The Hole

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Ok, ok, for the record I'm still no longer in the Hermitcraft fandom, so don't get your hopes up. But let's be real here, you can't just not recreate this skit. (Although to be honest, I'd much rather do this with the H.S fandom, but that would mean I had to learn to draw). This will also be more of a storyboard then a story unlike my other skit recreations, so-ok, this is taking way too long, let's just get into it before I lose motivation because of this waterfall of a paragraph.

*cue Cleo walking in the same room as Joe*

Cleo: Joe, have you seen my copy of the greatest movie of all time?

Joe: Seventeen Again?

Cleo: mhm.

Joe: pretty sure it fell in the hole.

Cleo: what hole— OH MY GOD!


Cleo: ... what is that?

Joe: it's a hole

Cleo: yeah, I can see that, but what's it doing there?

Joe: well, I woke up this morning,
*sips something from cup- remember it*
Then there was a hole.

Cleo: well, what're you gonna do about it?

Joe: well, I put a rug over it.


Joe: yeah, it fell in the hole.

Cleo: should we call the police or something?

Joe: oh yeah, I called the police.

Cleo: well then, where are they?

Joe: they're in the hole.


Cleo: *looks around* where is your wife?

*Joe gives her a look*

Cleo: Joe, where is your wife?

Joe: she's at work.

Cleo: oh, *chuckles* where does she work?

Joe: in the hole.


Cleo: God! How deep even is this thing?

*grabs Joe's mug and throws it into the hole*

Joe: that was my favorite mug. Now it's in the hole.


Cleo: Joe, do you even know what this is? For all we know, it could be some unknown dimensional wormhole, or-or a gateway to wherever permakilled PLAYERS go, or-

*Cleo realizes that Joe's gone*

Cleo: Joe? Joe!? JOE!

Joe: hey, what's up, I got a snack. *chomps on golden carrot*

Cleo: Joe, will you please take this seriously-

*some abnormal zombie-thing pops out the hole*

Cleo: *screaming while Joe casually uses a bow and some arrows on it*

Cleo: *calms down* what was that!?

Joe: hole zombie.

Cleo: Where did it come from!?

Joe: ...

Cleo: oh, right! The hole! Yeah. Wh-why are you being so calm about this, anyways?

Joe: oh, me? I'm more worried about the giant overworld ghasts.

Cleo: what overworld ghasts?

*cue massive overworld ghasts causing havoc as one of them grabs Cleo*

Joe: *winces* that one.

Hermitcrap/Oneshots S7 [CANCELLED, DON'T BOTHER READING]Where stories live. Discover now