I meet my no longer dead friends

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Percy POV

The moment we arrived to Terron, Chaos took me to the Throne Room. The Throne Room never ceased to amaze me. Think of the Olympian Throne room but much much much prettier. When Chaos sat done on his throne which looked like a galaxy the other primordials flashed in. To Chaos left sat my grandmother Order the primordial of Energy. Her throne kept changing to different types of energy such as nucular or solar. Next sat my mother in law Void the primordial of the Faded wife to God whose throne had images of all faded beings such as Eos Helios. Next up we have the other two creators Infinity primordial of the expanding universe whose throne looked as though it will never end and her husband Oblivion primordial of the non-existence and the counter-force of Infinity whose throne was pitch black that looked like a wall. The final creator is Balance primordial of well Balance whose throne looked as if it was the opposite of all the other thrones. Beside Balance sat Ananke primordial of the Inevitable,Compulsion,and Fate, whose throne was more of a ball of thread and Chronos primordial of Time whose throne was an hourglass. Nyx primordial of Night was sitting on a black throne with stars on it while her husband Erebus sat is a pitch black throne made of Mist. 

Gaea primordial of the Earth's throne was green with animals,plants,rivers ect on it. Her husband Ouranos primordial of the Sky and Constellations was sitting on a blue throne that had a mix of clouds and constellations. To Chaos's right sat Eros primordial of Love/Desire on a pink throne. Tartarus primordial of Punishment was on a black rocky throne that resembled his domain while his wife Ourea primordial of Mountains. Next to them sat Pontus on a sea green fisherman's chair. Beside him sat my parents Hydros primordial of Water whose throne was made out of water and Thalassa primordial of the Ocean whose throne was made of ocean water filled with marine life. Finally we have Aether and Hemera primordial of Light and Day whose thrones were made of light. 

"Why have you called this meeting father" Tartarus asked. "It concerns Perseus son" Chaos answered. "What did the Olympians do now?" Eros asked. This time it was Oblivion who answered "It wasn't the Olympians rather their children. You all are aware of the Astral Plane?". Everyone in the room knew what the astral plane was. The Astral Plane was a place that can only accessed by psychics or empath's. "Well a group of demigods attempted to kill him with Seraphic Silver while he was in there" Oblivion continued. My parents looked absoulutely murderous. "Apollo was able to heal him before Chaos brought him here. As far as the campers and mortal families are aware he is dead" Oblivion said. My dad got up, but was brought down Hemera. Aether wasn't so lucky. My mother kneed him where he doesn't shine but was stopped by Nyx who whispered something in her ear. Whatever she said was able to calm her down if not barely. 

"Perseus" Order said. I looked at her. "Death has offered to revive your friends from the underworld and make them gods and have them join your creed as permanent members". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I get to see my old friends again. The people whose lives I practically ruined because I made their life strings and got too attached to them. Something I swore I wouldn't do when I went to reincarnate as a son of Poseidon. "When will they get here?" I asked over my shock. "Aurora is bringing them in now" Void said. When she finished speaking Aurora flashed in with all my friends that were in the underworld. "PERCY" they all shouted before giving me a hug that no doubt if I was mortal would kill me. "Where are we?" asked Zoe. "In the throne room of the primordials who wish to make you gods and become a member of my creed" I said. "Creed?" they all said. Only Zoe wasn't confused having pieced together my identity. And so I told them how camp betrayed me and becoming a god/primordial again. I told them of Artemis interfering in my domain of justice and how she confessed to killing an entire Pantheon. I finished with camp once again betraying me with Annabeth and co tried killing me while I was in the astral plane. They were angry. Luke kept muttering "why" over and over. Beckendorf and Silena looked disappointed in the campers. Ethan was plotting murder while Bianca shook her head. Zoe was practically glowing with rage towards Artemis not believing that she would kill an entire pantheon all because Aiden gave her a reality check. "So do you accept godhood" I asked them, to which they nodded. 

Turning over to my real family I noticed they were all looking anywhere but us. Tartarus I could see hiding a camera. Yep he was video taping us which means I will need to murder him later. Looking at Ananke I silently told her they accepted. "Luke Castellan step forward" Aurora said. Luke did so nervously. "Grandson I am so proud of you". "How can you be proud of me I threw away your love for me" Luke said. Aurora only smiled. "While that maybe true, in the end you were able to overcome your fate and convince Perseus that all you wanted was a chance for demigods to be recognized. Which is why I am going to make you my champion. Do you accept?" Aurora said. Luke nodded. "All hail Luke Castellan son of Hermes,Grandson of Aurora. Assassin God of Redemption,Loyalty,Speed and Time" the Fates declared (Where in Lucifer's name did they come from) I thought. Each of my friends went up and their domains given to them with a primordial or two giving them their blessing. It went like this....

Luke-Assassin God of Redemption,Loyalty,Speed,and Time. Champion of Aurora

Zoe-Assassin Goddess of the Hunt,Stealth,Strength,and Foods. Champion of Aiden

Silena-Assassin Goddess of Charmspeak,Interrogation,National Intelligence. Champion of Eros

Beckendorf-Assassin God of Forging,Weapons,Fire,and Travel. Champion of Ourea 

Ethan-Assassin God of Contracts,Vengeance,Torture,and Lies. Champion of Tartarus

Michael-Assassin God of Archery,Healing,Sound,and Music. Champion of Aether and Hemera

Lee-Assassin God of Archery,Healing,Foresight,and Poetry. Champion of Aether and Hemera

The Fates flashed out when the domains were given. Chaos told me my palace was rebuilt after Raphael and I had a bit of fun during Arthur's conception (he he). Leading my friends to my palace I wondered what life had in store. Only Chronos can tell. 

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