A truth revealed: A Starry Birth

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Deep within Terron the primordials were gathered to meet Gaea and Ouranos new borns. 3 months after a hefty birth the twins are already at the age of five. "My brothers,sisters,aunts and uncles thank you for coming to see our children. May I present to you Aiden and Aurora" Ouranos said. Gaea appeared holding two identical twin boys, the only difference was Aurora had red wings and white hair. "Mother,Father" Gaea said showing her parents the newest addition to their family. Chaos nodded. "All hail Aiden Primordial of the Wild" Chaos declared. "ALL HAIL" was the reply. Looking over at Aurora Chaos and Order detected a familiar presence. Peering in his soul they discovered his blood connection to the Phoenix Force. For trillions of years Phoenix has been searching for his one true hos, and now he has found him. Like he did for Aiden,Chaos closed his eyes searching for the domain that he created when he and his siblings were creating the universe. Once he found what he was looking for he opened his eyes. "A hail Aurora Primordial of the Weather and Natural Disasters, the one true host to the Phoenix Force" Chaos declared. Everyone was shocked at the last tittle but payed little mind to it. 

"Now for the gifts" Infinity said "From Oblivion and I, we give Aiden and Aurora the intuition to know when there is danger". A glow surrounded them signaling the blessing. "I give Aiden this cloak that is adaptable in any situation" Ourea said pulling out a brow cloak. "I give Aurora this sword made of hellfire" Tartarus said brandishing a black sword. "I give them the soul mate mark" Eros said. "They were also born as Angels much like Raziel and Azazel, so Aiden is hence forth known as the Archangel of the South, and Aurora is the Archangel of the North" Void said. Ouranos and Gaea beamed in pride at their children. 

"I bless them with Healing in the daytime" Hemera said. "I bless them for healing at nighttime" Nyx said. "Aether and I give them the ability to bend darkness and light to their will" Erebus said. "Pontus and I shall enable them to control water for Aiden, while Thalassa shall bless Aurora for when he uses the element of water it shall be much less taxing" Hydros said to a very happy Gaea. 

"Aiden I allow him to be able to sense the changes in the seasons, and for Aurora I strengthen his Chronokinesis" Chronos said. "I give Aiden a mirror capable of seeing the future and I give Aurora a loom of fate that allows him to control his fate powers" Ananke said. Everyone shocked at Ananke's gift. Noticing the stares she looked at them wondering if something is on her face. Seeing his wife's face Chronos answered her "Everyone is shocked at your gift, not expecting that at all". Ananke just formed an O with her lips. 

"Thank you all for your gifts "Ouranos said. "What about our gifts dear?" Gaea asked her now blushing husband who forgot to give gifts to their children. Crouching down to one knee he pulled the elder twin Aiden up on his lap. "Son what does your heart desire?" Ouranos asked. Aiden has always been a wild spirit, always sneaking out to explore his mother and fathers domains and all those that inhabit it not realizing that the creatures in the universe have a piece of his essence. "I wish for a group of people like me that go around the universe protecting the wild from those who will do it harm" Aiden wished. Ouranos granted his sons wish and more. To Aiden, he gave him a magical bow that never runs out of arrows and special arrows capable of fading the most wicked of people. His mother gave him a chariot to rid on pulled by two lions. 

Pulling his youngest son close Ouranos asked him what he desired. Unlike his older brother, Aurora would spend his time sneaking out and looking up at his fathers domain seeing nothing but darkness. Looking in his fathers star filled eyes Aurora knew what his wish was, but was afraid of it not being granted. "I wish for 88 special stars to be created called constellations so people have something to look at during the night"  Aurora confessed to his father. Ouranos only smiled. He loved all his children equally but Aurora was special. He has tried to hide it from Raziel and Azazel but failed miserably. His oldest twin children could care less as long as their little brother was safe from harm then they will be fine. 

Ouranos granted Aurora's wish and gave him the domain Primordial of Stars plus more. He molded a spear out of cosmic energy and prayed to his older brother the Phoenix Force to give it power as a means to help control his phoenix persona which is unbeknownst to anyone but him,Gaea,and the creators. He also took clouds and fire and formed the worlds first physical phoenix known who Aurora named Ember. Gaea took the earth and formed a beautiful chariot that allows Aurora to channel his powers of the seasons to change them wherever he travels.

Since that day the constellations have been waiting for when a child of Aurora would one day wield all of their power and choose individuals who are both pure of mind and heart  and wield the power of one of the 88 constellations. These people were to become Aurora's elite guard. But alas, Aurora's team of warriors did not form until much later. 75 million years after his birth. 

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