Winter Solstice

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Percy POV

It has been 5 months since I got my immortality back. In those 5 months I have been punishing mortals,demigods and gods a like who have done wrong. "This would be easier if I has my assassins back" I thought. An idea popped up into my head. I can just remake the Assassins Creed. I just need to get the councils approval. I quickly flashed to the Throne Room.

Throne Room

I flashed in and sat on my chair. The camps weren't here yet. We decided to get the meeting done first before bringing the camps here. "Now what should his sacred animal and weapon be" Zeus began. "What about a Pegasus for his sacred animal and a sword for his weapon" Athena said. "I was thinking more of a dog as an animal and a dagger" Ares said. Leave it to the God of War to not do well in meetings. Soon all the Gods started shouting their ideas until Hestia had enough. Raising her hand the hearths flames rose rapidly silencing the gods. "How about we let Perseus decided seeing as it pertains to him" she said calmly. I nodded in thanks to her. Turning to the council I said "I will have my-" I never finished as the Fates flashed back in. The gods bowed except for me who got up and gave them a hug.

 Once we were all seated the Fates said "Perseus's sacred animal will be the Raven and the Dragon. He has a few weapons. The first is his most prominent. His sword Excalibur that we were able to save when Avalon was destroyed" Atropos said banishing a silver sword.

"Next is his Lasso of Justice. Capable of extracting the truth from anyone" Clotho said handing me my golden lasso. 

Lachesis spoke "He also has the Arrows of Punishment". Lachesis handed me by bow and arrows that no doubt made Artemis jealous, and a necklace that looked as though you could be lost in it. They spoke in unison "We the Fates give Perseus is Loom of Heroes". When they finished they flashed out. "Well that was easy" Zeus said. "Does anyone have anything to add before we bring the demigods here" Hera said. "I do" I said. Everyone turned towards me. "Floors all yours nephew" Zeus said smiling at me, no doubt knowing what I am going to ask. 

"Thank you. As you know when I ruled Avalon, I had the Knights of Camelot that defended the land. What some of you may or may not know is that before that I had a group known as the Assassins Creed. This creeds job was to bring justice throughout the world when it came to mortals and immortals. I mostly stuck to the immortals though. Point is that with Avalon gone, so is the Creed. Which is why I wish to restart the Creed with the councils permission" I said. "What would this creed entail in terms of members?"Athena asked. I took a deep breath before answering. "The Creed is made up of men and women ages 14-25. Each member would receive partial immortality from like the Hunters of Artemis, however they also gain increase speed and stamina, a signature weapon of their choice. They will also receive a minor ability with the exception of Time,Fate,and Heroes. One ability that they all receive is to be able to sense when people are lying or not" I said. "All in favor" Hades said. 14 hands rose up with the exception of a furious Artemis. 

"I do not accept this. Olympus doesn't need two immortal groups. We have done well with the Hunters. Besides all males are the same. Greedy,arrogant pigs. Whats the point of serving justice to pigs. Girls have suffered more" Artemis said with venom. What she said infuriated me beyond measure. Before I could retaliate and smite her, Zeus intervened "Artemis be reasonable. Perseus's Creed serves justice to humanity and the divine. They only hunt monsters when it is necessary". 

"Then have it be only males. I'm not letting women get involved with something like that" Artemis said glaring at her father. "No I said "I am not making an all males group just to appease you. My Creed will have men and women. End of discussion". "Fine" Artemis relented. "Now that is out of the way, Hermes summon the demigods" Hera said. No sooner than he was gone did he reappear with both camps. The campers bowed to before noticing me. Needless to say that they were shocked to see me as a god and glared at me. I gave them my wolf stare promising pain. They all looked away. "Demigods, as you can see Perseus is a god. What's more is that he is actually the Primordial Perseus. The personification of Heroes. The one that weaves your fates together. He is also a god. Please welcome Perseus God of Emotions,Justice,Law,Judgement,Punishment,Time,Balance,Darkness,Fate,and Loyalty" Zeus said. They were all shocked and silent at the same time. 

Zeus took this as a sign to continue. "He is also putting together a group of males and females similar to Artemis Hunters, however instead of hunting monsters you would be protecting mortals and immortals and punishing those that have done wrong". I took the liberty of continuing "I won't recruit any of due to your actions at camp towards me. Don't bother asking or I will cut your life string sooner rather than later" I said  

Annabeths POV

It was the winter solstice meeting here at Olympus where I and the rest of the camps got to visit. It had been a few hours since Percy was called to Olympus where we hoped he was killed due to him being a spy for Gaea. When we arrived in the Throne room we were all shocked to see Percy sitting on a throne. He looked different. He was dressed as an assassin, his eyes were red and he has black wings on his back. His purple skin reflected off of the hearth making him look very evil looking. We were even more shocked to learn that he is actually Lord Perseus himself the very representation of Heroism as well as Heroes Fate. The person who we hate is the one who actually controls our life string. The Campers glared at him but Perseus didn't seemed fazed. Instead he gave them a glare that would make Typhon run for his life. 

I was pulled away when from my thoughts when Zeus was done introducing Percy as a god and primordial. We were all shouting afterwards saying insults towards him and wondering why her is a god. "SILENCE" Perseus shouted at us. His aura expanding that made us and the gods drop to our knees. "Why did the Fates give him back his immortality" I asked between croaks. "I didn't want this. Perseus was and should always be mortal but my brother thought that giving his old life back after all he has done for us is a good idea" Poseidon said. "Your only upset because you no longer have a son to give you any glory and is stuck with a son who is as weak as a squirrel" Perseus said. "Watch your self, I can still kill you" Poseidon shot back. 

Quicker than an eye could blink Perseus sped towards Poseidon and grabbed his trident pulling it out of his hands. Poseidon was about to react when what Perseus said stopped him "unless you want me to get my parents Hydros and Thalassa plus my uncle Pontus to wage war on you where you will absolutely lose then you better learn to know your place. I am the embodiment of heroes and with that also comes being the embodiment of justice". Perseus growled before giving him back his trident and returning to his throne. 

"As you can see Percy is a primordial and a god. We brought you all here today to tell you that Perseus never did any of the things you accused him of as he was on a quest for Athena to marry her daughter. It was Mason who did all that" Hera said.  We were all shocked and looked at Mason who was grinning smugly. "You all foolishly believed me over someone who-" Mason never finished. In a flash of light Mason was gone and in his place was a plate of meatloaf. We looked at the council wondering who did that. They were all trying and failing to contain their laughter as a big green dragon came and peed on it before flying to an empty throne and morphing back into a grinning primordial. Waving his hand Mason turned back to normal, well as normal as he once was. 

To say he stunk was an understatement. He smelled as bad as the pegasi manure and that is saying something as they can be pretty smelly. Without another word the Gods flashed out leaving us demigods,Chiron,and Lupa to head back to camp by ourselves. 

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