Chapter 10 Rescue

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13th November 1942

"What the hell!?" Sarawat shouted as he woke up. Tine woke up because of the noise and rubbed his sleepy eyes. 

"What... what do you want? Do you need to shout like that evey morning?" Tine asked. Sarawat looked at Tine

"Did I... ummm... what... what happened?" Sarawat asked

"yeah... I'm sorry, I suppose that you wanted to spend the night with your new girlfriend... but you came here and fell asleep on my bed" Tine replied, he stood up ready to go to the bathroom. 

"But... did I?... umm... I don't know... something like... weird or..." 

"No, nothing important don't worry..." Sarawat sighed in relief, Tine smirked knowing his next move

"You just kissed me" Tine added and entered the bathroom. Sarawat at first didn't even understand what he said, when he finally realized that his eyes widened

"What... Tine!" he shouted since the door of the bathroom was closed. After a few minutes Tine left the bathroom, he looked pretty calm. 

"Are you alright Sarawat?" he asked

"Did I... kiss you?" 

"Yes" he replied and nodded.

"Tine... I'm really sorry... I ... I..." Sarawat said

"Why are you apologizing, you were drunk, but I almost believed you when you said that you had a new girlfriend" Tine answered. Sarawat laughed nervously

"yeah right... a girlfriend... impossible..." 

"What do you mean, would you prefer a boyfriend?" Tine asked smirking, he was sure that Sarawat was getting embarassed but...

"I'm sorry, but you have to come on the boat deck for the safety drills, sir." a steward said. Yes, Sarawat and Tine's bedroom's door was open and the maid opened when the steward knocked

"What?! Umm... thank you" Tine replied blushing. 

Tine and Sarawat reached the boat deck, Sarawat wasn't perfectly sober and it was alomst difficult to stand on the wet floor. It was really croweded and noisy because of the smoke that came out of the funnels, when the officer arrived he had to yell in order to explain what they had to do- 

"So, I need women and children and a few men to maneuver the lifeboat... you two" he said pointing at Sarawat and Tine, they both weren't even paying attention, the first one was basically sleeping on Tine's shoulder.

"What? me?" Tine asked pointing at himself

"Yes you, come here" the officer said. Tine shook Sarawat a little bit so that he could wake up and they came closer to the lifeboat. A few passengers were ready to come onto the lifeboat when another officer arrived with a sheet. 

"Thank you... oh... I'm really sorry but we have to stop this now, you can go back to your cabin." the officer said and he ran to the wheel room. 

"I'm wondering what the hell is going on here..." Tine said. 

"We have to reach this point as soon as possible, a fubuki class destroyer sank... there are still people alive there, we have to rescue them" the captain told to the officers pointing at a point on the map. 

"But sir... how is this possible? A Fubuki class destroyer... sank in the middle of the..."

"Yes... between Japan and Korea... that means that even that place isn't a safe place for us... I hope that this voyage wil end in a good way..." the captain replied. Everyone was shocked that a ship of the Japanese imperial navy could sink in a place that was supposed to be fully under their control. 

The passengers that were on the lifeboat were still on getting off it. Sarawat was getting off as well when an old woman pushed him away trying to get off first. Sarawat was about to fall off the lifeboat into the cold water below them but luckly Tine grabbed him. The old woman looked back at him and said

"Have some manners!" 

"How dare you talk like that to my ma... umm to a diplomat!" Tine shouted while hugging Sarawat whose eyes were slightly closed. 

"Sarawat? Sarawat are you ok? Sarawat? Sorry sir... can you help me?" Tine said shaking Sarawat and looking at a sailor near them. As the sailor came closer to Sarawat the drunk guy pushed away the sailor's hand and hugged Tine tightly. 

"Sorry... he didn't mean that" Tine added smiling and the sailor nodded. When they finally got off they slowly went back to their cabin and asked for a tea. 

A few hours later the ship stopped again. When the crew found the survivors on the lifeboats they helped them getting on board. 

Fukuda was walking on the promenade deck and he saw those men as well. A few minutes later he came back to his cabin and took a book waiting for the time to go out for lunch when he noticed a small letter on his bed.

Suzuki Ryo is alive... you don't have to worry about your... well you know. You will get him back, your target is the german diplomat Fischer. Kill him no matter what, we don't care if he survive or not, we just want you to kill him. Don't try to fool us...  an eye is watching. 

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