Chapter 15 Goodbye

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Sarawat spent most of the day trying to find Tine but it was basically impossible, he went up and down the ship without finding a single hint that could lead to him... nothing... after hours and hours of research he eventually gave up, he was too tired to continue. 

He went back to his cabin and asked the maid if she saw Tine, once again, and for the last time the maid looked at the ground sad and shook her head. Sarawat went to the dining hall for dinner but he didn't eat that much that evening, at first he thought that Tine had to be on the ship.. but what if he fell... oh God he had to find him and quickly. 

Sarawat went to the boat deck again, he left the bright and warm first class entrance and went out, the cold air coming from the ocean hit his face like a knife, however, nothing was sharper than the feeling of something terrible that could have occured... 

"It's quite cold sir, you should come back inside" an officer that was walking there said as he spotted Sarawat without a coat. 

"No... ummm... thank you... I was looking for .... a friend..." 

"A friend? Did he get lost? Do you want me to look for him sir?" 

"No, thank you... I don't think that he got lost... hes probably just avoiding me... but I suppose he will have to come back tonight since we share the same cabin right?" Sarawat asked chuckling, was he sure about that? Probably not, but he had to find hope. 

As the officer went away he looked at the sky, he walked for a few minutes and after a while he sat down on the floor leaning his back on the side of one of the lifeboats. 

It was so cold out there but Sarawat couldn't care about it less, he wasted the only opportunity he had in his whole life, Tine loved him back... but Tine couldn't know that Sarawat loved him for a much longer time... he couldn't know the nights he spent without sleeping because of him. 

The door of the first class entrance opened once again, a tall silhouette came closer but Sarawat didn't recognize the person in front of him since his eyes were almost colsed. A warm hadn touched his skin and he slowly moved his head like a tiny cat after a gentle caress. 

Everything was so weird, it was like a sweet dream, the music from the hall that came out of the ship like a muffled sound, the warm sensation on his skin... when he suddely felt a pressure on his neck. 

"You... scum..." Sarawat opened his eyes, at first he couldn't see so well, the lights from the windows and the lower part of the funnels was too intense, when he finally noticed he finally recognized the person in front of him... the person who offended him and that was obviously trying to kill him. Fischer. 

Tine went back to his cabin,  the maids sighed in relief and told him that Sarawat was looking for him, he was still pretty calm and went to the cafe for something hot for the night when he heard an officer talking about a guy who fell asleep on the boat deck, Tine chuckled and thought that he had to be Sarawat, he went upstairs so that he could help him to go back to his cabin but he finished drinking. 

In the meanwhile the pressure on his neck became higher and higher, Sarawat couldn't breathe anymore, his vision started to blur and since he didn't have the time to tell this before he murmured

"Tine... I love you..." even if he knew that Tine couldn't hear that. All of a sudden the pressure on his neck disappeard. He opened his eyes to see what was going on. Meyer... Karl Meyer was there, wearing his elegant black coat, pressing on Fischer's chest with his boot and with a cold expression on his face.

"How dare you! Yo..." Fischer didn't finish speaking that the young orderly took out his Luger and shot him sure that the on the deck could hide the shot, the cold expression didn't disappear even when he threw the corpse of the officer out of the ship. 

"K.... Karl?" Sarawat stuttered

"Yes? What do you want? He believed that you were poisoning him... I was sick of him" 

"And you killed him?!" 

"Yes, so?" the sensitive Karl Meyer, the shy guy who spent most of the time on the ship in the library, was in front of him almost with an emotionless face. 

"But... but..." Sarawat tried to say, Karl looked back at the sea

"Such a beautiful night... isn't it?" 

"Karl..." Sarawat continued

"I'm coming..." Karl whispered, he took his gun back, ready to shoot again, Sarawat's eyes widened in fear and he said

"Karl... what... what are you ...what are you going to do?" Karl looked back at him and smirked

"What am I going to do?"

"Yes... you killed a person... and you're so... calm?!"

"Of course, he told me I will call the police when we will be back in Germany... so what were I supposed to do?" Karl replied

"The police? You killed him because you didn't want him to denounce you?! You killed him! The police will get you anyway now!" 

"Oh no dear... they won't find me"

"Can you just tell me what the hell is going on?!" Sarawat shouted, Karl laughed and replied

"I lost the one I loved... and that loved me back... Franz... he died in Stalingrad.. I got the telegram today... I already lost my family, nobody will cry if I disappear..." 

Sarawat's hand covered his mouth in disbelief, Karl patted his shoulder he stepped closer to the border of the ship

"Goodbye Sarawat!" Karl shouted smiling, he took the gun and shot himself, a bullet was enough. As he fell into the ocean Sarawat instinctively tried to catch him and obviously  failed.

"SARAWAT!!" Tine shouted as he reached the deck, thinking that he wanted to drown himself

"T... tine?" Sarawat said looking back. Tine didn't reply and hugged him

"I'm sorry Sarawat... I'm sorry... don't kill yourself... please... not because of me... please...." 

"Tine... I love you." 

Don't harm him... please... don't kill him... 

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