Important Note To Read

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So if you still remember me, you noticed I disappeared once again. And no, I have not been working on anything. So I'll just announce why I've disappeared, and probably forever:

I just lost interest in Hermitcraft.

Let me guess, you were probably expecting some dramatic act how BURNT OUT and DEPRESSED I've been and wanna-ok, I think that's enough without offending anyone.

It was bound to happen a long time ago. By the time I starting writing, I barely even watched Hermitcraft, and I was barely interested. And I still don't know why I kept on watching this and putting myself in the fandom, yet here we are. And with me falling into the Splatoon and BBIEAL fandom, it's pretty clear I'm not coming back to this fandom ever again.

So you may be wondering what will become of this book, and the answer to that will be that it will be on an infinite hiatus, or in other words, cancelled. I'm sorry if you wanted to see any continuations to a story you liked or that one idea I said I'd do, but never ending up doing it. It's just for the best at this point.

If you still wanna see any writings by me, I may put up a few stories on AO3 (my username is Candy_Rose if you're interested) but they will definitely not be Hermitcraft.

I'm sorry.

(That was way too dramatic now that I think about it, but I'm not changing anything)

Hermitcrap/Oneshots S7 [CANCELLED, DON'T BOTHER READING]Where stories live. Discover now