Gaea and Ouranos?

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Dinning Pavilion-Dinner Time

Dinner was deathly quiet. No one spoke a word to Aurora in fear of being killed. I could feel peoples fear towards us. The new gods included. I hop that they don't let that fear control them for it could easily be their undoing. Aurora since Aurora's curse I detected a change of power with in him almost as if he became an entirely new being. When I talked to Michael, he said that when Aurora was re-bonded to the Phoenix Force, he became know as Dark Phoenix. The side to the Phoenix Force when his hosts become to overwhelmed with what they are seeing. No one on Terron (Planet of the Creators) understood why he all the sudden became Dark Phoenix as before all he was, was Phoenix. And today he magically became White Phoenix of the Crown as the Phoenix Forces permanent host. Something didn't add up and I couldn't tell if it was a good feeling or not. 

As we were eating I saw that the families and gods were all looking at me. "What" I asked. "You were broadcasting your thoughts love" Raphael said to me. "Oh" was all I good say. "What is White Phoenix of the Crown" asked a girl from Demeter's cabin. Before I could respond to her question a light illuminated the pavilion. Out of the light came 5 people three women and two men. I recognized 3 of them. "Grandpa,Grandma" I said rushing to embrace them. At grandma and grandpa the gods gasped. "Auntie Twister" I said. Auntie Twister was my nickname for my aunt Ananke. "Who are you and why are you hugging my grandson" Henry said putting emphasis on "you" and "grandson".  "I am Chaos, creator of the universe father to the primordial's" Grandpa said. "And I am Order, creator of the universe mother to the primordial's" Grandma said. Everyone including the mortals bowed to the creators of the universe minus Aurora who was to busy staring at the familiar couple. "I am Gaea primordial of the Earth" the now identified Gaea said her eyes no longer a dirt brown but a forest green like Aiden's. Her skin was as green as the Earth but would often change to human skin. Campers and Hunters went for their weapons but the man with Gaea raised his hand stopping them in place. 

Taking a closer look at the man with Gaea I noticed his eyes were like stars and he had a beard much like Zeus except more white. His skin was much like Gaea's in which it would sometimes morph into human colored skin in between his blue skin. "I am Ouranos primordial of the Sky" Ouranos said. Nobody moved. Everyone was shocked. The only sound made was the sacrificial flames. Aurora walked up to his no longer dead father and looked him in the eyes. What he was about to do snapped the campers and mortals out of their daze. Raising his hand as if he was about to strike Ouranos stopped him and pulled him close. Father and son both in tears as they reunited at long last. "Where were. I thought that when you didn't come for me, I thought you blamed me for your death" sobbed his youngest child. 

For those of you who don't know, Aurora and his twin brother Aiden were infants when Gaea was cursed by Moros. When Aurora was 5 he witnessed Moros son Kronos (Yes that Kronos) chop up Ouranos into millions of pieces right before his very eyes. Since then Aurora has hated Moros with every fiber of his being. 

"I wanted you to find your own path child, I never meant to make you feel as though I don't love you" Ouranos said to his son. Aurora turned to Gaea. "Mother" Aurora said. Gaea nodded and the two embraced finally meeting at last. "My daughter Ananke is here to bestow upon Aurora's Godly domains"Chaos said gesturing over to the mother of the Fates. "Why aren't the Fates bestowing the domains as don't they do that for any new god" asked Jason who was looking the reunion between Gaea,Ouranos and Aurora with disgust and a bit of jealousy. 

"Because his godly domains are to powerful for my daughter to handle" Ananke responded which earned a gasp from everyone. "Nephew step froward" Ananke said. Aurora did as he was told. "All Hail Aurora son of Ouranos and Gaea, Primordial of Weather and Natural Disasters. God of the Phoenix Force,Space,the Apocalypse,and the Multiverse. All hail Aurora Guardian of Creation, keeper of the M'Kraan Crystal" Ananke declared. We were all shocked at his domains. 

"What does he do with his domains" asked Annabeth. "That is on a need to know basis" Order said sharply. Annabeth shrunk in her seat. I suddenly realized Aurora's domains on a power level scale. He is an Nigh Omnipotent being. I had a feeling that he was the heir to the universe. But I decided to keep my opinion to myself not wanting to cause panic. 

"Aurora is to come back home to learn control of his powers Michael you may come to. Raphael since Michael is away you are in charge. "Chaos said. I realized that for the rest of the summer Raphael won't be here by my side while I am stuck with the mortals. Raphael nodded. Turning to me he gave me a long passionate kiss before flying off to Heaven. Aurora left with those that came leaving me with everyone looking at me demanding answers. 

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