Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise)

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I reuploaded this from the S6 book, since I was originally gonna just put it there because it takes place in S6, but just to make sure it doesn't bomb, since this one got more popularity then the S6 one. Oh, and that I'll just copy the idea here because I'm too lazy to type it out myself:

 Oh, and that I'll just copy the idea here because I'm too lazy to type it out myself:

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So yeah, enjoy this songfic, I guess.

"That's the thing with STAR, you guys think everyone's in love with you, when everyone actually hates you with a burning passion. Including me." Grian had confronted Mumbo in his base after he found out the truth about Mumbo ditching The G-Team for STAR without even telling him, along with his friends. To Grian, this explained everything. The lack of updates of what STAR was up to, how Mumbo was constantly ignoring Grian and Iskall. And now that Grian's caught Mumbo red-handed, he was going to make him pay.

"This thing is your creation! It was your idea for me to spy on STAR and pretend to be a member of the team!" Mumbo tried to explain himself for the 100th time. He had no idea what Grian was going on about for 40 minutes now. He was just working on a Redstone project, why was he taking his absence so personally just now? He's done this plenty of times just disappearing for days on end, why is he yelling at him now? But he did have to admit, he didn't have anything for the fact that he hadn't submitted an update for God knows how long other then him just being a spoon and nothing of interest happening at the moment. But even then, wasn't that supposed to be a good thing? That nothing bad was happening as of now? But then he remembered: the convex. They probably had something to do with this. He had heard that Doc had wanted to "teach G-Team a lesson", so it was probably his fault his best friend was against him for a lie he believed.

"Oh, but guess what? It's not pretend! You are as much of a STAR member as they come, you might as well be their new leader!" Grian snapped at him. Mumbo had not seen him this angry since so long he couldn't even remember.

"You think your shit don't stink? You think the rest of us are idiots?" Mumbo startled at Grian cursing for the first time, or at least the first time he heard him curse. It was a small one, but it was still a curse word.

"I hate Doc's guts and you know that, but you know what you don't seem to get? AT LEAST HE HAS THE GUTS, TO NOT PRETEND TO BE MY FRIEND!"  Grian yelled out the last sentence with his voice wobbling trying to keep himself from crying. And then it was just a few seconds of silence for Mumbo to comprehend everything. And then Mumbo spoke in an attempt to explain himself.

"Grian," he started before getting interrupted again by Grian.

"No, it's fine! Really fine! Go be fine!" Grian yelled as a signal for Mumbo to leave, but he didn't.

"Grian, can you listen?-" Mumbo started, but Grian refused for him to even start, knowing all the lies Mumbo would use to try and explain actions that he knows would never be forgiven, at least by him anyways.

"You know what you did, Scar told me everything, and you know what I said, now go! I can't stand to look at you anymore!" Grian yelled out, which was when Mumbo finally got the cue that he should definitely leave right about now, but not before bumping into Joe on his flight back to the shops.

"I want my sunglasses." Joe simply said instead of his usual greeting. He needed to find all the members of Team STAR, with his first stop being Doc.

So turns out I changed up a couple things from the original, so whatever. I really don't know if I wanna make a part 2 of this, honestly. Tell me if you're interested, though.

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