The Camps come here...WTF!!! PLUS a History Lesson

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200 years later Perseus person POV

200 years passed since I left Earth. 200 years since my friends came back to life.

I was sitting in my room with Raphael enjoying some peace and quiet for once in my immortal life. "So I was thinking love" Raphy started. "That's never a good sign" I joked. Raphael mocked glared at me. "I'll have you know that my thinking cap is much better than your training" Raphael responded in a huff. I just looked at him. "Anyways I was thinking" Raphael looked at me seeing if I'm going to continue making fun of him. Seeing that I wasn't he said to me "That we could try again".

I knew what he meant. As an omega I have the ability to carry children. The deaths of our son and my other unborn children are still fresh in my mind. I feel as though I might get them killed. I was a about to voice my thoughts when a loud crash followed by a scream jolted us out of our comfort. Whoever decided to disturb an omega in their quiet time is dead. I am almost as bad as Aurora. At least I don't blow up portions of the multiverse. Opening my door I was met with absolute chaos (not my grandfather mind you, but close enough). Luke was running around in circles with his head cut off while Silena chased him. "LUKE YOU BETTER FUCKING GIVE BACK MY MAKE UP KIT OR SO HELP ME I WILL MURDER YOU LIKE I THE LITTLE BASTARD YOU ARE" and a whole bunch of other shit that I had no idea my niece could come up with. Luke well lets just say he is scared. "IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR. IT WAS MOST LIKELY ETHAN OR SOMEONE ELSE. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME". I decided to interrupt their little dispute. "OI! SILENA STOP CHASING LUKE AROUND WITH YOUR MACE. LUKE GIVE BACK HER MAKE UP KIT. AND IF ANYONE OF YOU DECIDES TO INTERRUPT MY QUIET TIME WITH RAPHAEL I WILL SLICE YOU INTO MILLIONS OF PIECES ONLY TO BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE AND KILL YOU AGAIN" I shouted. Both stopped at oi. Luke gave Silena her make up kit back while Silena reluctantly put the mace down. 

"Lord Perseus" said a voice behind me. Turning around I saw one of Chaos's messengers. "Yes?" I asked. "Lord Chaos has requested your presence with the other gods. He said it is urgent". "Tell him that we will be there shortly". The messenger nodded and disappeared. Turning back to Luke and Silena "gather everyone up and meet us at the throne room" I order. They nodded and left. 


Once we were all assembled we made our way in. All the primordials were seated even the lesser primordials (their children). I could detect a bit of fear and nervousness radiating off of them. "Why have you called us here grandfather" I asked him. Chaos chuckled nervously. "Well us as a council have decided to bring the camps,mortals and the gods here to ah...further educate them?" Chaos ended more like a question. I registered what he said. I will be seeing the people who killed me. I was suddenly filled with rage. A dark aura surrounded me and before I could blow Chaos's head off Aurora intervened taking the energy from my attack. "Percy I know you are angry, but look on the bright side. You have us. We are a family not them. They are only here to understand their place as immortals. Besides you and I both know that the newer gods who "killed you" need to have a reality check. This could be your opportunity" Aurora said to me.

He was right. Whenever I would look on Earth and according to Gaea the newer gods arrogance seems to be getting in the way of their duties. "When do they arrive" I asked. "I will be the one getting them" Aurora said. I nodded and flashed out, heading to the training grounds in my palace to vent out my anger. 


I flashed to Olympian Throne Room thinking about Percy and how he has to see those that did more harm than good to him. A cough broke me out of my thoughts. Looking at the noise I saw Nico Di Angelo a spawn of Hades looking at me. "Who are you and why have you interrupted this council meeting" he told. I was about to drop him in a landslide when Hades stopped me. "That is why you are all here. Chaos and the Primordial's have graciously let us see where they live and to learn anything we want with in reason" he said to the demigods. "That still doesn't answer Nico's question as to who he is and why he didn't bow". I noticed it was Perseus's former cousin Ben who said that. I was going to turn him into a rock when my daughter stopped me. "Father perhaps a reintroduction would be in order since it has been 200 years since they last saw you". 

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