Chapter 17: Truth

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☝︎︎That's an art of the past Lamika if you're asking.


In the afternoon, the leader of the Cooking Club- Macky Gitawa- decided to go to his club to get some stuff that he forgot.

"Huh... blood...? Why... is blood...?" Macky questioned when he saw some blood trail from his club. Confused, Macky decided to just open the door, and-

"Arghh!! What the?!" Macky shouted as soon as he saw a blond girl that is hanged on the rope. One of her eyes was wide opened, but white wax was over it, and one is bandaged, but pink blood was too much, and it make the bandage loses its own color.

The arm, legs and stomach of the once normal and clean is now filled with pink blood, and her own meat. "H-How could..." Macky wanted to puke at the sight, but he held it, and ran to the faculty room, or any closest teacher.

Soon, the teacher called the police, and they began to investigate the scene.

And to (Y/N), she heard police siren, so she decided to go downstairs to check if everything is ok... it's obviously not, but she wanted to know what happened.

"Shuichi!" But on her way, she bumped into her roommate, Shuichi Saihara. "What happened? Are you alright?" You asked as you rush to the boy. "I-I don't know, but it sounds bad, I was about to check if you're alright or not..." Shuichi said, and (Y/N) just nodded.

Both of the students now ran to the Clubs area, and saw... a body, that it was covered with white blanket, and the polices are talking to each other. Confused, and wanting to know who died, she came to the police.

"U-Um... mister...? May I ask what happened?" You asked as one of the police looked at you. "Hey, kid, it's not safe around, so just please let us do our job." One of them said making you crosses your arms. "Hey! Chill bud! I mean, she deserves to know who... passed away...!" The kinder one patted on his shoulder, and looked at you.

"Well, as we investigate, a girl named Kaede Akamatsu died of asphyxiation." The male explained as (Y/N) gasp. "W-Wait! Did she hang herself?!" You asked as you looked back to the blood stained white sheet that use to cover the body. "But if so... why is there blood...?"

"Oh, as our investigation, she didn't commit suicide, she was tortured." The police said as (Y/N) nodded. "Do you know who did it? Is there any finger prints?" The girl kept asking, but only got a shook from the police. "Unfortunately, w-" "That's enough, she doesn't need to know everything! She's just a kid, sheesh." The guy from before grabbed his friend's shoulder as you pouts.

"Well, y'know, I've seen worse from what you've seen." (Y/N) started as Shuichi just grabs the girl's arm. "I-I think that's enough, th-they don't need to know..." Shuichi stuttered as (Y/N) turns away.

"I hate him... ugh..." (Y/N) groans as Shuichi nodded slightly. "S-So um... what do you think about Kaede's... sudden death...?" Shuichi asked as the girl flinched a bit.

"W-Well... normally we'll have to see the body too... but now... it's weird when a death is happening... I mean! Ugh! How do I explain this? Yes, Kaede bullied me... but... I don't think that she deserves to be tortured..." You said as you held one of your arm.

But then, you saw Macky, the boy that you saw a few days ago that held the Cooking Club. But he was with a doctor... or something. Curiosity killed the cat, you decided to head to him.

"Hey... Macky, right? Do you... know what happened?" You asked as you looked at the boy in the eye. "U-Uh... I-I'm the one who saw the body..." Macky confessed as he looked back at your (E/C) eyes.

"R-Really?! Can you tell me what you saw?" You asked as Macky looked back down to the floor. "I think you should leave him be, miss, he has been traumatized enough." The doctor said, and you just nods. I'll ask him by other day then... you sighed, and just put your hand into your jacket.

"Wait! But!- we can find other members! I-It doesn't have to be like this!" The girl with light blue hair, which you saw her was the leader of the music club just shouted at one of the teacher. "I'm sorry, miss.Gitawa, but I'm afraid I have to close your club." She replied and walked away.

"B-But..." "Mizumi, it's alright..." Another boy came to comfort the girl, and she just smiles weakly back. "Aw... so Kaede's death also inflected the club too?" You asked as Shuichi just thinks about it. "I think it because they're no longer have enough club members..." Shuichi said as you nodded. "Poor her then..."

But what you don't know, is someone is watching you... -no, scratch that- not you, but Shuichi. Yes, it's Shuichi. "So... they said that while the body was there, there's a song was played in the music club too..." Maruchi said as he walked to his childhood friend, Milasa.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Maruchi asked as he look to the direction that Milasa's looking at, and saw you with Shuichi. "I know you like (Y/N), but we still have stuff to do, y'know?" Maruchi joked as he gave Milasa the papers.

"I don't do that anymore, Maru. I just... I have something better to do." Milasa said as she grab the paper from Maruchi. "Anyway, as I was saying, there's a song played when Kaede's dead. It was... Clair De Lune, yeah, but I don't understand why must the culprit turn on that tune." Maruchi said as he rubbed his chin.

"Well, thanks for this files Maru, appreciate it!" Milasa forced a smile at the Multi Talent boy, and took the files.

"What's wrong with her...?" Maruchi asked himself and continued his investigation. "Have you found anything useful, Bryce?" A guy walked to the boy's direction as he just shook his head. "No... but um... have you seen a girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes? Oh, she have a (H/L) (Hair Length) too." Maruchi asked as the guy think for a bit.

"Oh, of course, she was with that dark blue haired boy who wears a hat, they're heading over to the dormitories, why?" After that, Maruchi just shook his head. "Nothing! Well, I should continue this mysterious case!" Maruchi sweat dropped as the guys tilted his head.

"Why do you want to know the answers so bad? Is Kaede your friend or something?" He asked as the Multi Talent boy shook his head. "No... but I just wanted to help..." "You've never wanted to solve any case so bad, why now?"

"Milasa forces me to... ugh... I mean, I would help her... and I mean it... I wanted to solve this case..." Maruchi said as he rubs his forehead. "Well, that's Super High School Level Investigator for you." The guy shrugged.

"Yeah... but... hey dad? Do you have any idea why was Clair De Lune on when Kaede's dead?" Maruchi asked as he searches the files one more time.

"Oh, I dunno about that, but uh, just don't work to hard on that, something bad might happens. Best of luck to you, Maruchi." He said, and left the area.

"Yeah, best of luck to you too, James... I mean... dad..." Maruchi frowned as he said the last word. "Could Clair De Lune has some hints? Or the culprit just wanted to have fun?"


Ok, so you guys might be like: "Wait, am I supposed to know that Maruchi is SHSL Investigator?" Nah, nope, his talent will be explained in the future. So for now, be it.

Also, we have a new character! James Bryce!

Words: 1337


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