want to cum!" Sarawat exclaimed like he was genuinely surprised

"Yes... will you... please..."

"Umm... no, I don't think I will..." 

Even if it was too good to look at Tine begging for something like that even Sarawat's fingers started getting tired and wet but it was amazing to drive Tine crazy. After other ten minutes Sarawat decided it was time for a little change, without letting Tine's hand free he started stimulating Tine's... how can we say it in a kind and almost romantic way... his booty basically. 

Tine was moaning even louder, Sarawat turned Tine in a more comfortable position and he started serving... the main dish, Tine was now a mess, his little... well not so little actually... his friend was brushing against the blankets and his toned body, in the meanwhile Sarawat was doing his great job behind him

"Sa... sarawat... faster... please..."

"What? do you want me to go faster so you can cum earlier? Listen here sweetie... if you. cum before me... I will continue anyway... and I won't surely leave your friend alone..." Sarawat said smirking and biting his neck.

It was obvious that Tine had to... finish... before his boyfriend and as Sarawat noticed that Tine was much calmer than before he leant on him, his chest against Tine's back, his right hand started rubbing Tine's tool and Tine quickly turned back to the mess he was a few moments before, the pain and the pleasure were fighting one against the other to see who could win... 

"So... did you like it?" Sarawat asked

"Sarawat... you're an asshole..."

"I know you don't mean it" 

"Are you sure?"



"what? Do you want a second round?"

"What!? I can't!" Tine shouted 

"Nothing is impossible..." 

"I'm serious Sarawat... calm down..."

"Ok ok..." Sarawat replied pretending to be disappointed

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N So... this is basically the first time I write a smut scene, I know it was pretty awful and boring... please, be kind😅

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