Stolen Cloth

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3rd Person POV

Jason,Thalia,Nico,Hazel,Annabeth,Malcolm,and Ben were in the Sagittarius Room looking in awe at the armor. In fact it wasn't just the armor they were looking at. It was the entire room. Behind the armors stand was a painting of Aiolos and Athena, only Athena was different. In this painting she had gold wings made of metal, and staff with a bird in her right hand and a shield in her left. What was most shocking was her hair. Instead of black hair, the Athena in the painting had purple. "My mother doesn't have purple hair, so why does this Athena have purple hair" Malcolm said. "Maybe she is hiding her natural form. Why I have no idea" reasoned Annabeth. "Maybe" Malcolm said. 

There was a heavy silence, no one knew what to say. Thalia was the one who broke it. "Who do you think should take it?" she asked, a power hungry look in her eyes. Annabeth thought for a moment "You or Jason, as much  as I would love the armor, it doesn't suit me" Annabeth said with Malcolm and Ben nodding. Hazel and Nico just didn't care leaving only Thalia and her brother. 

"As much as I want the armor and its power, it will only slow me down on the hunts with Artemis" Thalia said though she looked as though she was unsure if that is what she wanted to say. "Then I guess that means I'll wield the armor" Jason said with the same power hungry look as Thalia. Stepping on the alter, Jason grabbed the armor. Upon his touch it morphed into a beautiful gold box fit for travel. 

The group left unbeknownst to them that they were being watched from above by a man and women clad in armor much like the Sagittarius Cloth. The man was in gold armor whose helmet resembled a ram while the woman was in silver armor"They are fools" said the man, "they have no idea that their actions can easily have cost them their lives". The woman nodded in agreement, she looked no older than 18 but in actuality she was much older. "Yes, but I am more worried about how Lord Aurora will react once he realizes his son and our leaders cloth is missing" the woman said. The two departed without saying another word to each other, preparing for what was going to come the next day. 


Breakfast was as normal as it can be with mortals complaining left right. Honestly what is it with them. I noticed that those at Aurora's guest table looked a little gleeful for my liking. Speaking of Aurora, as if on que said primordial ripped the door off the eating room storming in. He was in his divine form and he looked pissed. All around him the matter started to rip apart only to be put back together. Word of advice, if you see an angry Aurora get out of the galaxy your're in. His wrath can make any war look like a nice sunny day. Only Michael can calm him down, only he came in just as angry. Welp looks like the universe is gone I thought. 

"WHERE IS IT" Aurora screeched. All around us mortals and demigods alike tried to go under the table only to have it telekinetically thrown away. The primordials tried to calm him down, but nothing was working. Not even the primordial of peace Raziel could calm his brother down. "I won't ask again where is it" this time he was calmer if only little to none. "Where's what?" asked Hazel, but I along with my assassins could tell she was lying. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Where is the Sagittarius Cloth" Aurora hissed out.  

We all widened our eyes, taking things from Aurora's palace is something that no one should do, especially the armor of his deceased son.  "If that armor is not back in 24 hours from now, than there will be war" Aurora declared leaving with Michael hot on his heels, but not before giving us a deathly stare that we all flinched at. 

No sooner did he leave did the mortals and campers started shouting at the primordials which to me was the most stupidest thing anyone could do. "QUIET" Nyx bellowed out. Imediately people quieted. Turning to me she said "Perseus I want you to investigate this matter". 

"There is no point when I all ready know who did it" I said before turning to Jason and co. "Give back the armor" I told them which everyone gasped at. "We don't have it" Annabeth said, though she was very nervous. "Your lying"Luke said. "Says the person who joined Kronos and hosted him" Thalia shot back. Luke was going to go and give her a piece of his mind when I silenced them. Pulling out my lasso I wrapped Thalia around with it. She tried to struggle, but the lasso was too strong. 

Artemis was going to intervene, but one swift glare from Athena made her rethink her choice. "Who has the armor?" I asked her. "Jason has it" she automatically said. She stared at me in shock that she confessed so easily. "Give back the armor now!" I said. "What is so special about the armor. Yes the armor is from a deceased god, but it's useless now. That's why a warrior such as my self has it. This armor was meant for me, not some lousy god" Jason said arrogantly.  

Athena looked downright murderous now, she was about to attack him when Ouranos pulled him. "They merely do not understand the gravity of the situation" he said. "Show them from when we gave our gifts to Aiden and Aurora, and then their births. Perhaps only then would they understand" he said to Infinity. Waving her hands a mist formed in the middle of the room until and image formed of the young Aurora with Aiden. 

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