Headcanon Time!

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I seriously need to get to work on the request. Which reminds me, why do I keep on opening requests when I know that I'm most likely not gonna be able to get them to work? Also, they're just gonna be whatever comes to my head, and may change over time.

-Xisuma is a shapeshifter (proper name is Zarelo, pronounced Zar-ey-low), hence why pops up as different animals every season.

-Doc and Jevin were lab experiments and had their memory wiped, so they don't remember their human lives (they were kidnapped at a young age, so it wasn't like there was much to remember).

-Grian has DID? Maybe? I'm really unsure if I should go into those kind of territories or not due to a lack of knowledge on this. I'm debating if I should just do Schizophrenia (why did they make that so hard to spell?) instead, so tell me if I should keep it or not.

-Joe has Synesthesia (can hear words) and I honestly don't know how to elaborate on this, damn it-

-Time goes by much faster then in the real world, every 19 minutes is a full earth day for the Hermits.

And that's honestly it, I'm probably gonna implement all these in a backstory series I'm doing and the order is supposed to be who joined what season, but I'm too lazy to look it up, so can someone give me a list with the active ones? I know I sound lazy as hell.

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