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Percy POV

I was in Olympus waiting on the Gods decision to kill me after I was betrayed by all my friends from Camp Half Blood. Annabeth cheated on me with my half brother Mason who made my life a living hell and my father Poseidon disowned me. No one wants me anymore


"Congratulations Perseus you have completed the 12 Labors of Hercules and as promised I give you permission to marry my daughter" Athena said, but for some reason I could detect  some sort of sadness from her as if she knew something I most likely wouldn't like. "Thank you milady" I said. "I shall flash you back to Camp Perseus, but tread carefully. Everything is about to change"  Athena warned before flashing me back to camp. 

When I got in the boarder I noticed people giving me weird stares and dirty looks. Wondering what was going on I noticed the Stolls and went towards. "Hey guys d-" I never got to finish my sentence as Connor punched me in the face. "How dare you show your face after what you have done". "Yeah, you destroyed all of our pranking equipment and told Chiron about the Mushroom Prank" added Travis. "Stay away because next time we will kill you" they said in unison before walking away. 

As I walked deeper and deeper into camp more and more people started to accuse me and beat me for things I didn't do. Katie nearly strangled me with vines for destroying her garden, Will yelled broke my bones for "breaking" his bow, a gift from his dad Apollo". Grover nearly turned me into a maple tree for calling the Wild uninhabitable. Like I would ever do that. 

The worst was probably done by the remaining Seven minus Annabeth. They knocked me out and when I came to I was tied up to a tree with cuts and bruises all over me. Only latter did I realize they tutored me because I was a suppose spy for Gaea. I wiggled my way free of the rope I was going to go back into camp when I heard an all to familiar voice. Following the voice what I saw chilled me to the bone. There was Annabeth kissing my new half brother that came not even 3 weeks ago. I was soon overcome by rage. "HOW COULD YOU. AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YOU AND YOU GO AND CHEAT ON ME WITH MY HALF BROTHER WHO IS NOT EVEN A HERO. I FELL INTO FUCKING TARTARUS FOR YOU. WENT ON A QUEST FOR YOUR MOTHER TO PROPOSE TO YOU AND YOU GO AND CHEAT ON ME" I yelled. By now the sky had darkened and lighting flashed. 

"What are you going to do about Jackson, I took your girlfriend and all your friends hate you" Mason said to me smugly. I turned to him and looked straight into his eyes. Lifting my hand I levitated him off the ground and pushed him into a tree into unconsciousness. I didn't know how I did that nor did I care. Giving Annabeth who didn't say a word through the whole ordeal one last glare before heading into camp. The campers noticed my mood and quickly moved out of the way. I slammed by cabin door closed and started to back my things when my father Poseidon flashed in. 

"Perseus how dare you attack my favorite son" my dad said obviously mad which confused me as I thought I was his favorite son. Before I could defend myself Poseidon said "I Poseidon God of the Seas here by disown Percy Jackson as my son with the permission of Sally Jackson". My mom was flashed in and took one look at me and said "I give consent to disown Percy Jackson as a son of Poseidon. I also here by disown Percy Jackson as my son. Don't bother coming over as Paul and I and his family are finally happy to be rid of a probematic kid" .Sally flashed out shortly after. I suddenly felt very weak. "Zeus wants an audience with you" my da-no Poseidon said grabbing me by the shoulder roughly and flashing me to Olympus. 


 I was interrupted out of my thoughts  by Zeus. "Perseus we can not kill you. We also have something to tell you".  I listened closely to whatever Zeus wanted to tell me that was more important than killing me.

 "You are not Poseidon's son, but a son of the primordial's Hydros and Thalassa making you a primordial. The Primordial of Heroes to be exact. You also had a Godly side called Perseus Disastrous. He who destroys. You founded your own Pantheon called Avalon based on Arthurian Legend, however you were sent by your grandfather Chaos to aid us in times of need so you reincarnated  as a demigod. however each time you became a demigod, you became more and more human forgetting your ways. Which brings us to my next point. We offer you the position of the 15th Olympian (Hades and Hestia have thrones) to restore your lost divinity. Do you accept". I was speechless, here I was asking for death only to find out my true heritage. seeing as how I have no one left I made my decision. "I accept" I said. There was a bright flash and the Three Fates flashed in. They smiled at me. I was Clotho who spoke first. 

"After all hardships you have endured you have finally found your place among the world". Next was Lachesis  who spoke "If your parents could see you now they would be so proud of you". All at once they spoke "All hail Perseus son of Hydros and Thalassa Primordial of Heroes and Heroic Fate". A bright light illuminated the room while I went into my divine form as a primordial. Memories started to come back. I remembered by parents, my mothers smile. I remembered my cousin Aurora and his and soulmate husband the Archangel Michael. I remembered meeting my soulmate Raphael. Him proposing to me. Our son Arthur. I remembered when I founded Avalon and took Guinevere as my Queen. I remembered the news I got of Avalon's downfall. By Artemis. Just by thinking her name made me angry. She took my wife and killed my unborn child. She slaughtered my Assassins and Knights. I was once again interrupted from my thoughts by the Fates. All Hail Perseus God of Emotions,Justice,Law,Judgement,Punishment,Time,Balance,Heroes,Darkness,Fate,and Loyalty. 

I changed into my Godly form. I had black wings, with purple skin. My armor was that of an assassin and my eyes were as red as Tartarus. A rumble went about the Throne Room and beside my sister Aphrodite stood my throne. Shaped like an hourglass and instead of sand had images of heroes in it. The throne was darker than Hades and have off an unsettling aura. I went into my godly height and sat down. "We will return to the winter solstice to announce Perseus's return and ascension to the camps and sort out his sacred animal and what not. Council dismissed" Zeus boomed. With a flash him and Hera were gone. One by one the gods flashed out, leaving only Poseidon. 'Son-" Poseidon began but I interrupted him "You are not my father. Not only did you disown me, do not think for a second that I don't remember what you did to my brother" I said with venom causing him to flinch. I flashed out shortly after. 

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