Chapter 0: Hospital

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•So, first of all, I want to warn you guys about spoilers of this game. This one contain spoilers for everything, so do not read further if you haven't know the spoilers yet.
•Second, this is Fanfiction, so it does not relate to the real plot.
•Please do not comment negative things on here.
•For the mysterious people that I've told you in the description, you'll know soon enough...


This is it...

This is the end of Danganronpa!

We've finally made it out! Alive!

We... we defeated Tsumugi Shirogane! The mastermind...! We'll never need to be afraid anymore!

We all looked at the bright blue sky. I just wanted to feel the air, and went to the outside world as soon as possible with my three friends. Maki, Himiko, and Shuichi.

But then, the ground suddenly shook nonstop, As quick as I could be, I need to get over to my friends. "M-Maki! Shuichi! Himiko!" I yell and run to their places, trying to keep my balance in the progress. "D-Do you have any ideas what's happening?!" But the ground only shook harder, and before we know it, everything turned black.





What's this sound?

Where am I?

Am I... still alive...?

Of course I am!


I slowly opened my eyes, and there were... people... people in white.... they were doctors...? Doctors...? What are doctors doing here? Wait... am I in Japan? Did I come back to the real world?! I finally open my eyes fully, letting out a groan, which caught the doctor's attention immediately.

"Ah, so I see you're awake... miss...?" The doctor paused a bit, and I continued for him. "(Y/N) (L/N)..." The doctor nodded, then wrote something in his notes. With all of my strength, I decided to ask the doctor.

"Why... am I here? What happened?" The doctor looked at me, and start on the explanation. "A day ago, there was some... people sent you, and the three others here. We do not know what is it, but they've paid the hospital bills already, so don't worry." I shook my head, and continued. "You mean, you don't know what happened to me? Wait, where's the others? I want to see them!" I said quickly, and looked around the room, searching for any sights of the familiar heads.

"Well, as I know, there's a boy with dark blue hair at room 112, the red haired girl is at room 207, and the dark brown haired girl is at room 208. And you, (L/N), is at room 111." The doctor stated, and continued to flip through his list. I nod at his answers, then look at the window.

"Can I... go see them now? I mean, I've felt better!" I said, and sat up slowly. "Hmm... there's no serious injuries, so I guess I can let you see your friends." He said, and helped me stand up, and gave me a walking cane.

I thanked the doctor as I begin to walk outside. Since Shuichi is the closest to me, so I guess I'll visit him first. I slowly open the door, hoping that it wouldn't disturb him. And thankfully, he is already up, and is looking outside the window. "Hey... Shuichi?" I said, walking closer to him.

"A-Ah, (Y/N)! What are you doing here? Y-You shouldn't be walking!" Shuichi stated, and I just giggled. "Yeah, sure, like you can make me do something." I said, and took a seat beside Shuichi's bed. "When do you think we can get out of here?" I asked, looking into the boy's yellow-grey-ish eyes.

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