Chapter 23 Spy

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"Fukuda san? Do you want to tell us what's going on? Fukuda san?" Tine asked still confused by Akio's weird behaviour. Sarawat was confused as well but he prefered to stay silent. Fukuda was still so shocked, too shocked to reply, that nightmare felt so real that he needed a moment, however he knew that he didn't have time to waste, there were only three days left to the arrival in Thailand, it was obvious that the killer was ready to do his job

"Someone is going to kill you, I don't know who or when this will happen... I will talk to you later about the details and any questions you might have... but now I have to go, sorry" Fukuda said standing up and covering his mouth like if he was about to vomit. 

As he went away Tine remained shocked, he couldn't understand what was going on but the simple idea of someone ready to kill you was already too much. 

"Tine where are you going?" 

"I'm going to my room... I feel like I couldn't eat anymore...  you can stay here if you want..." Tine replied as he was about to leave the dining hall as well. 

"ok... I come with you..." 

"I said that you can stay here" Tine replied irritated and went away

"excuse me... a whiskey..." Sarawat said to a waiter who looked at him pretty confused

"I'm sorry sir, but it's 9 am..." 

"I didn't know that this company paid its waiters to complain, I said that I want a whiskey and you'll give me what I asked for" 

"Yes sir" the waiter replied and went away. 


"Tine? Why are you shouting... I already said that I don't feel..." Fukuda replied as he opened the door when Tine knocked and yelled. Tine ran inside and grabbed Fukuda by his shirt

"Tell me what the hell is going on or I'm going to kill someone today! Clear!" 

"Ok ok Tine!"

"First... how do you know that someone wants to kill me and Sarawat?" Tine asked still visibly angry

"Do you remember when..." 

"Do I look like I have time to waste!? Go straight to the point for God's sake!"Tine shouted

"Ok ok... but calm down first... please..." Fukuda said, his eyes were closed and he was shivering in fear

"I will decide if I want to calm down! Clear!?"

"Fine... someone wants me to kill you and Sarawat... or they will kill my... my boyfriend..."

"Then what? You want to kill us just to save your boyfriend?! I couldn't believe that you were such a selfish asshole!" Tine interrupted and spitted on his face

"Please... .leave... NOW!" Fukuda said to his maid who hesiated before leaving

"What the hell is wrong with you Tine? I wanted to help you! The main problem is that I'm not alone... someone else is going to kill you if I fail!"

"And do you know who he is?"

"A so called miss Park... I'm trying to find her but it won't be easy...  there are tons of women with that surname..." 

"Oh my God thank you... you're here..." Sarawat said as he found Tine, it wasn't actually that difficult since when he went to his cabin he heard Tine shouting pretty easily

"S... sarawat?"  Tine said with wide eyes like he was on the edge of a panic attack

"I'm here ok? Sit down... it's all ok... just breathe..." Tine did as Sarawat asked and sat down

"Why didn't you come yesterday?" 

"I got a letter... it said that I had to go to the gym, when I was there I saw... the boyfriend the korean resistance kidnapped... I wanted to go to him... but the door was locked, he was with a woman who was pushing him... she must be the person that wants to kill you..." Fukuda replied trying to clean his face with an handkerchief

"And how do you know that someone wants to kill us?" Sarawat asked while stroking Tine's cheeks

"They asked me.. to kill Fischer... in order to save my boyfriend, when Fischer died I got another message... the killer will kill you if I fail..." Akio answered

"Wait... you said that he was with a woman... and that this woman was pushing him? Do you know anything else about her?" 

"Miss Park... this is the only thing I know..." 

"Don't harm him... please..." Tine murmured

"Wait... Fukuda... you have to get off the ship when we arrive in Manila and go to the the headquarter... I think that I know what we should do..." Sarawat said

"Do you mean that you know who could be the killer?" Fukuda asked

"yes... but we have to be really careful... the next move will be the final one, we have to be wise or she won't waste her time anymore" 

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