Chapter 36: Cupcake

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It was still night, and Shuichi couldn't sleep. Knowing that you'd be safe in your room anyway, Shuichi walked out of the dorms, and took a scroll around the school. But it was pretty boring, so he decided to head outside. "Oh, is that you, Shuichi?" The detective turned around to see his least favorite person, Macky Gitawa.

"Oh... Yeah... I was just a little bit... free so..." Shuichi answered and waited for Macky to catch up. "Yeah, I just... couldn't sleep." Macky sighed and walked with the detective. "Why did you even walk with me anyway...?" Shuichi asked as Macky shrugs. "I dunno... I just feel lonely... I guess?" Macky said, half-asked.

Shuichi was quite annoyed, but he found out what he could take advantage of this... he found out that he brought his poison, that he got from the infirmary. He didn't know why, but he knows that if a person get overdosed, then they'd die anyway. Shuichi found a alley, and pushed Macky in there, to avoid any attention from other people.

Shuichi took out the poison, and stared at Macky. "Sh-Shuichi?!" Macky asked as he tries to stand up, but Shuichi grabbed Macky's neck, and pushed the poisons inside his mouth. "Ghh...!!" Macky cried, and tries to break out of Shuichi's grip. The poison worked quite perfectly, and made him shut up really fast. Shuichi smirked and let go of the cook's neck. "I'm glad that I wore my gloves today..." Shuichi said, and tossed the bottle next to Macky's body.

Next step, the boy went back to the school, and to the dorm you both shares. You didn't get awake just yet, since it's still early anyway. Shuichi took off his jacket, and sat on his bed again. "Good night, (Y/N)... and... Macky... too!" Shuichi smiled and begin to sleep peacefully.

The next day, you woke up from your bed, and you swear you could hear police's siren... wait, no... it wasn't accidental! Did someone died again?! You got out of the bed and looked outside the window. And there's no police car outside of the school... so where are they?

"(Y/N)?" Shuichi asked as you turn to the boy. "Oh, good morning, Shuichi... well... there's polices around, so I thought someone died... maybe just normal criminals?" You questioned and looked outside the window again. "Well... you know? We can just go to class now..." Shuichi suggested as you nods.

"Yeah, I'll get changed now." You said and picked your clothes, and enters the bathroom. After changing, you both walked to the classroom, and... you saw that officer again! His name was James, right? He was talking to Maruchi, and you're just pretty confused on what's happening.

"Oh, Shuichi! Right on time..." Maruchi called and marched over to you two. "Well, the school camera recorded that last night that you walked out of the school, and after that Macky went out too... do you know anything about this?" Maruchi asked as he showed you two the video. "Yes... it's me... but I didn't see Macky, I went out by myself." Shuichi said with a blank face as Maruchi nodded. "Oh, sorry for bothering, haha..." Maruchi sweat dropped as you look at Shuichi suspiciously.

Wait, what are they talking about?! What happened to Macky?!

"Wait, Maru, what happened?!" You asked while Maruchi sighs. "Well... sorry to say this, but this morning... Macky was found dead, the reason is he drank too much of this... thing..." Maruchi said and held up the bottle, with plastic case of course.

"W-Wait... What?!" Your eyes goes widened as you couldn't believe what you hear. "I-I... Macky is... dead...?" Your arms trembled. You can't even stand up straight. You tried your best to not letting Lamika and Milasa's death pull you down, but you couldn't take this anymore.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Shuichi asked as he shook your shoulder a bit. "I-I'm fine... but... please tell me that this is all a joke... please..." You said, as your eyes started to get all watery, and before you know it, you were all in Shuichi's arms. You hugged the boy tightly, and begin to cry. "I'm... sorry..." Maruchi sighed and pat your back. "Please... why does everyone have to die?! Macky, Lamika... Milasa did nothing wrong!" You cried and Shuichi just keep on comforting you.

It was for you, (Y/N)... you'll see it one day, (Y/N)...

Shuichi smirked, and after that, you both returned to the class. The atmosphere only get more terrible, and you were paranoid of everything. You were scared that you could be the one to die next, even though surroundings of yours is pretty crowded. And Shuichi was always be by your side too.

"Shuichi... please don't leave me... alright...?" You asked as Shuichi nods. "I-I don't want to sounds weak... but I'm scared... there's death going on even though we're not even in that Killing Game!" You shouted, as Shuichi just nodded with a visible smirk on his face. "It'd be alright, (Y/N), as long as I'm here then I'll protect you..." The detective said, and patted on your head.

"Thanks..." You mutter, and continued to walk back to the dorm with Shuichi. Rantaro said today the coffee store wouldn't open anyway, so you have a whole free time. "So... Would you like to go somewhere?" You asked Shuichi as he nods. "Alright, but where do you want to go?" "Anywhere that's safe..." You mumbled, and look up to Shuichi again. "Ice cream might work..." You suggest as Shuichi nods. "Alright!" 

Shuichi is really happy about your sudden break down. Though he hate to see you're really scared of the things around you, but he know it was for the best. You'll only trusts him now, and Shuichi could have you all for himself. 

But you, in the other hand, tried to calm yourself down in every seconds, and try to revert back to your original self. You assumes it'd be a bug for Shuichi, your roommate, and long time friend, because he'd always have to handle your weak situation... That's only what you thought. You thought it would be a bother for Rantaro, since he works with you, and you'd hate to see him wasting his time for you. And final but not least, Maruchi. You thought that he still have many works to attend to, and he still have Milasa and Lamia's case to figure out, so you have to be strong. 

Not only for three of them, but for you too... for Maki, for Himiko, for everyone around you...

But you didn't know that Shuichi is secretly enjoying it...


Words: 1107 


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