Kokichi End

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This is one of the extra ending! It was requested... I think ;-; (Seriously, kms)


You couldn't stop thinking about what Maruchi said... Shuichi is the killer...? Why would Shuichi do something like... this? What is his motive? But... You guess it's the best if you keep quiet about this... Lunch time, you gone out with Shuichi, like any other day, despite him being a killer, you're pretty good at keeping your temper.

"Hey, (Y/N), you'll still have to work tonight, right?" Shuichi asked as you nods. "Yeah, since Rantaro is basically at the hospital, so I think that Milina would be the person to work with me instead." You said. "Ah, I see..." "Hm? Something wrong?" You tilted your head to a side as Shuichi shook his head. "Ah, it's alright, I was just thinking..." The detective excused as you just furrowed your eye brows.

After lunch, the two of you head back to class, and it was a fine one, nothing much to say, you could feel Shuichi staring at you quite a lot... You decided to ignore it, and continued with class.

You just did your routine, nothing could really be more terrible. After class, you got to your dorm and changed into your uniform at work. Shuichi was just waiting for you like every other day. But before he could go with you, Maruchi came up to you two. "Woah, hey there, Maru! I almost not recognize you!" You commented as Maruchi nodded. "Well... I was just wanting to ask if you can come with me, Shuichi?" Maruchi asked as the detective just nod nervously.

Huh... I wonder what happened...

You wondered, but decided to look away and continue to go to the coffee shop that you work at everyday. Once you've reach there, you saw Milina, was just doing her own work. You soon joined after. It's still strange if Rantaro's not around, but you guess it's really alright. After the shift, you noticed that Milina kept typing something into her phone, and when you tries you look at it, she just turns away.

Maybe it's her diary... or something...

You sighed, and decided to just walk back to the dorm. You inserted the keys, and walked inside. Shuichi isn't back yet... you opened the closet, and took out the checkered scarf that Kokichi gave you.

You make a faint smile at the scarf, and proceed to tie it around your neck. Just as you were about to open the door, a few knocks could be heard. "Yes?" You said as you hesitantly open the door. You were expecting someone else, but it's you favorite boy here, Kokichi Oma! "Ah, hi Koki! How could I help you?" You asked as you let the boy inside.

"Oh... um... I just wanted to spend t-time with you... i-if you don't mind, th-that is..." Kokichi stuttered as you chuckles at his behavior. "I don't mind... well, anyway, I've been wondering about your 'secret organization'! Can you tell me more about it?" You asked as Kokichi just thinks about it, while playing with his hair.

"(Y-Y/N)... I... I wanted to say..." Kokichi trailed off as you just tilts your head. "Yes? I'm all ears." You gave the shy boy a smile as his face only blushed darker. "This i-isn't really an easy thing to tell..." Kokichi muttered to himself. "Is everything alright...?" You asked and tilted your head as you look at him. "E-Everything is fine...! It's just..." He trailed off, and tries to look away. "Wow, you seems pretty nervous at this, well, how about we should go to the courtyard, yes?"

The short male nodded his head as you two begin to head out. "I-I'm glad that you l-like that scarf..." Kokichi said as you nodded. "Of course! I'd like to see more creation from you! Like this scarf is really comfortable!" You said as you just played with the scarf. Kokichi nods, and smiles as he look back down at the ground.

'Just say what you must, Kokichi! You can do it!'

The boy reassured himself, and lifted his chin up again. "(Y/N)!" Kokichi suddenly stopped, making to stops too. "Yeah?" The boy begin to grab your hand, and held it tightly. "K-Kokichi?" You blushed as how you remember how Kokichi acts with you inside the killing game.

"Nishishi! Of course I like you! Anyway, should you just ignore that emo detective already? He's annoying!"

You chuckled, and held Kokichi's hand back. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" "I... I'm..." Suddenly, the ravenette jumped to you and kissed on your lips. Soon, the boy pulled out. "I-I love you alright! I-I-I wanted to be with you forever!" Kokichi blurted out as you blushed at his sudden attack. "Kokichi..." You mutter, and Kokichi looked away from you, ready to back off. "I love you too! But uh, if you're going to confess to someone, say first and kiss later, alright?" You smiled as Kokichi just blushes.

"Anyway, that was a quick kiss, I would like to taste it better!" You smiled, and leaned to the male, and you two shared your kiss.

You didn't really know what would happen to Shuichi, but that's doesn't matter right now. After all, you know that he couldn't bother you anymore.

What happened? That's a whole new thing for you to find out.


Words: 1004

Ending: 4/5


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