The Adventures Of Hermitcraft: Musical Suicide (Sequel to The Confession)

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I guess this could count as a songfic? Technically? I don't know what else to say, so let's continue. Also, TW for some cursing.

Today was finally the day, I thought. It was a gloomy day with the clouds looming over the sun, but it would fit the scene when I would fall on the concrete and go splat-

"Darling, stop!" A familiar voice called. God, I hated him. Even after many times of saying I didn't want to be with himself after what he did to my mental health, he refused to listen. Now he would get to see what he'd done.

"I'm gonna jump!" I said if it wasn't already obvious.

"Don't do it! I'm sorry, I blew it," he cried. I already knew he only wanted me in his web again, and besides, even if he was genuine, it wasn't enough. Bullshit like that does nothing.

"It's too little, too late," I said what was already obvious.

"NO!" He cried out once more. Oh, won't he just accept my fate and move on with his life?

"You can't change my fate," I told him, if it still wasn't obvious.

"Please!" He yelled. If he really cared, we wouldn't be here. We would still be in a loving relationship. He had a chance and he blew it. There's no hope for our relationship, and there's no changing that.

"I'll leave you and this whole, cruel world behind, permanently!" I announced joyfully.

"NOOOO!" He yelled when I was making my speech. I swear if he doesn't shut up with his bullshit, I'll just jump now without any thought.

"Please, don't throw it all away!" He pleaded, but I no longer cared at this point. He said this millions of times, and I'm not longer falling for it. But I was interested in one more thing, even if he is a prick.

"Why should I stay?" I asked, than immediately regretted.

"I swear I'll never leave, I'll never stray!" He vowed. But that wasn't the problem.

"You never behave." I reminded his immature ass.

"I promise I'll never leave you for another!" He listed off the things he TOTALLY WOULDN'T DO.

"I've heard it before!" I told him. He always said that, and then immediately strayed from what he said he wouldn't do.

"And I'm sorry that I shot your cousin," he apologized, despite my mom being an only child.

"I don't recall," I said, confused.

"Please take me back, I'll make this work!" He begged. I swear, I'm starting to question if he even knows me.

"You say things like that, and than you treat me like a jerk." How does he not remember this!?

"When it comes to love, you come first," I said to remind him how selfish he was just in case he had amnesia.

"I have a condition!" He whined, probably making up lies for being a bitch.

"It's too late! You'll never change! You're the worst!" I yelled.

"I can change! I can learn new positions!" He made up an excuse that wasn't even even funny if he was trying to make a joke.

"If I die, you'll learn the pain I'll feel inside," I said, like I was saying everything in my diary. "You'll suffer the way I did when you lied!"

"Don't do it!" He yelled empty pleas.

"Goodbye!" I said what should be my last words to that asshole.

"WAIT!" He announced. Whatever he said, I wasn't gonna turn around.

"I... I LOVE YOU!" He announced.

Mumbo's POV:

After I saw False on that building, she finally had turned over.

"I love you t-" she said as she turned over which made me realize my mistake.

"WOW! I don't know you!" I realized. Than the fact that she was probably gonna jump came to my head, so I might as well apologize now.

"Sorry, I thought with... the hair..." I started but she had already jumped. This was really embarrassing.

"I'm gonna go," I said as I went off the rooftop, planning to never show my face again.

Hermitcrap/Oneshots S7 [CANCELLED, DON'T BOTHER READING]Where stories live. Discover now