Betrayed by camp once again

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3 Months Later

It has been three months since Aurora left. Life at Camp became rocky after that with Camper slowly treating me like crap and it took a huge amount of willpower not to kill them. The mortal families seemed to hate me even more than I hate them. Every time I see them they always glare at me and ignore any instruction I give them. Why I don't know. But now the campers have gone to far. 


I was meditating at the beach. My consciousness in the Astral Plane where I was doing training with my psionics when I heard voices I saw in the real world. Turning I looked and saw the remaining Seven with Reyna Nico,Thalia and Grover. "You sure we should do this" asked a nervous Hazel. "We have no choice Hazel. What happens if he were to go against us" Annabeth said. "I understand, but he gave us another chance" Frank said to her. Piper nodded with Leo in agreement. Reyna looked at Annabeth with betrayal. "Doesn't matter, were taking percussion. Besides the mortal families are getting restless with what happened 3 months ago. He's a murderer" Jason said to them. 

Leo,Reyna,Piper,Frank,and Hazel looked at Jason in shock. Not saying a word they left. Turning back to my meditative form Annabeth raised a knife into the air. I recognized the metal. Seraphic Silver. Metal forged from Ouranos. Aurora had a spare knife in his room. They must have broke in and got it. With a slash Annabeth cut my chest before handing the knife to Jason. I was in so much pain I could feel my astral form slipping. Jason stabbed me in the lungs causing me to gasp feeling the air in my lungs leaving me. Nico took the knife next and started to cut me all over. "This is for Bianca" he would say to me over and over. Thalia took the knife next and slit my throat. They left after making sure I was dead laughing as though nothing happened. I blacked out afterwards. 


I opened my eyes in a very bright room. Like as bright as the sun. "Aunt Hes he's awake" a familiar voice said. Hestia came over to my side. "Percy are you ok?" she asked me worried. I chuckled "I've survived worse" I managed to say.  "What happened" Artemis. I didn't want to speak to her but I felt as though I should. I told them how I was in the astral plane when Jason,Annabeth,Thalia,Grover,and Nico all stabbed me with Seraphic Silver. They were all angry when I finished. "Zeus wants you in the Throne Room to discuss what happened" Hermes said flashing in. I nodded. 


Which leaves us to now. I was sitting on my throne telling the gods what had happened. They were all disappointed to say the least. "What is so special about Seraphic Silver" Ares asked. "Seraphic Silver is a metal mined from my Grandfather Ouranos's palace. The metal if in large quantities can put a primordial to sleep, but at the cost of the domain going on a destructive rampage that can not be stopped" Athena explained to the stunned council. A portal opened in the middle of the throne room. Chaos appeared and looked at me sadly. "Grandson I am so sorry that I wasn't able to get their in time. I was busy trying to stop your parents from going on a killing spree" Chaos said. I chuckled at the thought of my parents. Seems something they would do I thought. "Based on what has happened here I have come to take you home, but not forever" grandfather said to the panicking Olympians. I nodded at him. I had a feeling this would have happened. 

"How long will I be gone?" I asked. "I don't know. You can come back whenever you feel like but knowing you, you may want to wait until you cooled down" Chaos answered. He was right. If I stayed this planet or even galaxy would combust do to the amount of anger I felt. "You should say your goodbyes now. I'll be back in five minutes" Chaos said. I nodded at him as he disappeared into the portal to who knows where. I turned to the Olympians. "Tell the campers that I am dead" I told them. Zeus nodded. "What about your assassins" asked Athena. "They will be coming with me. I don't trust them at the camp." I said. She nodded in acceptance. I gave each and everyone a hug(except Artemis and Poseidon) before flashing to Chaos location. "Ready grandson" he asked. I nodded. Together  walked in a portal and for once I did not look back. 


Hera POV (A/N Didn't see that coming did you?)

I was sad that Perseus gone. He was one of a kind always helping others. "We should call the campers and mortal families here" I said to my husband who nodded in agreement and told Hermes to go fetch them. No sooner than he was gone did he comeback with everyone. The mortals were in awe at our throne room and bowed with the campers. "Campers a great injustice has been done" Zeus said. "Perseus is dead". Everyone was shocked except those involved. Perseus's mortal family looked relieved. I wasn't surprised. Since they arrived they never once apologized for treating Perseus like trash. The nerve of them. 

"Who killed him" asked a boy from Hermes cabin. Travis I believe his name is. "We will not tell you who did it. Just know that by killing his domain is now unstable" I said which was a complete lie since he was fine. "Then why not someone takes the domain" Leo asked. He had tears in his eyes that were filled with guilt. I shook my head. "Without a primordial to name a heir or approve the domain is now going to turn on all heroes. Battles won't ever be won and will continue to go one" I said. They nodded in acceptance before we flashed them out. 

"Well that was easy"Hermes said. "You don't say" Aphrodite said flashing out after words. 

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