Phoenix Persona

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I was seated at my table at lunch with my entire pantheon and my creed. The campers,gods,and mortal families around us listening to Aiolos explanation. 

"When Ares cut my head off I felt my soul leave my body. I was in this strange room with a man. His entire body was on fire. His eyes were like 1000 suns. I could make out a green,white,and gold costume and when he spoke. It was if multiple people were speaking" Aiolos began. 

Did he give a name?" asked Leo Regulus. What he said next shocked all the primordial,Michael and Aurora. "Phoenix" was all he said. Aurora was shocked. I didn't blame him. The description is exactly like Aurora's Phoenix Persona. His divine form. But none of it made sense as Aurora didn't even know that Aiolos was alive. He didn't even know Sisyphus was alive. I listened to the story to see if my suspicions were correct. If it was, then those dreams that I've been having would've made more sense. 

"When he told me who he was he explained to me that my time on earth has yet to come. He told me that the only way I could see my sister is if I influence the Knights as an outside force. So I hid myself in the stars choosing Saints as they go hoping I would find the most purest that could be come gods" Aiolos said "and I did". 

I could sense that Zeus was appalled and enraged. Here was someone who not only had more power than him, but had the nerve to make gods with out his permission. He was God of the Sky, King of the Gods all immortals answer to him. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE MORTALS IMMORTAL GODS. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. I AM KING OF THE GODS, ALL IMMORTALS EVEN YOU ANSWER TO ME"he thundered. Aiolos leveled him with a glare that he defiantly inherited from Michael. 

"You may be king of the gods, but you are not my king. I am loyal to my father and sister. As Saints and Gods it is our duty to protect humanity from divine intervention that wish to harm them" Aiolos said. Zeus was enraged even more. What he did though was the most stupidest thing anyone could do. He knew he couldn't win against Aiolos nor did he want Aurora pissed off at him so he fired his Master Bolt had the nearest saint. 

Leo Regulus. Sisyphus's nephew. 

Right as the bolt was about to hit, the lightning from the bolt was removed leaving only a metal rod. The lighting moved past Zeus and into Aurora's body. "Son please continue. Zeus you won't get this bolt back until after explanations are over" Aurora said annoyed. Zeus nodded not wanting to argue with the most powerful being besides the creator in the room. 

"As I was saying, as the saints died against the war with Ares I saw 12 Gold Saints and even some bronze and silver saints show compassion and bravery. So when they died I took their souls and brought them to grandfathers court where we made them immortal" Aiolos finished. "You mean to say that your grandfather knew you were alive and didn't tell me" Aurora said enraged. 

He was about to throw a lightning bolt at his father when Michael calmed him down by whispering something in his ear. He shivered. It didn't take a psychic to know what they are going to do later on in the day throughout the night.  

I noticed Guinevere was quiet throughout the entire story. In fact so was my entire pantheon. Even my son Arthur was quiet which was way out of character for him. "Whats wrong son" I said to him. Arthur tried to not look in my eyes but when he did I gave him the baby seel eyes to which he caved in. Works every time. 

"Its just that Phoenix was the one who saved us. Artemis did kill us, but he brought us back to life. He gave Morgana the idea to cast an illusion and go into hiding. We didn't know when any of us would see you again. Eventually he appeared to us telling us to head to Terran where we saw you about to be attacked by Poseidon" he said. So the same being appeared to them. I looked at Aurora who was looking at his parents. When he caught my gaze, he knew it was time. Time to tell them everything. 

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