Diamond AU: The Beginning

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(If it's actually true that Xisuma isn't ok with shipping, I'm so sorry)

You might've heard about the builder Grian at one point or another. Some say he was the enemy, while others say he was a hero who inspired them all. Everyone's account on Grian was biased, and that's ok. That happens. But as a person who had known Grian for centuries before his permadeath, I hope to give the least biased perspective on him as possible. Now, without further ado, let me tell you the story of the real Grian, Type Builder, Code 01101.

Long, long before everything we had known now, even before written records, the Watcher of the Watchers, Verial was coded into existence, with exactly how still being a mystery. But soon he found himself lonely, so he coded two other watchers: Morien, who would soon own nearly every public server known to player, and Zae, a watcher who manipulated the feelings of the player. Of course, coding a watcher was not easy as codify the players Verial had created first, and had made many defected ones before he created Morien and Zae, all of which he permanently killed instantly. But despite them being completely different compared to Verial, he accepted them as the first perfect watchers who were programmed by him. by him. But soon, they went on to do other things without Verial, which led to him feeling the same as he started. So Verial programmed a new Watcher with the mentality of a child, someone who would depend on Verial for all of his existence. And that's how the spoiled brat known as Xelqua was created. Xelqua eventually wanted to follow in Morien's steps of being a server publicizer, and that's what led him choosing his very first server to publicize:

The server, Hermitcraft.

Each and every player was designed to fit the mold they were programmed for and to serve their Watcher, in this case being Xelqua. They were made to do one job, and that job only. Everyone had known this and did their duties under the fear of being permanently killed. No one had dared question their caste system. Everyone except Grian.

At first when he was created, Grian tried his best to do his assignments from his Watcher and carry along with his life. Of course he noticed the place known as Hermitcraft and the strange things that lived there, everyone did. But he eventually let that part of his code control him and explore the server he lived in outside of his Spawn Point. Curiosity turned to appreciation. Appreciation turned to fondness. And fondness, turned to love in several forms.

Soon Grian could no longer keep his findings secret and told his fellow builders if they knew about all the amazing things that were already here and how it was a shame that they would be all destroyed by the time the publicization of Hermitcraft was completed. Eventually everyone was talking about Grian's finding, and word made its way to Xelqua himself, who immediately called for Grian.

"Grian," the smallest Watcher asked. "What have you been up to?"

"My Watcher," Grian pleaded, "it has come to my attention that your server bears members and a reputation among others. I know that they're useless to you, but I ask for the end of the publicization of the server so their lives will be spared." Grian said as he did the Watcher salute. Xelqua thought of the little builder's request... and then laughed. A cold, empty, heartless Watcher laugh.

"You wish to spare their lives at the cost of our own? Enough of your nonsense. Go back to your assignment and I will forget about our conversation." Xelqua called for his servant, who escorted Grian back to his Spawn Point and gave him his next assignment. Except Grian could no longer stand to aid in the destruction of Hermitcraft. He had to take a stand for the sake of this server.

"Is this what you want? To build? To destroy at the same time? I've seen the life outside, and it lives here! Do you wish to destroy it, or do you wish to defend it?" Grian's message had started making the other Builders question their duties and their Watchers' trustworthiness, much to Xelqua dismay. His server was falling apart in front of his eyes. So like a baby, he called for his Watcher allies.

But Grian too, had found allies as well. Players that were shunned for being "faulty". Xisuma, a Servant who served himself. False, another Builder who made potions for rebels instead of towers for tyrants, and a completely new fusion for not power, but for love (anyone wanna guess who they are? No one? Ok), and countless others who wanted to protect Hermitcraft. Grian was our leader, and Hermitcraft was our precious home. And those who swore to protect it became known as the Hermits! It was an impossible fight, but we though it, and the more players who saw us on the battlefield, the more our alliance grew!

But Xelqua's forces proved too strong, and Grian feared that soon he would have nothing to protect. He needed to make a choice, and none of the options seemed ideal. But he had decided for the sake of Hermitcraft. Grian took his rebel sword...

And permakilled Xelqua, saving Hermitcraft for all time from his rule of horror.

But you may be wondering what happened after that, there needs to be more to the story, right? Well here it is.

Meanwhile, the other Watchers were furious over Xelqua's permadeath, and in their fit of grief and rage, the Watchers unleashed a direct attack on Hermitcraft which was supposed to permakill all of the players there in order to end the fighting, once and for all...

But you've heard of the story countless times, haven't you? And they all end the same way. The same, depressing way.

Hermitcrap/Oneshots S7 [CANCELLED, DON'T BOTHER READING]Where stories live. Discover now