Chapter 32: Reason

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You got back to the dorm, and you noticed that the tense atmosphere is back, making you almost not wanting to come back to this room ever again. "Hey, Shuichi... We need to have a talk, a serious one." You said as Shuichi looked at you, his expression is still the same.

"Well, I've noticed that you've been really off, and I think that you need to talk to someone." You begin and sat down at the boy's bed, right besides him. "And, don't try to pull out the Killing Game reason." You stated as Shuichi stays quiet again.

"Listen Shuichi... We will never sort this out if we won't talk." You said and begin to put your hand on the boy's shoulder. "Shuichi... Please, just listen to me fore once." You said and stared into his eyes, Shuichi just placed his hand on yours, and nodded.

"Well... It was just about... I had a crush on this... student." Shuichi confessed as you gasp. "Wait, really?! Who is it?" You removed your hand from the detective's shoulder, and you swear you saw him frowned a bit.

"Well... she's a talented student... but... um... I think that I shouldn't tell you much... it's quite embarrassing..." Shuichi played around with his finger as you mouthed an 'oh'. "Ok! I mean, it's fine if you don't want to talk about it, but I hope that you confesses to her soon!" You gave him a thumbs up as he smiles back.

I guess I avoided it... but her expression, it was like she thought that my crush was someone else... did she really think it like that?

Shuichi debated with himself again, as you just prepares yourself to go to sleep. Shuichi kept staring at you, when you didn't notice, of course. The detective sighed, and start to prepare himself too. He wanted to be with you, but it seems too hard to reach. Besides, you couldn't take a single hint about him.

You both went to sleep, but Shuichi couldn't quite sleep since he noticed how you and him are close. He was about to be more than friend with you... if only he confessed inside the Killing Game, then he wouldn't have to waste so much effort right now.

He would want to confess right now, but he's scared to be rejected. No, he's scared that someone has taken you heart before. And he'd loose his opportunity. He's pretty sure who to eliminate next, but he wanted to choose the right target. He's pretty sure on Damian, since the singer talked to you a lot. He's not sure about Rantaro and Kokichi, because you haven't talked much with Kokichi, and you seems uncomfortable with Rantaro.

Shuichi is not confidence with Maruchi and Macky, but those two is still his rivals anyway. Shuichi is quite sure that Maruchi'd have a crush on Milasa instead, but still, he's not sure to confirm that. If only he did more researches.

"(Y/N)..." Shuichi muttered, then he noticed that you fell asleep, so he decided to get out of his bed, and march his way to your bedside. "(Y/N)... when will you notice my feelings for you? Is it so hard to just ignore those other boys?" Shuichi whispered and kneed down, Shuichi started to get a strand of your (H/C) hair, and play with it.

"Your hair is so silky, (Y/N)... and it's perfect... I love it, (Y/N)... I love everything about you..." He continues as he leans over to you slowly. "So... close..." Shuichi muttered and placed his lips on yours, of course it's not quite a 'kiss', but with Shuichi, it was more than enough for him.

The detective quickly leaned back and covers his mouth. "I-I did it...! I kissed... hah..." Shuichi smiled about his accomplishment, and went back to his bed. There's no way he would forget about this night...


"Eh... morning already?" You groaned and got up from your bed. Looking over to Shuichi, you saw him having a smile curled on his lips, you felt happy for the boy, since he didn't really smiles much... He must have a good dream, huh... You smiles and got out of the bed, getting ready for the day.

"Hey Shuichi! Wake up already." You wake up the boy and Shuichi just starts to rub his eyes. "O-Oh, (Y/N), good morning." He smiled at you, while you just prepare the clothes.

After you both done, you walked out of the room, and walk to class like any other normal students- "(Y/NNNN)!!!" A familiar voice suddenly called out for you, and you turned to that direction. A wild Himiko suddenly tackles you, and you just looked at her with a confused eyes.

"H-Himiko? Is everything alright?" You asked as the short girl nodded her head. "Guess what happened, (Y/N)!" Himiko cheered as you think about it. "Um... your MP is filled..?" You took a random guess as she shook her head. "I got in the student council!!" The magician announced as you clasp your hand together. "Oh! That's great Himiko! You can finally get close to Angie!" You said as Himiko nodded rapidly.

"I'm so happy, (Y/N)!!" The girl cheered again and you just pats her head. "So... Maki is not with you?" You asked as Himiko shook her head. "Nyeh... no, I haven't seen her around." Himiko said as you nod slightly. "Alright then, well... just head to class for now." All three of you then reaches the classroom, and you looked around, and saw...

"Nyeh? Maruchi? When did you move to this class?" Himiko asked as Maruchi looked over to your direction. "A-Ah... sorry, I was just replacing the flowers... I... i don't want these to be... y'know..." Maruchi said and held some violet flowers in his hand. "Ah, I understand." You said as Maruchi placed the flowers on Milasa's desk.

You gazed at it sometimes, and notices how close Maruchi is with Milasa, it's quite surprising how he didn't snap just yet. Wait! What am I thinking about?! I shouldn't be worrying about Maru and Mil!!


Words: 1032


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