Bad End

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After what Maruchi told you, you couldn't stop thinking about it. Those questions like... 'Is Shuichi actually the culprit?' Kept running in your mind. You wanted to ignore what the investigator said. But you just can't. You didn't dare to meet Shuichi anymore, you don't want to make eye contact, not anything. After class, you walked out of the classroom as quick as possible, you didn't want to deal with Shuichi today.

And Shuichi, on the other hand is flustered because you ignored him, and tried to avoid him every time possible. But you can't hide forever... of course... you two are roommates, after all. "(Y/N)... why are you... ignoring me...?" You clenched your fist as you noticed that Shuichi was right at the door. "I was... busy..." You excused as Shuichi stay silent.

"Well, I need to go to work today, so excuse me for a bit..." You then went to the bathroom, and locked yourself there. You wanted Shuichi to leave you alone so bad, now that you know what he did. You're scared. What if he kills you too? You can't let that happen! No matter what...

After changing yourself, you walked out of the dorm, not even warning Shuichi, and made your way to the coffee shop, not wanting the boy to catch up to you. You finally made your way there. It would be fine if Shuichi got here, since it's crowded, and maybe he wouldn't do anything to you here. Soon, Shuichi came, and took a table. You were praying for Milina to come soon, so she could talk to him instead.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Milina said as she entered the coffee shop. You got to the brunette, and asked her to take order of Shuichi for you. Milina just shrugs, and agreed. You were just working like any normal day, but you could feel glaring, and tension from Shuichi. You're really scared what would happen if this shift end. You don't want to be close to him, or see him anymore. You're scared to.

After your shift, Shuichi and you walked together... like any other day. "(Y/N), why are you ignoring me?" Shuichi suddenly asked, that question make you flinch, and you just gripped tighter into your shirt. "W-Well... I was busy... So please forgive me for th-that..." You stuttered and look away from the boy. "Yeah... but please don't do that again, ok? I care about you really much, (Y/N)." Shuichi said, leaning closer to you.

"U-Um... yeah... let's just go back to the dorms! Haha..." You chuckled nervously, and tried to walk faster than him so you could escape the distances. Once you two has finally reaches your dorm, you just locks yourself inside of the bathroom, and hugged your knees closer to your chest. "What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do...?" You said as you closes your eyes.

You believes that Shuichi is the murderer of everything now, but you don't know how to proof it, you wanted him to leave you alone, and never talk to him again. But how will you do that? You don't know. You will try to do something... You will do something to stop Shuichi. You don't know what is his motive, but you'll still going to help through everything.

After you took a bath, you went on your bed, and tries to fall asleep, but you're worried that Shuichi would decides to kill you or something. Without getting sleep, you just lay there, and do nothing. But then, you could fell something- no, someone came closer, and closer to your bed. Obviously it's Shuichi, no one can enter the dorm room anyway.

You gripped onto your blanket, and tried to not move or make any sounds. You could feel Shuichi leans in, and tries to do something. 'Am I going to die? Please... don't do anything...' You begged in your head. But then, Shuichi leaned out for some reason, and I could hear his footsteps getting back to his bed. 'What was that...?' You lift your head up a little, seeing Shuichi just lay down on his bed.

'What is wrong with him?' You furrowed your eye brows as you lowered your head back down, and start to sleep.

The next morning, you wake up before Shuichi... 'Thank God...' You sighed, and quickly changes yourself. You opened the door, trying to not making any sounds, and ran out as quick as possible. You made your way to the councilor's office. Once you were there, she lifted her chin to see you. "How can I help?" The lady asked as you looked around you, clearly paranoid by the surroundings.

Broken Memories (Yandere!Shuichi x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now