Chapter 2: New life

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"Well, I guess we should go through the letter?" Shuichi asked as all us three nods. Maki nervously unfolded the paper, and we begin reading it out...


Dear the survivors of Danganronpa 53rd.

We've decided to send you this letter, since you've survived our Killing Game. We enrolled you four to a talent high school. You all can keep your talents. There are dorms in that school, so you don't have to be worried about your place.

Here are some currency you can use, however, this will be all.

Dearest to you,

Team Danganronpa.


"Seriously? They did this?" Maki asked, and held the letter tighter. "Wait, what is this 'talent school'? How do we get there?" I asked while panicking.

"Yeah... I guess that we'll have to ask the doctors? I mean, if they did not describe it clearly, then I guess that school is pretty clear..." Shuichi said, put a finger on his chin. "Well, then I guess we'll have to ask right no-" "There you are..." The door opened, and revealed the doctor that I've seen yesterday.

"Ah, right! Um... do you know any talent school nearby, perhaps?" I asked, and walked to him. "Ah, yes, there's a school called Talent Seeker Academy, it's not far away from here, so I think that you could walk there... but why'd you ask?" The doctor then looked at me. "Well, we got enrolled there, so we'd just want to know the location." I smiled, and look back at my friends.

"Well, if you don't mind, then can you tell us the clear location?" Shuichi asked as the doctor nods. "Well, for that, I'll have to do more research, I'll... tell you later." He said and walked out of the room. "Wow, he'd actually do that? I mean, I was expecting him to say 'no'..." I sighed. "Well, I think it's my magic to make him do that!" Himiko smiled, and I just nodded.

"So... I guess that we'll have to get out of here as soon as possible..." Maki said. "Yeah, I can't wait to start our normal life!" I chimed in, and everyone nodded.

Then, the door opened, and that doctor came in, holding some papers. "Here's some documents about that school, you can have it when you wanted it so much..." the doctor said, and handed us the papers. "Thank you!" I cheered, and took the papers. After he walked out, I read it out loud for my friends.

Well, the letter talked about they recruited students that has a certain talent, and it's next to the hospital. The location isn't that hard to find... I guess. Besides, it's a big school.

"So Maki, you're the Ultimate Child Caregiver, Shuichi is the Ultimate Detective, and Himiko is the Ultimate Mage... I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student... This wouldn't be that bad!" I forced a smile, and others nodded. "Nyeh... I guess Maki's still wanting to hide your talent..." Himiko said. "Of course, Himiko, it's quite dangerous to let anyone know that she's an Assassin!" I growled.

But then everything chilled down, and we gone back to our room.

"When can we get out... actually...?" I asked as I look into the doctor's eyes. "Well, it seems that you four didn't have any serious injuries, so if you want, you can discharge from the hospital tomorrow..." He said as I nodded. "Yeah... thank you then!" I smiled, and look at the window again.

"... If you want, you can go to the hospital's playground... it seems like you're interested on the park." I nodded, and waited for the doctor to leave the room fully. I stopped looking outside, and leave the bed. It was... quiet outside, so it's kinda creep me out. But as soon as I'm outside, it's kinda chill, and there's some children talking together, and some adults just push the wheelchair for the elders.

"Oh, we meet again, hey." Ah, it was that short brown haired girl from yesterday. She was walking with the walking cane, and next to her was a girl with brown haired ponytail, and a red ribbon to hold the hair. But she didn't wear the hospital outfit, so I guess she's her family or somewhat.

"You two know each other?" The ponytail girl asked as I shook my head. "N-Not quite, we just met yesterday!" I said, and the injured girl left her hand out, and told me. "Well, name's Lamika, guess it's nice to meet you." She said, and I shook her hand back. "My name is (Y/N)... but what about you?" I ask, pointing at the ponytail girl. "M-Me? Well, I'm Milasa... and um... we're twin sisters!" She smiled at me, and I just smiles back.

"Eh, I guess I'll stay here for a while, what 'bout you? When will you leave?" Lamika asked me as I snap back to reality. "Well, I'm planning to leave tomorrow with my friends..." I said, as Lamika nodded. "I see, well, I hope that your future will go bright, (Y/N)! Not as dark as mine..." She muttered the last part, but I still heard it. Then Milasa help her to walk away.

Jeez... isn't she supposed to use a wheelchair?

I looked at the sky again, and walked around the hospital's small grounds for a bit, but then, I bumped into Maki. "Oh... I see that you're out here too..." Maki said. "Yeah, inside is quite boring, y'know? I don't want to feel trapped like that before..." I said, and we paused for a bit. "Anyway! I just asked the doctor when we can leave, and the doctor said tomorrow!" I smiled at Maki, but she didn't say anything back.

"We should go back, huh?" I asked, and she nods.

"Hey (Y/N)...." Maki mutter, making my attention drag to her. "Yes?" "For some reason... I'm not ready for this... I mean... it's too sudden... I-I'm not sure if I can..." I looked at her in sympathy. Maki has never been too insecure about herself. "Well, say, after get out of here, do you need a therapist..?" I questioned, as Maki slowly nodded. "Good... don't worry, I'll try my best!" I smiled at her, and she did back, but a smaller one.

We reached her room, and I just closed the door after she walks in. Don't worry, (Y/N). Don't be afraid. It's alright. Just do it, to help your friends...I thought to myself, and walked downstairs. "Oh, (Y/N)! I-I was worried when you're not in your room!" Shuichi said as he walk towards me. "Shuichi, I'm fine! Nothing to be worried about!" I gave him a smile.

"Anyway, is there anything you wanted to tell me? Why'd you look for me anyway?" I asked the boy, and he just nods. "I was just thinking our first interaction with the principal, because... what are we supposed to say? We didn't even have any supervisors..." Shuichi said as he put a hand on his chin. "Well... I guess we can just... show the principal the letter...? Perhaps?" I said, and Shuichi nodded. "Yeah, maybe that'd work."

"Mhm, anyway, I asked the doctor that when we could leave, he said that tomorrow is fine..." I said as Shuichi nods. "Yeah, but... is it going to be fine? I mean... we didn't know anyone... we could be in danger... or worse, maybe they're tricking us into another Killing Ga-" Before Shuichi could continue, I hugged him tightly. "Please don't say that Shuichi... you remember what I told you guys? That I'll protect you all... so please... don't be scared!" I said, and my eyes is filled with tears.

Shuichi silently nodded, and I pulled out from the hug. "So, please, just be positive! We'll make it through this, I believe in you!" I gave him a determined look, and he just smiles back.

After that, we both come back to our own room. While that, I look inside the closet, which have my clothes inside there. I have to protect them... no matter what... be strong, (Y/N)! You can do this!


Lmao, I know that Shuichi didn't go 'yandere' yet, but... love needs time, alright?

Words: 1380


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