Extra: Waking Up

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"Guys, look!" Milasa said as she called her friends. "What is it?" (Y/N) came and look at the paper that Milasa was pointing at. There, a poster was hanging there, labeled with 'Danganronpa' and 'Join Now!' And those kinds of stuff. "Oh, right! Me and my boyfriend is looking forward to this a lot, isn't that right, Shuichi?" (Y/N) said and smiles at the male. "Oh, of course! I have always wanted to participate in this... It's now season 53rd!" Shuichi cheers.

"But of course... I'd only join if you do." (Y/N) chuckled at his word while nodding. "Of course, of course I'll join with you, how could I even let my boyfriend's dream fade?" "Alright, lovebirds, it's time for class." Milasa called and (Y/N) shook her head a bit. "But I don't wanna go to claaaassss!" "Come on, sweetheart, let's just attend class and we can always participate in the recording anytime we want, alright?" Shuichi said as the female pouts a little before agreeing with him.


"They're going to join...? Are you planning to join too, Mil?" Maruchi questions and the girl only shook her head no. "I see... Well, I mean if you're not going then alright." "What? You wanna get into a killing game?" "No.. Just that, I have a bad feelings about it. I've had weird dreams ever since these killing game thing starts. Since season 50th til now, it's strange..." "Oh well, it's just you, Maru. You just not need to think about it and pretend like these never exist." Milasa laid back to her chair and continued on her bread.

"Whatever you say."

"Hey. Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Lamika questions and walked in the scene, looking at the two students. "Whaaat. I could say the same for you!" Milasa whines. "Nah, my class starts after yours for 45 minutes. So better be in class or I'm gonna report you~" "Jeez! Do you even see me as a sister? Or am I some sort of animal? Whatevss..." After she leaves, Lamika just giggled a little. "Well, I guess I'm here alone again." Maruchi sigh. "Oh, right, there's you. Where's your uh... Friend? What was her name again?" Lamika asked.

"You mean Rami? Well, she said she'd spend her day in the library, probably for some group works or researches." "Welp, have fun then, I'm gonna go now." The girl quickly leave the cafeteria. Sighing, Maruchi decides to stand up and leave the room too.


"The audition was so tiiired! I just wanna go to sleeep!" (Y/N) said while stretching her arms and yawned a little. "Do you need some company when we get back then?" Shuichi questions. "Mhm~" While the couple getting back to their home, a strange vehicle passed by... "Hm... I feel a little bit... Uncomfortable... It's usually... Fine at night, but now I'm scared..." You whimpered. "It's okay, (Y/N), I-" Before Shuichi could finish his sentence, his mouth were covered, and pulled away. "Oh God!" There's no time to think, you yoinked Shuichi out of your arms and tried to run away from the shady people, finding the closest police station.

"Not so fast-!" You were captured too...


"Ugh.. my head hurts-" You bonked your head to something 'metal'. "H-Huh...?" You gazed around the place you stood in. Where's this place? What's this? Where are you?!

"Ah!" You screamed as you fell out off your locker. "Be quiet, won't you?!" You looked up to see a blonde haired female, she shushes at you. Another one or two minutes, the locker next to you rumbles. "Wh-What-?" "There must be another person." The blonde rolled her eyes.

And it was- Shuichi! Thank God! But before he could even do anything, he quickly got scared of the blonde girl. "Ah! Are you the one that kidnapped me? are you with thoSe-" The blonde girl stopped him by yelling at the poor guy. "Hey! How dare you shout at my boyfriend?!" You shouted out. "(Y-Y/N)!" "Oh? Your 'boyfriend'? You should teach him how to not jump to conclusions so quick." She said. "What do you know..."


"They've been missing for days, is it going to be fine? I'm worried!" Milasa complains. "It's gonna be okay, Mil, I mean, Shuichi and (Y/N)... I don't think they could be lost..." Maruchi replied. "Isn't it strange? They went missing after their audition!"

"I'm sure it's going to be fine..."


"Yes! We're Shuichi and (Y/N)'s friends! Do you know them?" Milasa questioned. "Yes, yes we do, now please wait here." A guy with some machine then sighs and pointed a machine at the two- Maruchi and Milasa- "E-Eh?! What are you-"


"Are you sure this is gonna be a good idea? Creating a whole simulator...?"

"This is all what we can do, let's just put them in a fake world for now, when we find another solution... They can interact with the real world."


Then, a familiar face came up to us. "Woah! Hey there! You're (Y/N), right? You got out of the hospital already?" It was Milasa. The person who helped Lamika in the hospital. "Ah! You learned here too? Good for us!" I cheered. "Ah, well, if you learn here, what's your talent, then?" She asked, pointing at me. "T-Talent? Which way...?" I questioned, which she only chuckled. "Right, I'll introduce myself, I'm Milasa Brooks, Super High School Level Digital Artist!" Milasa bowed, and looked up to me again.


"I'm sorry, alright? But you have to move on! Don't let anyone pull you down!" You said. "Why are you always comforting me...?" "Because, we're friends, aren't we? So of course I'd always be here when you need me too!" You put your hand on his shoulder, and smiled at him. "Yeah, well, anyway, I need to go to James, see you around!" Maruchi said, and waved goodbye at you. "Bye!... Maruchi..." You waved at the boy. Once he has walked away, you frowned and look back down to the floor. "He did so much... and you could only comfort him like that?" You kicked the rock that was in front of you.

But you're happy that Shuichi was caught, and you're all safe now.


"Welcome back, to the real world."

"Huh...?" You gazed up, you have 0 idea what's going on but... It seems like you're inside of an machine... You tried to get out of it.

"(Y/N)..." You recognizes that voice. anywhere.

"What—?!" You jumped at it, and looked besides you. "Sh-Shuichi- I-" "I...I'm sorry..." The detective said.

I'm not even sure about my feelings anymore... What's this? What am I doing? Why do I even exist?

Will Shuichi... Kill everyone like in the stupid virtual world? Is he still like that? I just wish that these memories goes away... "It's... Okay... Just please, don't touch me..." I quickly said, get out of the machine bed. "Milasa!" Maruchi, who almost teared up ran over to his childhood friend and gave her a big hug. "It's okay, it's okay, I won't leave you aga- oW mY baCk hUrTs-" Milasa groaned. "Oh, good to see you again, (Y/N)." You looked and saw Lamika in one piece, not dead, not pushed down the stairs, or anything.

The dead... The dead people, are alive...?

"Lamikaaaa! I'm so happy!" Milasa ran up to her sister and gave her a hug also. "Don't try to jump off a building in this world or I'm gonna be mad!" The digital artist pouts. Back to Shuichi... Well, he's just, maybe spending time to regret his wrong-doings? Let's hope so...




"I'll make sure you'll be mine this time..."

DuN duN dUNnNnNnnNn

Haha this is noT cAnOn dW

Or is iT? 👀

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