Grian Hits Iskall

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"Grian?" What are you doing?" Iskall asked Grian who was just... standing there. He had no idea why, but it was to close for comfort. And then the real kicker, or should I say... slapper- *gets slapped in the face* came. Grian just snapped and hit Iskall for no reason he could think of. He was only standing there, what did he do!? And reasonably, Iskall screamed in pain. Man, that slap was hard.

"What the fuck?!" Iskall yelled in anger.

"Sorry." Grian apologized.

"Why did you do that!?" Iskall asked the little gremlin.

"I don't know," Grian admitted.

"Fuck you," Iskall spat out in annoyance without thinking and not feeling in any way remorseful for what he said until he heard Grian hiccuping. Oh no, he could not hear him cry, what had he done? It was impossible to hear Grian cry without feeling bad, let alone being the cause he was crying.

"No, don't cry," Iskall tried to comfort Grian before anyone noticed: "I'm sorry," but then Mumbo walked into Grian's base where the two were at the worst time possible.

"Hey guys!" Mumbo said cheerfully. "What's up?"

"Iskall's being mean to me," Grian said still on the verge of tears. Great, now he was screwed.

"What?" Iskall asked in actual confusion, and not as an excuse, even if it seemed like that. "No I'm not."

"Yes you are." Joe said as he came out of the closet he was hiding in to stalk the two, as the author was too lazy to think of an actual good reason he would show up just now.

"Huh?" Now Iskall was seriously confused as to what the hell was going on.

"I saw you," Joe confronted Iskall for his actions against the little gremlin bean.

"U-uh," Iskall said as he tried to come up with an excuse.

"How could you say that to the innocent child!?" Mumbo said to Iskall as he finally came up with something.

"He was the one who hit me!" Iskall said as he tried to defend himself, but no one would listen to him, only the precious bean known as Grian.

"What did he say to you, Grian?" Mumbo asked Grian.

"Fuck you," Grian said, which made the two gasp.

"GRIAN!" They scolded Grian.

"What? He said it," Grian defended his language.

"Do you see what you're doing to this innocent child?!" Mumbo yelled at Iskall for defending himself, apparently.

"He, hit me." Iskall said in a deep voice, followed by a long sigh that turned into a groan at the end.

"You're always being a jerk," Joe said to Iskall. Since when was he a jerk!? But he decided it would a better not to bother with this doomed argument. He dragged out a long breath, and then said...

"Forget it." Iskall said and flew off. How did he survive this madness? He never knew from the start.

Hermitcrap/Oneshots S7 [CANCELLED, DON'T BOTHER READING]Where stories live. Discover now