Camp-Half Blood and Rewards

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Artemis and Perseus respective groups arrived at the top of half blood hill at the same time much to Perseus irritation. Soon all the campers were at the top hoping to greet the groups and see Perseus group for the first time. The remaining Seven were there first and looked at Percy and his group in awe at the amount of people that he recruited in a span of 2 months. The Campers parted for Chiron who greeted the two. "Lady Artemis and Lord Perseus a pleasant to see you both here". "Zeus thought it was best to send us both here to "get-along" with each other". Artemis grimaced at the way he said get along in air quotes. Before Chiron could respond a bright light illuminated the sky before it took on the shape of 3 winged figures, two in which Artemis recognized and one in which she could not place. 

What made the campers and Chiron gasp in shock was when Artemis one of the most prideful of the Olympians bowed to the three beings. "Lord Michael, Lord Raphael it is an honor to be in your presence". "Rise" Michael said. "Our mother Lady Void and our father God sent us here to ensure that there is no bad blood between the two groups" Raphael said his brown eyes never leaving Perseus red eyes. "I see thank you" Artemis said "but I have been wondering who is the man beside you milord" pointing to the man beside Michael. His eyes were like thunderclouds shifting every once and a while to a snowstorm. His hair was as white as snow, but what made him stand out the most were his wings. While Michael and Raphael were white his were a fiery red and looked more like a birds wings than angel wings. "I am Aurora youngest son of Ouranos and Gaea and the Primordial of Weather and Natural Disasters. And before you start to attack me in a fight you will definitely lose, Primordial have a good and bad side. You were fighting the evil Gaea. My mother is sorry for her actions towards you all. As for the Titans and Giants they are not her children, rather they are the children of the Primordial Moros" the man known as Aurora said. Artemis paled at the name having heard of the youngest child of the Earth and Sky. Legend tells of his power that is surpassing that of his parents. 

"You also forgot to mention...." Michael said. "Yes and I am married to this bright ball of yellow fur" Aurora said in a teasing voice laced with love. Michael was about to retort when they were interrupted by Annabeth "Where will you guys be staying?". Raphael fixed her with a cold glare that promised pain and suffering but was stopped by Perseus who pulled him into a deep kiss. When they parted the entire camp was silent. The remaining Seven of the Great Prophecy looked at their former friend in shock not expecting him to kiss another man. They silence was broken by Chiron "Will you join us for lunch?".

Artemis and Perseus nodded and made their way into camp with their groups following. 


The dining pavilion was silent as both groups entered and took their seats at their respective table. The silence was interrupted by Chiron "Campers as you can see The Hunters of Artemis and Artemis herself have graced us with their presence. Please show them respect and not upset them". No one said anything which Chiron then continued. "I would also like to welcome back a camper who has left for sometime and was on Olympus these past months. He is actually a primordial and a god. I give you Lord Perseus Primordial of Heroes and Heroic Fate. God of Emotion,Law,Justice,Judgement,Punishment,Time,Fate,Darkness,and Loyalty". The entire pavilion was shocked that Perseus became a god and god so many domains on top of being a primordial. 

Jason got up first and sacrificed his food to his father followed by the rest of the campers including the hunters. The assassins didn't get up and continued eating. Noticing the stares Perseus spoke "What?". "Why aren't you sacrificing your food to the Gods?" Hazel asked. 

"Because Zeus told us not to" Silas answered. "OK, but why not your assassins or the angels. After all they are in another pantheons territory". This was said by Annabeth. The Gods arrived before Aurora could throw her in a volcano. He was calmed down by Michael who put a comforting hand of his cheek, caressing it affectionately. "Because Perseus is a being higher than us as are the angels. Angels are on primordial level as they are children of Lady Void and Lord Ethediral (A/N: Name of God) " Hera answered. Before Annabeth could ask another question Athena bolted straight into Michael and Aurora's arms. "Father,Dad" Athena said. "Hello my owl" Michael said giving her a warm hug followed by Aurora. Artemis was shocked at her sister and voiced everyone's thought. "Athena you know Zeus is your father". Zeus decided to speak. 

"Athena was never my child and neither is Hermes. Athena never sprung from my head. She has a twin brother named Aiolos  and both were created from Aurora and Michael's thoughts and sprung from Aurora's head. As for Hermes, Aurora blessed Mia with a child with their essence". Everyone was shocked at the revelation. "Where is her brother than?" Apollo asked. "In the stars with my father" Aurora answered curtly. 

Before anyone can ask anymore questions Zeus spoke again "We are here to reward the Prophecy of Seven and a select few with Godhood and a wish with Lord Perseus's permission if you all accept which we will then follow with a very important announcement". "We accept" the Seven said together. The Fates flashed in ready to give the domains. "Annabeth Chase step forward" Zeus said "What is your wish". "I wish that a city is built for Greeks and Romans". "Zeus nodded in acceptance. "All hail Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena Goddess of Architecture,Intelligence, Battle Strategy,War,and Bravery". 

"Jason Grace step forward" Hera said. "I wish that a camp was made on top of the new city for both demigod factions". Hera nodded in approval while the demigods cheered. "All hail Jason Grace son of Jupiter and God of Wind,Flight,Peace,Family,and Battle Instinct". "Leo Valdez step forward" Hephaestus said. "I wish for Calypso to be released and to be made a goddess along side me". Hephaestus looked at Zeus to which Zeus nodded in acceptance. "It shall be done my boy" Hephaestus said. "All hail Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus God of Fire,Creativity,Inventions,Forge,Courage,and Geography.All hail Calypso daughter of Atlas Goddess of Gardens,Stamina,Healing,and Kindness" the Fates declared. 

"Piper McLean step forward" Aphrodite said with pride. "I wish for my dad to be able to accept our world and not live in the dark". "Done daughter" Aphrodite said with a twinkle in her eyes knowing something that others don't. "All hail Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite Goddess of Love,Natural Beauty,Persuasion,and Broken Vows". Hera was happy that some one can call out her husband on his infidelity. 

"Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang step forward" Hades and Ares said. "We wish for no demigods lives to be ruled by a curse" Hazel said. "Done" Perseus said snapping his fingers. "All hail Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto Goddess of Riches,Precious Gems,Witchcraft,and Purity. All hail Frank Zhang son of Mars God of War,Archery,Shape-shifting,Leadership,and Inspiration". "Reyna step forward" Bellona said. "I wish for my Pegasus Scipio to be my immortal steed". "Poseidon and Hades nodded saying it will be done. 

"Nico Di Angelo step forward" Hades said. "I wish for Minos to no longer be a judge in the underworld". Hades nodded. "All hail Nico Di Angelo son of Hades God of Shadows,Souls,Ghosts,and Guardian of Elysium". Hades was shocked at the last title but smiled at his son none the less. "Will Solace step forward" Apollo said. "I wish for Aphrodite to never interfere with my love life" Will said. "I swear on the the name of Perseus not to interfere with your love life" Aphrodite declared. Thunder boomed and the earth shook sealing the oath. "I accept your oath sister" Perseus said (remember Percy's mother is Thalassa is the Ocean while her father is technically Ouranos making her related to Aurora and Perseus). The Fates flashed out when the domains were all given to the new gods. 

"Now that the rewards are given, we have decided to make your lives easier we will be having your mortal families come here for the rest of the summer" Zeus announced. Shouting immediately started. "SILENCE" Perseus shouted before turning to Zeus. "Why were Artemis and I not informed?". "This was more of a last minute decision that was made by my siblings and I" Zeus answered. Perseus nodded in acceptance not liking how his mortal family is coming here after they disowned him.  "You can all go back to eating" Hera said before flashing out with the rest of the gods minus Athena who was sleeping in Michael's lap much to the irritation of Annabeth. 

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