Arrival of Sagittarius

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The camps and gods were discussing strategy at the creek. The entire boarders was Sanctuary on Earth.  A fitting place to battle for the Cloth of Sagittarius. "The gods and the remaining Seven shall go and get the flag, while the remainder of you guard the flag. Keep them away from all costs" Annabeth instructed everyone present. "Thalia, Phoebe your're with me" said Artemis who was itching to kill the assassins and Athena for taking Zoe from the sky. The two mentioned people nodded. 

"Annabeth what about Percy, he is an Olympian now not to mention he is a primordial" Reyna asked. "He'll be in his godly form" Zeus, not wanting to mention that Avalonian Gods are 100 times more powerful than Greek Gods with the exception of Aiolos and Athena. Everyone nodded at even Artemis who was thinking that if destroying Avalon was so easy, then killing their king would be much easier. 

"This should be fun" Ares said. "You know we are not killing anyone" Poseidon said even though he wanted to murder Perseus for the amount of disrespect he received from him. When everyone had their assignments they waited for the signal to start the "fake" battle. To the camps it was to show Aurora that they are more entitled than his children, and to Perseus that they only used him 


"There plan is simple yet effective" Athena said, she was dressed in a simple tunic and all she carried was her staff "But so is ours. Zoe you and Bianca shall take Artemis and her hunters away from the Gods. The remainder assassins go for the flag. Use the environment to your advantage" said group nodded. "Consider it done Athena" Silena said grinning mischievously. "What about Perseus?" asked Charles. Athena wasn't sure how to tell them what Perseus is. She settled with the truth. "While Perseus is both a primordial and a god, he is also a Saint. The Crown Saint associated with the Constellation Corvus". 

To say they were shocked were an understatement. Luke looked as though his face was about to fall off. Zoe looked like she has seen a ghost and the Saints, well they were rolling on the floor laughing. Perseus walked up to them and hit them all on the head. "OW!" was the response. "Idiots" Perseus muttered. "You know that you don't need to hit so hard Pegasus Tenma, with his silver saint counter part Pegasus Seiya nodding in agreement. 

Athena shook her head in fondness. "Everyone has their assignments now break" Athena said. 

"READY SET GO!!!!" Chaos bellowed from above. 


Artemis zoomed through Sanctuary 's forest hoping to kill some assassins when an arrow stopped her in her path. "Hello my lady" Zoe said. "Zoe join us help us avenge our fallen brethren" Phoebe said. Zoe gave her former friend a glare. "I will not betray thy friends. Thou are not the person thy fought with" Zoe said turning Artemis. "Why Zoe?" Artemis asked. 

"Why, thou asking me why. Thou destroyed an entire Pantheon and for what reason. Because Lord Aiden told you as the goddess of the hunt that thou you also have a duty to protect the wild not just hunt it into extinction" Zoe cried. "Aiden had no right to tell me what to do" Artemis said to her former Lt".

"As the Goddess of the Hunt, thou are still in his sphere. Therefore thou must obey his will before thy father" Zoe said readying her bow. Artemis didn't reply and attacked her hoping to kill her for her disrespect. Thalia fired a bolt of lighting at Zoe who easily dodged. "Ho-how?" asked a bewildered Thalia. 

Zoe didn't respond and fired a gas arrow at her feet along with Phoebe's who fell unconscious the moment the arrows hit. Artemis swung her knives at Zoe who countered with a kick to the feet making fall on her back. Artemis was about to retaliate but one punch from the former huntress knocked her out. "Tis am not sorry milady" Zoe said to her former mistress, for once in her life feeling regret.


Athena was waiting at the top of her temple when the gods,the remaining Seven,and Heroes of Old arrived. The Gold Saints standing by in case Athena needed help, not that any of them doubted her power. It was then Zeus noticed Artemis was not at the temple like she said she would be. "Where is Artemis" Zeus said in panic. Athena smiled. Looks like Zoe did her job well. 

Apollo was about to find his sister when Athena attacked. Using telepathy, Athena entered Apollo's mind with a strong telepathic wave that caused him extreme pain. Seeing that Athena was seemingly defenseless, Jason and Zeus summoned lightning and combined the bolt into a bigger bolt. The lightning hurled towards her, but the goddess was prepared. Summoning a cosmic pillar, the bolt sailed through it being absorbed. 

Zeus and his son were shocked that not even their combined powers could render her defeated. The Gods all struck at once but Athena only dodged. With every dodge new plans formed in her mind. Hephaestus and Poseidon struck but said goddess used her staff and blocked them. Giving the two gods a round house kick to the face, they slammed into a pillar unconscious. Hera tried to fight her next, but her efforts were futile. 

Demeter tried to wrap her in vines but Athena was stronger. She burned the plants using light energy. Summoning the power of Sagittarius, Athena's light power increased. Raising her staff Athena released said energy at the unsuspecting goddess slamming into Apollo where they were both too injured to get up. 

One by one the Gods fell into unconsciousness leaving only Ares and the demi gods.  "Looks like its my lucky day" the war god said. All once they attacked. Soon it became Ares vs Athena. A legendary battle. Neither opponent giving up. Ares decided to have some "fun". Pulling back he swung his sword at her feet and jabbing it into her knee cap. Jason got back up with Hercules. The latter grabbing hold of her while Jason gave her a punch in the face. Golden ichor flowing down her face. 

"Looks like the mighty goddess will fall like her brother" Ares boasted. Jason was excited. Soon that cloth will be his. The Saints got up and were about to attack the war god when a light erupted in the heavens forming a star that was falling towards the earth. As Ares was about to swing the star landed in front of him blinding his vision. Those that were unconscious got up to see what was going on. Not that they could as the light was to bright even for Apollo. 

When the light died down a group of 3 people were in front of the War God. Each one looked like a Saint. The leader had brown hair and blue eyes. Gold Armor surrounded him. His Gold wings shinning brightly. If one could look closely you would be able to see the white feather being covered by the plated metal. However his armor wasn't just any armor. If one were to look in the Sagittarius Temple they would see that the Cloth is gone. This man that arrived was doning the Cloth in its full power. 

The long thought dead Sagittarius Knight has arrived. 

Aiolos is here. 

And he is pissed. 

DUN DUN DUN.......

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