Chapter 23: Hope

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"Are you... sure that you cannot find that it leads to anyone?" The brunette asked as the officer just sighed and shook his head again. "It's possible that it's a suicide, since her sister was dead a few days ago, right?" The police asked as Maruchi just sighs, and nodded.

"Well, we'll investigate more, and will tell Mr. Bryce if we found anything unusual. For now, you can just sit there. Since we don't really need a kid to be involved." The officer explained as Maruchi flinch a bit. "Wh-What do you mean by that?! I-I can help!" Maruchi defended himself, but before anything could happens, his dad entered the scene.

"Now, can't we just go now? I don't like to cause a mess." James said as Maruchi took a step back, and decided to follow his dad. "So... found anything?" James asked while writing something in his notebook, and Maruchi just looked to the floor.

"How could it be a suicide? I refuse to believe it was a suicide!" Maruchi shouted in anger, and his dad just sighed. "Believe what you want to believe, Maruchi, but the truth is the truth." James said and continued to look at his note.

"Tch... like you'll understand..." Maruchi growled and walked away from his dad, and rushed to his dorm room. "No... it cannot be a suicide! She wouldn't do that! Would... she...?" The brunette sat on his bed, but then, a knock on the door could be heard.

"G-Go away! I don't want to talk to you, James!" Maruchi yelled and held his head. But the response isn't his dad, but it's a female voice. "It's me, (Y/N)... do you want to talk?" The female asked as Maruchi just slowly got out of his bed, and walked to the door.

"O-Oh! Um, didn't think you'd responds, haha... well, um... I mean... if you need someone to talk to, then I'm here." You said as Maruchi forced a smile to curl on his lips. "I-It's alright, (Y/N), I'm fine honestly..." Maruchi said nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You don't sounds like you're fine..." You pouted. "I know that fake smile anywhere! So c'mon, just talk to me, I'm here to listen..." You said and grabbed one of the boy's hand, and held it.

"O-Oh... um... we can... go somewhere to talk..." Maruchi said as you just look around. "Nah, your room is fine... so... can I come in?" You asked as Maruchi just silently nods.

You both sat comfortable on the boy's bed, and you just speak up in case there'll be an awkward silent again.

"S-So um... do you want to talk about Milasa?" You asked as Maruchi look away. "Well... it's best that we don't talk about her, (Y/N)... hm... let me see... you can ask me anything, as long it isn't to hard for me to answer." The brunette said as you smiled. I'm glad he agreed to open up with me!

"Well... I've always wondered about your talent, so um... how did it work?" You asked as the boy flinched a bit. "O-Oh... my talent, huh?... well, perhaps it's time to let you know about it anyway..." Maruchi sighs, and you nodded.

"Well... when I was young, and I have a talent that is called the Super High School Level Investigator... well, it was simple to achieve, because my dad is a police anyway... but when I got older, my talents started to change. I have many other talents like Unlucky Student, and Painter... well, I still didn't know how I got those, but it's a bit weird for anyone to achieve that much talents... well, until one day I got into Talent Seeker... it was wrote on the letter that my talent is Super High School Level Multi Talent, and I learn to accept it..." Maruchi explains as you nodded.

"Wait... you have more than 3 talents now? How many did you got? I mean, you don't have to tell if you don't want to..." You nervously said as the bit just chuckled. "It's alright... but I truly don't want to tell anyone though... only Milasa knows everything... but um... I think that it's enough for you... sorry for not telling everything..." Maruchi apologized and you just smiles.

"It's alright, pushing people is not my stuff, haha... well... since you told me your secret, I guess I should tell you mine too." You said as Maruchi tilted his head. "W-Well... um... you might think I'm crazy... but this is real... so um... have you ever heard of Danganronpa?" You asked as you looked into Maruchi's blue eyes.

"I..Is it a game or something?" Maruchi asked as you just mouthed an 'oh' and looked away. "Well, kinda... but it's like a game show? I mean... you didn't know anything about it?" "No... I've never heard of it...."

"Well... I guess it's fine too... but Danganronpa is basically a Killing Game... where a student have to kill another, and when the body is discovered, the remaining have to participate in a trial to solve that murder." You said as Maruchi nodded. "Well, that sounds kinda... creepy... but does it have anything to do with you? I mean..." Maruchi trailed off and looked away.

"Well... yes... I was participated in that game... and we have to kill each other... it... it was really gory..." You said as Maruchi is getting more focused into your story. "Wait... you're saying that... you were in a Killing Game? What happened?!" He panicked as you just smiled nervously.

"Well... it's obvious that I'm fine... but... the more weird thing is... you remember Tsumugi, right?" You asked as Maruchi nodded. "Yeah, she's the fashion club leader, right?" "Yes, that's her... well... she was the mastermind of that game, and got killed... but for some reason... she's here!" You said as Maruchi's eyes widened. "But... not only her... Kaede, Rantaro, Kokichi and others is here too... I... I don't know how... but...." You trailed off as Maruchi put a hand on his chin.

"Say, is there anything that's different about them?" The brunette asked as you nods. "Yes, their personalities... for example... you know Tenko? She's so obsessed in boys... but inside the Killing Game, she liked girls, and hated boys!" You said as Maruchi kept thinking about it.

"This is weird... but... I don't remember if there's anything called 'Danganronpa'... Maybe we can try to search it on the internet?" Maruchi suggested and took out his phone.

After tying the Danganronpa word, he tried to search, but there's none results for Danganronpa... "Oh well... but (Y/N), did you go to therapist or anything? I mean, this sounds really bad..." Maruchi shot a worried look at you. "I... I didn't... you're the only person who knew about this... and Shuichi, Maki and Himiko too..." You said as Maruchi tilted his head again.

"Wait, did all three of them joined the Killing Game with you?" Maruchi asked as you nod. "Yes... and now it's a bit awkward around here... and there's still killings happening... so... I'm scared Maruchi..." You said and you gripped tighter into you skirt.

"It's... alright... (Y/N)... its going to be alright." Maruchi said and leaned closer to you. He kissed on your forehead, and leaned back out.

"A-Ah... wh-what was th-that for?" You stuttered as Maruchi just chuckles. "Well... I usually do this to calm Milasa down, so I thought I could... yeah..." Maruchi said as you looked away from the boy. "Yeah, it was quite calming..." You said.

"Well... if you need any comfort about that Killing Game, you can always come to me." Maruchi said as you chuckled. "Yeah, I'm glad that... we could know each other's secrets..." You smiled as Maruchi smiles back.


*Le gasp*
A chapter without Shuichi!!! Don't kill me! I know this is Shuichi x Reader pls don't kill me!!

Words: 1339


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