Chapter 25 Silence

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18th November 1942

Tine and Sarawat were waiting in the dining hall to have breakfast with Fukuda so that he could tell him what happened.

"Wouldn't it be funny if he skip this meeting like he did last time?" Tine said sipping his coffee, Sarawat glared at him

"Tine, I don't want to ruin your cruise holiday but just so you know, there's a world war outside and there's someone on this ship who wants to kill us and the only thing you can think about is that it would be funny if Fukuda skips this meeting that could save our lives? Seriously what the hell is wrong with you?" Sarawat said

"Oh come on Sarawat, I was joking, we can't always think about our problems, you have to calm down and accept what happens, by the way... there's something else I would like to talk to you about..." Tine said with a worried tone, Sarawat looked back at him trying to understand what was going on, after a deep breath Tine started

"Did you think about what we should do... after this?" Tine said 

"What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about our relationship... what should we do about it?" 

"Tine?" Sarawat looked at Tine who looked like he was trying his best to remain calm

"Look at Karl... or Akio... they both got into troubles... because they had a boyfriend..." 

"No no no Tine, listen to me ok? Even if he had a wife he would have had the same problem, they could kidnap her and force him..."

"What about Karl then!? You're right about Akio... but what about him? He made no mistakes... he didn't do anything wrong... nothing..." Tine said as he started crying

"Tine... I... I..." Sarawat didn't know what to say, Tine was right, the resistance could find any way to make pressure on Fukuda, but what about Karl? He wasn't a political target, Fischer just wanted to cruelly eliminate him... just because he wanted... not because it was useful to kill him, and the reason was... well... that he simply wanted to spend the rest of his life with music and his man. 

Tine noticed almost immediately that Sarawat didn't know what to say anymore so he stood up and before Sarawat could stop him he already left the restaurant.

In the meanwhile something really strange happened, Fukuda overheard a conversation between two officers of the ship, they said they found a young man, this person had no documents but he was dressed in elegant clothes, then they added that he was in the police section.

"Captain, I need to visit the police section." Fukuda said as he reached the bridge

"Well, may I know what is the problem sir? I'm sure that my officers will be gald to help you without..." the captain started but then Akio interrupted him 

"It is really important sir, if I don't talk with the man you found this morning the passengers will be in danger" 

"I understand... the second officer will take you there Fukuda san" 

"Thank you very much" 

The second officer appeared, Fukuda followed him until they reached a small room where Ryo was sitting. 

"would you... leave us for a moment? Please" Akio said and the officer left the room. 

Fukuda came closer to the man sitting, he looked away for a while, then he hugged him tight and whispered

"Ryo.... Ryo... don't leave me again.... clear?" 

"I won't ... I won't" the yong guy replied, they both started crying. For a moment Fukuda couldn't think about nothing, he was there with the boyfriend he feared to lose forever, it was like nothing could go wrong... but then he thought

"Ryo... if they... oh my God it means... that..."  Ryo nodded with tearful eyes as Akio said that.

"It will happen soon Akio... there's no way to stop it... luckly their target is just the ship... not the people inside of it... the passengers and the crew will probably have enough time to save their lives..." Ryou added

"Wait... you said that the target is the ship?"

"Yes... why are you so shocked?" Ryo asked confused

"Why would they sink this ship? Why is it so important?" Fukuda asked

"Didn't you take something on board when you arrived in Osaka? Didn't you check the boxes in the cargo section?" Ryo asked back

"Yes... there's just food inside of it..." Akio replied even more confused

"No dear... projects, cannons... bombs and ammunitions..." Akio covered his opened mouth with his hand in disbelief

"and how will they..."

"I don't know Akio... I just know that they will sink the ship... hope that the Allies won't find this out... or they will probably send a submarine to sink this ship as well... and it will be far more tragic, believe me or not" Ryo said chuckling.

"By the way... how are you?"

"Akio..." Ryo said as he stood up and stroked Fukuda's cheeks

"I won't hide that the days... in their headquarters were pretty terrible... but on this ship at least I had enough food... " 

"And... what happened that night when... when..." 

"You mean when you were locked inside the gym...right? Well... I couldn't help but cry for the whole day after... I thought about you.... for the whole time... I was sure that she was about to kill you..."

"You mean..."

"Miss Nakano... that woman killed her own husband but I'm sure that yu already know this... right?"

"Miss Park... she married an hotel director... and he died just an year later..." Akio said looking away. 

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