Aiolos and Avalon

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Ares was quivering in fear. Not only did he try to kill Athena, but was stopped by the arrival of her older brother. And he was pissed. And not only was he here, but also his champion. The long thought dead Sagittarius Sisyphus. Ares tried to run like a cowered still to exhausted to fight, but Aiolos was faster. A lot faster. Running towards him, Aiolos grabbed the War God by the throat and punched him. Hard. Ares crumpled to the ground to injured. 

"If you ever try to kill my sister in a friendly game of Capture the Flag again" Aiolos said. All those present shivered not wanting to see his true power if one punch could hurt the God of War. Turning to his sister who was being helped by Sisyphus get off the ground. The two looked at one another before embracing at long last. How ever their reunion was short lived by a furious son of Jupiter. 

"How dare you take my armor mortal" Jason growled. Instead of responding Aiolos readied his bow with a arrow aimed at Jason when Sisyphus beat him to it by throwing a rock at his face. Hard. Jason crumpled to the group holding his nose in one hand. "The Sagittarius Cloth has always been mine. It will never be yours. Remember that son of Jupiter" Aiolos said walking away. 

"Percy wait" Annabeth called. Aiolos and Athena turned to watch the confrontation between the Camps and Perseus that was long over due. "What do you want" Perseus said. "How are you" Annabeth asked. Perseus knew what they wanted to say so got straight to the point. "Why. Why did you try to kill me. Why did you betray me. I forgave you guys once yet you throw it away like yesterdays trash. So why" Perseus said. "ANSWER ME" he yelled. 

Annabeth looked at him smugly and answered. "We never liked you Jackson. We only pretended to be your friend to get what we wanted". "Which was what?"Perseus asked growing angrier by the second. "Fame" Jason said. That did it for Perseus. Turning into his soul self, Perseus's true power was unhinged. Empathy had awoken. 

As Perseus was about to erase them out of existence an unlikely person stopped him. "Percy let them go. They are not worth it" Aiolos said. Perseus reverted back to his normal form glaring at his betrayers with absolute hatred. 

"Your a coward then" Jason sneered. "No I am not. I am just choosing not to waste my breath on someone who claims this Cloth as theirs yet you were not born in it, nor was the cloth made of you" Aiolos said. Jason grew red in the face and attacked Aiolos. Hercules joined his brother with the two throwing punch after punch. Aiolos dodged them and flew up in the sky. Jason used the winds to lift him while Hercules grabbed a nearby tree and threw it at him. Aiolos grabbed the tree and threw it back at Hercules making a deep gash in his side. 

Jason grew even angrier if that was even possible. His face was already as red as a tomato. He looked as though he had a nasty sun burn. Jason flew towards him but Aiolos wanted to end his lustful arrogance. "LIGHTNING PLASMA" Aiolos called, out stretching his hand. From his hand weak plasma energy was released that was traveling faster than the speed of light. The light collided with Jason head on. Said person fell to the ground with a thud. "Drop your arrogant attitude son of Jupiter or next time, you won't be so lucky" Aiolos said with a calm yet calculating expression walking away to a portal that led to the throne room of the primordials. 



Days had passed since Aiolos was found alive. The meeting was postponed until those that were injured could heal. When ever I would fall asleep the dreams I would have would grow worse. Almost becoming real. 

Returning from my thoughts it was complete chaos.

 The throne room was in an uproar, mortals angry that Perseus's team would harm their children and demanded the primordials keep him in check. "SILENCE" father shouted getting tired of the mortals and demi gods disrespecting me and betraying me. It looked as though he snapped. And that wasn't good. 

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