Hunters of Artemis

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2 Months Later Percy's POV

Not much has changed since I stormed out of the meeting. The Creed has grown since I started recruitment 2 months ago. We now had about 110 assassins. We were currently chasing down an abusive girl who abused her younger siblings and escaped custody of the local police. "Silas cut her off, Rouge 1 make her exhausted".

We had finally caught up to her with Rouge 1 holding her in her whip. Before I can read her charges rustling in the trees caught our attention. The hunters were here. Not turning around I said to them "out of the trees hunters or I shoot". They all jumped down from the trees miffed that a mere boy knew they were there. Artemis approached me and spoke "Perseus". I decided to get straight to the point. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "We are here to recruit this girl". "You were following us" I said back. Before she could lie I held up my hand telling her to not talk. I continued "This girl was abusing her younger siblings and now she has to pay". 

Having ignored what I told her Artemis asked the girl if she wanted to join which she accepted. That was the fifth girl that she recruited before I can pass judgement. Before the girl  said the oath I acted. "Tiffany Jones, for the abuse and suffering you have caused I here by curse you to roam around the earth for the remainder of your life never to have a family again". Tiffany glowed a bit signaling that the curse was placed. This didn't sit well with Artemis who immediately attacked me in her rage followed by her Hunters. I told the assassins to stay where they were saying that I would take care of it. 

I sped towards the hunters dodging Artemis completely. Looking in at some of their past I saw how they killed young boys and men just for their gender. I knew letting them go wouldn't do so I killed 3 of them and knocked the rest unconscious leaving only Thalia and Artemis. "How could you kill my sisters" Thalia said to me. "They killed innocent men and boys just for their gender. Killing without reason is not something to be taken lightly" I said to her. Thalia didn't say anything at first. Then she  charged with Artemis right behind her but I knocked Thalia down and used my powers over emotion on Artemis to make her very sad. Tears were streaming down her face, but I felt nothing for her. Before I can knock her out Hermes flashed in. "Zeus wants you both in the Throne Room".

Throne Room

All the Gods were there on their thrones. "Apollo heal your sister" Zeus said. Apollo got off his throne and said a few hymns making her cuts go a away. "Sit on your thrones both of you" Zeus commanded. We did reluctantly. "Will someone tell me what happened" Zeus said. Artemis told Zeus how we both found a girl being abused by her stepfather and that when she asked the girl to join the hunters I called her foolish and prepared to kill her when her hunters attacked me only to have 3 killed. The more she talked the more angry I became. I eventually snapped. "Lies" I said quietly, though everyone heard me. "What did you say" Artemis said though she had a hint of fear in her voice. "Lies. You are lying. What do you hope to gain from lying to the Embodiment of Justice". Artemis was about to retort but I beat her to it. Pulling out my lasso and wrapped it around her hands pulling her in the middle of the room. "Tell them the truth" I said. Artemis tried to fight off the lasso, but the magic was true strong. She went into full detail about wanting to kill all of my assassins like she did to Camelot which earned a gasp from the gods. She went on about her interfering in my job as a the God of Justice and her attacking me. 

The Gods had a mental conversation on what to do when the least expected person spoke. "What do you want to do to her Perseus?" Hera asked me. "I want her dead" I said. "I can't let you do that, but both your groups need to learn to co-exist with one another which is why both of you will be going to Camp Half Blood for 4 months" Zeus said with a final tone that left no room for argument. "Not until she pays for the deaths of my people" I said in an equal tone.  Zeus nodded. I turned to Artemis. "Phoebe Artemis, Daughter of Zeus and Leto, I hereby curse you to feel the pain of losing any hunters both physical and mental" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Father how can you let him do this to Artemis" Apollo asked/shouted enraged. Zeus answered calmly but with lots of authority in his voice "Apollo, Artemis just confessed to killing an entire Pantheon. You know that the Queen was to have children. Perseus's children. She abused her power and is letting her domain speak for her actions. I am not sorry this happened. She needs to learn her lesson" Zeus said before flashing out. I too flashed back to my assassins to let them know of today's events. 

Artemis POV

When everyone flashed out I let my fathers words hang in my head. Did I really abuse my power. I started to feel guilt for what I have done. "If he harms you sister I will kill him" Apollo said. "Don't you'll only make it worse" I said to him. "Worse, he killed three of your huntresses" Apollo practically shouted. "Because I interfered with his domain. I shouldn't have done that and I most certainly shouldn't have exterminated Camelots deities just because I was angry at Lord Aiden for reminding me that as the Goddess of the Hunt I should protect the Wild. Not egg on its destruction" I said to him. "Do you think he will forgive you". I thought for a moment before responding "No, but I do believe we can build a brother in arms bond between the two groups". Apollo was silent at what I said, and as I said it I didn't believe it to be true. "I hope your're right" he said before flashing out. I hope so to I thought flashing to my hunters camp to tell them the news. 


"Girls listen up" I said. My hunters stopped what they were doing gathered around me to hear what I had to say. "Upon today's events Zeus as thought it be best if both our groups head to Camp Half-Blood and be able to work together" I said. No sooner than I spoke did they start to shout profanities at Perseus and his creed. I looked over at Thalia to see sparks rolling off her, having not forgiven Perseus for breaking Annabeth's heart despite that not being true, and for the earlier beat down. I had enough of the shouting and quieted the hunters down. "Look I know that you all are unhappy about this but Zeus has a reason for this. I tried to lie to the council but Perseus used his lasso and forced me to tell the truth. And that wasn't all I confessed" I took a breath before continuing "Perseus has a personal grudge against me. He hates me because I stole Lord Aiden's special arrows that can make a god or titan fade. I stole them and used it on the Avalonian  Pantheon killing all of them including Perseus's wife Queen Guinevere who was expecting child at the time". All my hunters stared wide eyed at me, looks of betrayal in their eyes now realizing why Perseus hates us with a passion. 

No more words were said and we made our way to Camp Half Blood.

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