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Hey y'all just to let you know that this chapter is going to be short but deep

Dream Begins


I was here. In Avalon. Yet it wasn't. Bodies layed everywhere, my knights bones were shattered. The young were sprawled out on the ground. God's I can still here there screams of mercy. Begging and pleasing to the one that did this.

I ran across the field through the burnt village, gone was the smell of Mrs.Cives bakery that I traveled to every morning. Gone was Medusa's Field of stone. A place where she makes stone sculptures for people, for free. Gone was the palace of Arachne, her webs no longer fit to weave.

Musing out of my thoughts I arrived at the main palace. The entire place was burnt. As I walked through the coridoors to the throne room I can here more screams, as if a massacre is still taking place. 

Opening the doors what I saw chilled me to the bone. My wife was in the middle of labor, yet several arrows peirced her heart. An not just any arrows. Arrows made by Saraphic Silver, arrows stolen from Aiden. At her feet layed my son Arthur, who died trying to protect his stepmother.

All around the bodies of my immortal council bloodied and in shock. When I walked closer to close there eyes a mist came from their mouths. This time I knew the dream had changed.

"Come Perseus. We are here. We are waiting for you. Come our king". In that moment I work.

Dream Ends

I woke up gasping for breath. "What's wrong love" Raphael said having stired from his own sleep hearing my screams.

"It was the dream again" he said to me concerned. I nodded, ever since The Purge of Avalon I would get dreams of my faliure. Not being quick enough to save anyone. Only this time the dreams were changing. Like a voice calling out to me. Asking me to find them. The voice is familiar yet it's as if strange magic is blocking me from finding out what it is.

"We can tomorrow. We have a big day ahead of us" Raphael said to me groggily still trying to stay awake for my sake. Did I mention how much he understands me. And that's without peering into our minds to get information dueto the soul mate bond. Plus he is right. Tomorrow is capture the flag.

I pulled the covers close to me, Raphael wrapping me in his wings once again (like every night), and me snuggling into his broad chest drifting to sleep. This time no dreams haunted me.

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