Chapter 6: New Emotion

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"Oh, hi, (Y/N)... what brings you here?" The person who opened the door was Maki, she's wearing her pajamas, I think. Her pajamas is light red, and has some white stripes on it. But her hair is still tied into pigtails though.

"I just want to check on you guys! Is that a something wrong to do?" I pouted as Maki rolled her eyes. "Oh! (Y/N)! You're right on time! I was about to make some magic for Maki to watch!" Himiko cheer as I smiled. "Oh, sure! I love your magic, Himiko!" I said, and Maki let me in.

"Well... I'd want to do something more here... but since this is a small room, so I can only do easy magic..." Himiko frowned. "Ah, is that so? Well, it's alright, let's just roll with it!" I said, and Himiko nodded.

"Alright! (Y/N)! Pick a card out of these!" Himiko said, and lay out a bunch of cards. I think for a while, and picked the right side, almost at the end card. As I pick it up, I looked at it. It's 8 of Diamond. "Have you memories the card yet, (Y/N)?" Himiko ask as I nodded.

"Now, put the card here in the middle of the card deck! And you shall see the magic!" Himiko said, and I put the card in the middle. Himiko then begin mixes the cards, and I just watched.

"Oh! It seems like your card went missing, (Y/N)! So I'll just flip this, and we'll see where it went!" Himiko said, and she lay down the cards on the bed, spreading it out. "Hey! Isn't tha- oh... wait, where's my card?" I shouted as I didn't see it anymore.

"Do you mind checking your jacket's pocket, (Y/N)?" Himiko asked, as I put my hand into the jacket as she told me. Oh! There's something here...! I pulled out and see, it was truly my 8 of diamond! "Woah! Himiko! That is a cool tri- I mean, magic!!" I praised the girl as she smiled.

Suddenly, the door room opened, and revealed a certain detective. "Oh, hi... it seems like... you guys are having fun..." Shuichi said as I nodded. "Well, Himiko just showed me her magic! So yeah!" I smiled, but Shuichi just gave me a weak smile, and closed the door. What's wrong with him...?

"Alright girls, I'd want to stay, but for now, I've to check if Shuichi is fine..! Bye, see you tomorrow!" I waved as Himiko and Maki waved back. I sighed, and walked out of the room.

"Hey Shuichi, why didn't you say anything?" I asked as Shuichi just look at me. "Well? Anyway, Rantaro said that he found for me a new job! Isn't it great?" I asked as Shuichi's eye went widened, but then back to normal again in a brief second. "A-Ah... really? Rantaro... huh?" Shuichi then mumbled something, but I couldn't hear. "Is it reminds you of the Killing Game? How many times did I tell you? We'll be fine! Are you doubting me?" I asked as Shuichi quickly shook his head.

"N-No! It's not like that... it's just..." I then pulled Shuichi into a hug. "Hey... if you have anything troubling you, then you can just tell me, alright? I'll hear you out, Shuichi!" I pulled out, and smiled at the boy. Which he only gave me a weak smile back.

"Say, you want to go on a walk together?" I ask, and the detective nods. We spend the time that we still have before nighttime comes, and talked with each other at the fountain.

<Shuichi's P.O.V>
I don't know why, but I felt... weird of these days around (Y/N). Whenever she's here, it makes me happy. She has been so helpful at the class trial... and she even defended me when I was about to get accused in Rantaro's case... why didn't I see her kindness until now?

Her eyes, her hair, her everything! It's beautiful! And she... she has bring me happiness until now... what is wrong with me? Why can't I get her out of my head?

"Hey, Shuichi?" (Y/N) then turned to me. "I noticed that you didn't spend much time with me back at the Killing Game... so I wanted to ask that is it because you hate me?" She asked, and I shook my head. "N-No! I don't hate anyone! It's just... I dunno... maybe I didn't feel like it..." I frowned as (Y/N) nod is understand.

"Sorry for such a silly question, Shuichi... its just that I'm scared of being ignored..." (Y/N) continued. "I-I wanted to make as many friends as possible! I-I don't want to be bullied or being ignored... you know... it's my biggest fear..." (Y/N) confessed.

"O-Oh... I'm just ramble about unnecessary stuff... haha! Well, let me get a drink for us, alright?" I nodded as (Y/N) stand up, and went to a vending machine. "D-Don't worry, (Y/N), as long as I'm here... the you don't have to be worried about being alone, (Y/N)~" I muttered to myself as (Y/N) just came back with 2 blueberry soda on her hand.

"Eh, I didn't know what you'd want, so I brought this one, I hope it's alright!" (Y/N) smiled as she gave me the can. I gladly took it, and begin popping the can to drink. (Y/N) did too, and when she finished, she placed it on that bench between her and mine.

I didn't focus on what she were saying, but on the can. I slowly moved my hand to grab the blue can, and hid it aways somewhere in my jacket. "Hey, Shuichi, it's getting cold, let's go inside, alright?" (Y/N) suggested as I nodded. We both stand up, but (Y/N) keep looking around. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" I asked, but she only rub her head. "I remember my can was here! Where did it go?" (Y/N) sighed. "Littering in Japan is not legal..."

"Oh, if it's not here, then you don't have to be worried, (Y/N), just wait until I put mine in the trash, (Y/N)." (Y/N) nodded, and I walked over to the trash can, and threw my can in there, I came back to my (Y/N).

We walked to the room that we both share. And I got used to it already, it was even more nice to have (Y/N) always being my my side, actually. It wasn't a bad thing, it was my luck to bring her closer to me! I opened my own closet, that had some of my clothings, and a small box in there, I opened the box, but nothing is in there, so I decided to put the empty can that was belonged to (Y/N) inside. Closing the box, I walked to my bed again.

"Hey Shuichi?" (Y/N) asked, and I turned my head to her spot. "Yes, (Y/N)?" "Do you like Kaede? I mean... you're pretty bond with her in the Killing Game..." (Y/N) said as I shook my head. "No... I just liked her as a friend... but Kaede we know right now... she's too extreme..." I sighed. Besides, I only like you, (Y/N)~

"Yeah, can't argue..." (Y/N) said. But then, a bell rang, making us both flinched.

"It is now 10:00 pm at the Talent Seeker Academy, as the Academy's rule, it is now sleeping time, anyone who leaves their dorm room will be considered as breaking the rules, we only accept emergency."

"10:00... pm...?" (Y/N) muttered, but I only stood still into place. "Hey, Shuichi, are you alright?" She asked, and I'm pretty sure that she has left her bed already. "Y-Yeah..." I mumbled, and received another hug from girl. "Don't worry, alright?" She pulled out, and looked at me with her (E/C) eyes. It was amazing... but I wish we could do more than just hug...

"Well, good night, Shuichi!" (Y/N) said, and climbed back to her bed, and pulled the blanket over her face. I looked at her all night, and keep on admire her beauty. I wonder if she's a heavy sleeper or not?


Huh... I didn't expect it to be 1000+ words already... I was about to put Seesaw, Atua, And Bug in here... well, next chapter, I guess...

Also, Shuichi is now a bit Yandere, just as promised.

Words: 1432


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