Start of a new Holy War

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4 days had passed since Aiolia was born and the Gods were situated in a meeting with the primordials. Baby Aiolia sleeping peacefully in Aurora's arms.

"The boy is too dangerous to live, he must be killed before he overthrows us" Artemis said, Poseidon and Zeus nodding in agreement. "We are not killing anyone" Chronos said with a warning tone. "Why do you choose to defend him, not only is he a boy but he could make your fade" Artemis snarled. Eros spoke up "If we were to fade, then our domains wouldn't exist and neither would the universe". "Which is exactly why we should kill him" Artemis exclaimed. Ouranos gave the Goddess of the Hunt a glare. "If you attempt to harm my grandson, I will ensure that the air you breathe becomes so toxic you will die in seconds" he said. 

None of the primordials were surprised with his threat. His threats are a promise, but no one told the gods that wanting them to learn just what happens when you mess with a member of the House of Ouranos. Artemis went quiet fearing for her hunters lives. 

"The child is still too dangerous to live" Zeus said readying his master bolt that Aurora gave back to him days before. The primordials were ready to defend their son/nephew's child when an ear splitting scream echoed throughout the throne room. Apollo was on his knees an arrow in his back. "APOLLO" Artemis screamed running to her brother and pulling the arrow out. "Who did this to you?" his sister asked. "I did" Aiolos said landing in front of his father, his gold wings wrapped protectively around his baby brother. "Why would you do that, what has he done to you" Artemis said enraged. 

Aiolos didn't respond at first but what he said put a stop to all movements. "He was about to shoot an arrow at my brother so I gave him a taste of what would happen if he let his arrows fly. Besides the arrow was not all that happened. Apollo didn't scream in pain of the arrow. He screamed because Lord Perseus has judged him for the murder of Helios by removing his domain of prophecy. Permanently" Aiolos said harshly. 

"If we can't kill this child than there is someone who we can kill" Ares said looking at Athena. The Goddess of Wisdom knew what was coming. 

"I Ares God of War hereby declare war on Athena and ask those that agree with me to join me" Ares said. "I Artemis side with Ares" Artemis said. 

"I Apollo side with Ares" Apollo said.

"I Poseidon side with Ares" Poseidon said wanting to kill Athena again. Or hoping to. 

"I Zeus side with Ares" Zeus said not wanting to lose his throne. 

"I Demeter side with Ares" Demeter said not having forgiven Famine for stopping her when it came to the crops weeks before Aiolia's birth.

"I Aphrodite side Athena" Aphrodite said choosing to go against Ares any day after Zeus forced her into a marriage when she was already married. 

"I Hera side with Athena" Hera said wanting Ares to pay for wanting to tear families apart. 

"I Hestia side with Athena" Hestia said not wanting mortals to be ruled in the hands of a bloodthirsty god of war. 

"I Hades side with Athena" Hades said, not wanting more mortals to die when it is not their time. 

"I Hermes side with Athena" Hermes said for obvious reasons.

"I Hephaestus side with Ares" Hephaestus said which shocked everyone since neither could get along. Hephaestus is only helping because he is bitter that Athena refused his advances.

"I Dionysus side with Ares" Dionysus said. He never really like Athena. 

"I Perseus side with Athena" Perseus said. He is joining not only as a saint, but as a deity of justice as it is the right thing to do. The primordials are staying neutral as well as Michael all except one. "I Aurora side with my daughter" Aurora said having gotten tired of his son and daughters closest friends dying because Ares didn't get what he wanted. That made Ares's side pale knowing that if Aurora ever got involved in the battle physically it is game over. They just sealed their doom. 

Chaos flashed Ares and those on his side including the new minor gods as well as the opposing gods children and their families back to earth. Sighing Chaos wondered what happened to the Gods. They were acting much worse than the Titans save for a few. The Fates were hoping that Ares knew that at the end of the day he is fighting a battle he will never win. 


A girl with purple hair and green eyes that would change to grey when angered looked on at the earth. Beside her a man with black wings and purple skin. His eyes a malicious red.  Turning around the girl flashed out to prepare for her departure.  The man flew to an Island with many buildings. There he used his power to turn the Silver Pegasus Saint into a baby before sending him to earth. After all the Pegasus saint and his goddess fate are always intertwined until the battle has either been lost and won. 

The girls name is Athena. The man is Perseus. And their story is far from over. In fact a war has just begun. And not just any war. The war. The war for the control of the Earth. 

Ares Vs Athena

A Holy War

A/N So what did you guys think. Be prepared for an update later on in the week. The new story is called.......

Future and the Past:A Reading for Change

Let me know in the comments all your thoughts about the entire story and which book you want to be read first based on what I said in the chapter before. 

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