A/N Perseus's Equipment and Powers

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Hi this is my first ever story and there are things I changed and made up that I don't care what you guys think. My stories are for peoples enjoyment and if you people don't like how I wrote things than don't read it. Yes I understand Percy is powerful but he is not only a primordial and a god he is also the host to the cosmic entity Empathy which unlocked his true powers that would have remained dormant. The cosmic entities in my stories are beings that came before the primordial's with the exception of the six creators (Chaos,Order,Void,Infinity,Oblivion,and Balance) of my Percy Jackson story. If none of you like it than don't read it.  I will be using this variation of Percy for future installments. I was thinking of Perseus having more equipment and powers but I can't think of anything. Let me know your thoughts/ideas in the comments


Lasso of Judgement-A golden lasso capable of making people tell the truth. If someone lies then they start to suffer extreme pain. The Lasso is indestructible and was made by Ananke  herself. 

Excalibur-Perseus's sacred weapon. The sword is a wedding gift from Raphael and is also inscrutable. Only Perseus can wield it and if someone tries to take it they can fade from existence since it is an angelic primordial made weapon. 

Heroic Loom-The loom in which Perseus channels his Powers over Fate to forge life strings for heroes and the path that they lead.

Assassin Armor-Armor forged by Lady Order herself. The armor is indestructible and can release energy back at an opponent based on the level of hits it receives.    


Omni-Empath/Empathy Embodiment: Perseus is the host to the cosmic entity Empathy who saved him from dying at birth much like The Phoenix Force did with Aurora. Perseus's Empathic powers were killing him for its raw power thus making Empathy bond with him taking on the code name Raven. Bonding with Empathy enabled his empathic powers to go to the max.                  

-Emotion Manipulation: As an empath, Perseus can manipulate peoples emotions such as giving emotionless beings feelings to even controlling the Seven Deadly Sins. Perseus can even empower peoples emotions which in turn can strengthen any abilities they have. 

-Empathic Matter Manipulation: Perseus can manipulate matter using his emotions

-Telepathy: Due to emotion being part of the mind and not just ones soul, Perseus has minor telepathic powers such as mind reading and Telempathy (to communicate with emotions) 

-Telekinesis: Perseus has minor Telekinesis  

-Empathic Healing:Perseus can heal ones emotional pain physical or mental at the cost of having it carry over to him

-Astral Manipulation: Perseus is able to manipulate astral energy and can let him project it on a physical and mental scale and can even let him control the Astral Plane

Soul Projection: This is Perseus's true from taking on the avatar of Empathy in the from of a Raven. In this form Perseus's powers go beyond the natural place of existence. Like Aurora's true form, the mere presence of Perseus soul self has enough energy to force a god or titan to fade or even put a primordial to sleep. At its max, Perseus's soul self can destroy a galaxy out of existence. 

Heroism Embodiment: Embodies everything that means to be a hero or heroic

-Absolute Condition: Supreme mental and physical condition.Perseus's strength,speed,stamina,and intellect is vastly superior to other beings 

-Absolute Combat: Perseus is skilled in battle with any weapon and martial arts

-Good Empowerment: Perseus can give strength through the good deeds

-Power Mimicry: being the personification of heroes, Perseus can mimic any one of the their powers and abilities 

-Indomitable Will: Perseus has unnaturally strong willpower enabling him to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination,Telepathy,Mind Control etc. Through their will, the Perseus  can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against him. 

-Ultimate Invincibility: Perseus is unbeatable unless in battle with Aurora or a Phoenix powered Aurora

Truth Embodiment: Can never lie and can transfer all of his good deeds into energy. 

-Lie Detection: Perseus can detect when someone is lying and power is increased as an empath

Justice Embodiment: Perseus has the power to enforce justice and maintain order not oppose it. Perseus can manipulate justice among living and non-living beings in different ways.

-Law Inducement: If someone is breaking a law Perseus is able punish them as well as being able to escape out of a difficult situation or to make new situations to make things more difficult

-Law Creation: Perseus can create physical,scientific, and metaphorical laws to bend others to the boundaries of the rule

-Order Weaponry: Perseus can create or wield power over order 

-Spatial Tuning: Perseus can create a field in which he can warp reality or create paradoxes as long as he is in the field

-Law Intuition: Perseus posses a vast amount of ethical knowledge

-Peace Inducement: Perseus can calm down even the most aggressive of beings

-Afterlife Judgement: Perseus helps Death decide which form of afterlife the dead get when they enter his realm. Only Death can override his judgement

-Afterlife Prevention: as a punishment Perseus can prevent souls from going to the afterlife either by leaving them in limbo,making them unable to die,or sending them to Oblivion

-Punishment: Perseus can punish anyone in any given shape or form as well as burn them with hellfire

Umbrakinesis: Both a blessing and his godly domain from Erebus, Perseus can control shadows in any from

Chronokinesis: Both a blessing and his godly domain from Chronos, Perseus can control time by looking into the past,present, and future as well as minor time traveling

Destiny Manipulation: Perseus weaves the life string of all heroes and eventually cuts the string upon their death bed. 

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