Mortals Sword Fight and a Cosmic Spar

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Perseus's POV

It has been a day since our mortal families have arrived and while some seem to enjoy their company others like me loathe it. It was breakfast and Marin was going on a rant due to a group of my assassins coming back from a kill covered in blood. "Its not healthy to have a bunch of idiots in cloaks going around killing people" she kept saying. I looked at Aurora who looked so annoyed that he may wish he should've taken Eros's offer to sleep with him. I locked eyes with Michael who was beside Aurora. His eyes gave a clear message "end this now or we will be in a category 7 hurricane. "Aunt Marin" I said in a really sweet voice that made everyone at the table shiver. "If you do not shut up and eat your food, then you will not have enough energy for what we will be doing today" I said to her. She gave me the stink eye but stopped when seeing Raphael pulling out his sword. "I thought celestial bronze can't harm mortals" Paul said. 

"Who said my sword was celestial bronze" Raphael said in a threatening voice. "I gave him a look that said he can mess up his fate later to which he reluctantly agreed to. "Well if you are all done eating please head to the arena where Lord Perseus will teach you sword fighting based on your respective schedule from your children's cabin". Those that had me for sword fighting including from my table paled as they know how my training works. Aurora looked like he might burst with excitement at the chance of having the Phoenix Force and Empathy, two cosmic forces who are similar yet so alike to train together rather than be against one another. 


All the campers and mortal families who were part of my group (consisting of Athena,Artemis,Apollo,Hecate) were all lined up. We gave the families spare armor and swords as well as shields. Michael and Raphael came in with their armor with Raphael in brown and white while Michael had gold and white. Their blond hair and blues made them look desirable. If I wasn't teaching with Aurora, we would most likely be making out and having sex like horny rabbits. I pulled myself out of my thoughts when I noticed some mortal girls and boys, Ryan included giving them dreamy eyes. Imagine hearts coming out of their eyes and a flaming and very jealous Aurora plotting the 100 different ways he can kill you will a paper clip. 

Before Aurora could commit murder that would no doubt want my assassins educated I decided to roll with things. "So welcome to your first sword fighting class" I addressed the nervous mortals. Before we begin does anyone know how to sword fight?" I asked. To my utter surprise Andrew raised his hand. "I do" he said arrogantly. "I learned from a class at school not to mention I am the best. I can totally beat you" he told me. Aurora and Raphael snorted while Michael looked amused. I told him to come to the front and get in a ready position and attack me with all he had. Poseidon had shown up to see Andrew try and beat me. 

Andrew went offensively striking me fast for a mortal, but what no one but the gods know is that I made Excalibur (the sword I was using) and not to mention I was trained by Aurora who was trained by Michael. Yeah I know if I try he will be dead. While he kept striking I stayed on defense until I grew extremely board. Using the disarming technique Andrew's sword clattered to the ground. The mortals looked shocked while Poseidon was salking. Everyone grabbed a partner with Michael, Raphael and I corrected their stances. "Hey Perce wanna spar?" Aurora asked me. I gave him a knowing smirk and got into position. I put Excalibur away knowing the kind of spar Aurora was talking about. 

Aurora struck first pulling out a telepathic blade slashing at me. Reacting quickly I erected a barrier blocking the strike. Using the energy from the strike I converted it into a whip filled with pain. Aurora sensing this was coming sent a telepathic blast to my head causing me to flinch at the impact. Camper,Hunters,and Mortals gathered around looking at the fight. Even the gods had arrived to see us. 

This went on for a while with us throwing psychic attack after attack at each other. Hoping to catch him off guard I transformed into my soul self. Empathic Energy forming around me till I was covered. What people saw was the avatar of the cosmic entity Empathy in the form of a Raven. I sent him a wave of emotion in his mind hoping to confuse him but nothing happened. I was shocked because Aurora changed his outfit from a simple jeans and t-shirt to a gold and white costume with a gold phoenix emblem in the middle. Before my eyes I saw Aurora as White Phoenix of the Crown. The Cosmic Flames surrounded him until a phoenix took his place. Phoenix flew at me and I swiftly dodged if not barely. I could tell Phoenix was bored and holding way back being an nigh omnipotent being. I thought I could last a bit longer, but a blast of cosmic fire made me revert back to my original form meaning I yield. 

Everyone was shocked at us and stared fearfully at us. "What the Hades was that" Artemis screeched. "That was Perseus and I having a little cosmic battle. Phoenix and Raven" Aurora said. Artemis turned to him and what she said made me think she wanted an early death wish. "I wasn't talking to you boy . I was talking to Perseus. Don't interrupt us unless you want to be castrated like all males should". Athena and Michael was furious at what she said and was about to set her straight when Aurora raised his hand telling them to stop. By now thunderclouds were rolling in and I can feel the ocean on the coast of NY being pulled back ready for a tsunami. The mortals and campers looked at the two immortals in fear while the gods looked at Artemis in disappointment knowing what was about to come. 

"Phoebe Artemis" Aurora said in a low but menacing voice. And not just any voice. The Calm before the Storm. "I Aurora son of Gaea and Ouranos here by curse your hunters to never enter the Underworld. Upon death they shall never end up with Death himself like all souls do. Instead they will go to the realm of Oblivion" Aurora said. We all widen our eyes at the curse. Artemis just glared at him not believing he has the power. Aurora walked to our cabin and didn't come out until dinner. 

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