Heathers AU Because Originality No Longers Comes To Me

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Why do all my titles turn into self-deprecation? Oh well, on with figuring out the characters. Whether or not I actually make a story out of this depends.

Veronica Sawyer: Stress because I'm an asshole (she'll be called Samantha Monuser in this, by the way)

Heather Chandler: genderbent Grian (will be called Charlotte Xelqua)

Heather Duke: genderbent Mumbo (will be called Olivia Jumbo, or Oli for short)

Heather McNarmara (I really hope I spelled that right): genderbent Iskall (will be called Viktoria Iskall)

J.D: Debating between Doc and Tango (If I make this into a story and choose Doc, he'll be called Daniel Mueller, if I choose Tango, he'll be called... Tango Tek, because that name works as a normal human name, if you ask me)

Ram Sweeny: Cub because I ran out of ideas (will be called Carson Fan)

Kurt Kelley: Scar because they're partners in cri-I mean, business. (Will be called Scott Times)

Martha Dunstock: Cleo because she's a weirdo, so it would make sense for her to be bullied in this AU (will be called Cleo Ziobron)

Ms. Fleming: Genderbent Xisuma (will be called Xantha Void)

And I think that's about it, now if you excuse me, I need to get some more to deal with the 2 requests I got.

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