True End

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You believed that Shuichi's the killer, after all, he has been acting strange since like, forever... you wanted to help Maruchi, but you didn't really know how. Yeah, sure you've been in plenty of class trials, but this time, you really didn't get a close look at the murders, since they said you were just 'normal high school girl'. And such... of course, it's the rules after all.

At lunch time, you decided to just walk with Shuichi like any normal day. You head to the lunch room, and saw Maki and Himiko at a seat. "Hey you two!" You waved at the girls, and they just waves back slightly. "So, how's your day at the student council?" You asked as Himiko frowns a bit. "Well... I've been asking her about Atua... but she kept saying that she doesn't know Him... I'm confused..." Himiko said. "Well... maybe Atua only exists in her island... that inside the Killing Game? Since... we all know that our friends has been switched personalities..." You trailed off, not wanting to offend the girl.

"Oh... so that's the problem... I'll make her believe in Atua! And we could spend time together again like the old days!" Himiko said, her voice was filled with determination. "Of course! I believe in you!" You smiled, and looked over to Shuichi, who have an uneasy look on his face. "I need to go for a bit." Shuichi said, putting down his fork and walked out of the cafeteria place. "Am I the only one who thinks that he's suspicious?" Maki asked as you shook your head. "You know... Maruchi said that he has been thinking that Shuichi is the one who killed the students... I think so too, but..." You frowned as you made it to that part.

"Yeah, I don't want to suspect anyone either... especially since we're not inside the Killing Game anyway..." Maki said as she puts her finger on her chin. "Nyeh? Are we really saying that Shuichi did it? I mean, Shuichi is really kind, I don't think a person like him could do anything..." Himiko said as she rubbed her ears. "Outlook not so good..." You mutter, and focused on your food. Yeah, it's strange to have a murderer on your side, but you're trying to help Maruchi, you have to do it... You're going to be as normal as you could.

"So, do you need my help?" Maki asked as you shook your head. "I believe that Maruchi could do it! So... we just need to trust him." You smiled and Maki nodded. "Well, he better hurry up before he kills someone..." The assassin said, half joking. Soon, Shuichi came back, and just eat his food in silent. Class time came and pass by, and you just hope that Maruchi would have a plan already. "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom, please wait for me..." Shuichi excused, you nods and let the boy go. You just looks around, and suddenly, the familiar brunette got to you. "Ah, Maru!" You called as Maruchi nods. "I've a plan... but where's Shuichi anyway?" Maruchi asked as you points to the restroom. "Ah... I see... can you get Shuichi to the fountain place? This is important, just say that I need to talk." Maruchi asked, and you nodded.

"Of course, I'll tell him that." You gave him a thumbs up, and looked back at the bathroom. Maruchi soon went out of the location. "What is he planning...?" You muttered as Shuichi finally got out. "Ah, in time, Maru asked you to meet him at the fountain place." You said as you pointed to the direction. "B-But you have to go to the coffee shop too, right?" Shuichi asked. "Yeah, but you can catch up with me, I think what Maru has to say is really important." You said, and waved at the detective. "I... see..." Shuichi mutter, and proceed to walk at the fountain place. But instead of walking out of the school, you decided to tail Shuichi, you wanted to know what Maruchi would do.

Shuichi walks to the fountain place, and saw Maruchi right away. While you just hide behind a post, and peeked out to see the two. "So... what do you need...?" Shuichi asked as he lowered his head. "I was just wanted to ask that... were you the killer of the murders that has been happening?" Maruchi asked as he points to the detective. "Huh, what makes you say that?" "Well, I've found some information that points to you... you can't hide from it forever." Maruchi said as he show Shuichi the files, but all Shuichi did was scoff. "So what will you do about it?"  "I'll report you, that's all..." Maruchi said. "But the question is... will you even be alive to do it?" Shuichi began to lunge at Maruchi, and grabbed his hair, prepare to drown him to the fountain nearby. "Stop right there! Release the boy, and put your hands in the air!" One of the police officer suddenly call out, but Shuichi kept trying to drown Maruchi. The brunette swung his elbow at Shuichi, hitting his chest, making the dark haired boy lunge back, and a few officers came to take Shuichi out of the scene.

"Hey, you're okay?" The familiar policeman walked closer to Maruchi. "Ah, I'm fine, it's just his grip is a bit tight, haha..." Maruchi chuckled a bit. "Maruchi!" You rushed to the male, and he just gasp. "Huh? Why are you here?" Maruchi asked. "That's dangerous! If Shuichi saw you then he might've killed you!" The brunette frowned at your action. "I wanted to help if something happen! Also, that was risky! Why'd you do that?!" You shouted as Maruchi just sighs. "It's alright, even if something happens, I don't think I'd die, haha..." Maruchi joked a bit. "Well, I'll let you two be, gotta go." James said, and walked away from you and Maruchi. "So... guess that's it, huh..." You sighed. "Yeah, well... honestly I'd never do it if there isn't Milasa..." Maruchi said as he puts his hand on his chin. "Huh? Milasa?" "Well, she did find some evidences that points to Shuichi, and with that, I just need to find more, and after that I just need the action. Of course, I'm the guinea pig." The brunette joked again as you elbowed him.

"I wish that... Milasa... and Lamika didn't die... and in the end, I didn't know what was his motive... but! I'll find it out eventually! Cause... we've caught him after all..." Maruchi said, determination could found in his voice. "So... do you believe me now?" Maruchi's sudden question make you flinch. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Am I a reliable friend?" "What are you saying? You've always been reliable!" You said as you crossed your arms. "Well, you seems like you didn't really trust me at first, so um, I just wanted to ask..." The brunette chuckled a bit. "Jeez, you really need to learn how to shut up." You sighed. "Well, I'm glad that we've caught the culprit... I wish Milasa's still here... I could just share everything with her... I missed the old times..."

"I'm sorry, alright? But you have to move on! Don't let anyone pull you down!" You said. "Why are you always comforting me...?" "Because, we're friends, aren't we? So of course I'd always be here when you need me too!" You put your hand on his shoulder, and smiled at him. "Yeah, well, anyway, I need to go to James, see you around!" Maruchi said, and waved goodbye at you. "Bye!... Maruchi..." You waved at the boy. Once he has walked away, you frowned and look back down to the floor. "He did so much... and you could only comfort him like that?" You kicked the rock that was in front of you.

But you're happy that Shuichi was caught, and you're all safe now.


Words: 1332

Ending: Final


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