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Requested by shirossilvertears
Sorry it's so short ;-;

"Hey pumpkin, you doin' good?" Farmer looked down at his lover, watching as the others hand twitched. It was finally fall, the hole-heads favorite season. The season of pumpkins. Horror never cared for anything in fall except for the pumpkins. He loved to carve them and make pies from them. Also the reason Farmer gave him the nickname 'pumpkin.'

"Just peachy." The smaller grumbled, trying to pull the pumpkin from its stem. Farmer watched in amusement at the others obvious stubbornness, too determined to get it off by hand rather than getting a knife.

"Ya sure ya don't need some help there?" Horror grunted, finally ripping the pumpkin from the vine. The force he was using, however, caused him to tumble backwards, him landing on his back and the pumpkin flying backwards.

The pumpkin hit the ground with a thump, Farmer watching the crop fly with slight amusement. Horror, though, did not hold this amusement. In fact, he scrambled up and walked over to the pumpkin with sadness in his eyelights.

A small smile formed on Farmer's skull as he saw tears in the smallers sockets, sighing softly and crouching beside the hole head skeleton he loved.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to use a knife again..." Farmer chuckled, rubbing Horror's back before pulling him closer. He kissed his lovers cheek before returning his attention to the orange crop.

"Its fine, pumpkin. Losing one won't matter, besides, my favorite one is right beside me." Horror smiled softly, a light blush dusting his cheekbones as he leaned against Farmer. The taller skeleton stood, pulling the other up with him.

"Now let's go make dinner, 'kay?" Farmer grinned as the smaller smiled, nodding quickly and following the other back to the house. They made it back to the house, Horror sulking slightly over the lost pumpkin. It was his favorite crop.

Farmer sighed and grabbed the others hand, kissing him gently before pulling back and smiling.

"C'mon, cheer up, we'll go back out 'n get another one later. That sound good?" Horror smiled brightly and nodded again, Farmer laughing as the other sped off into the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen he couldn't help but smile as his lover walked around, grabbing random ingredients for dinner. He couldn't have asked for a better lover, even if it took some time to get the other to fully change back from his cannibalistic ways. He still loved Horror more than he could ever describe.

"Farmer, hurry up and help me so we can get another pumpkin." He snapped out of his trance as Horror whined, pouting slightly at the others lack of helping. Chuckling Farmer stepped forward, kissing the smallers cheek before grabbing some ingredients.

It didn't take long for dinner to finish, Horror basically gobbling it up as Farmer laughed. Speeding up his normal eating pace, Farmer placed his bowl in the sink and followed Horror out of the house.

The smaller seemed giddy as he walked straight to the pumpkin patch, finding the biggest one he could find before crouching beside it. Farmer smiled as he watched the other, snickering as he tried to break the stem with his hands again.

"Horror." The smaller hummed, squeaking as he turned to see a cutting knife beside his skull. His sockets were wide as he looked up at Farmer. The taller held a soft smile on his skull as he placed the hilt of the knife in his hand.

"I believe you can do it." Horror gulped, looking at the shiny blade in his hand. Memories of his home life filtered into his mind, shaking his skull quickly as he turned to the pumpkin.

Pressing the blade against the stem he began pushing it against the hard material, using all his strength to cut through. He tried his best to ignore the bloodlust that entered his bones as he pressed on, reminding himself that it was over.

That there was no reason to be afraid.

He blinked once he saw the stem cut, a wide grin forming on his skull as he jumped to his feet. Dropping the knife to the ground he spun around, tackling Farmer down in a hug. The taller laughed at the others excitement, returning the hug.

"I did it! I did it, I did it, I did it!" Farmer chuckled, silencing his excited chant with a kiss. Horror pressed back quickly, the kiss being passionate between the two lovers.

"See, I knew you could do it." Horror grinned, giggling slightly as he got up and grabbed the pumpkin. Stumbling slightly he hoisted it into his arms, turning to Farmer with a happy smile. Chuckling Farmer grabbed the pumpkin from the other, holding it better than the other could.

The two went home, enjoying the rest of their night with a massive pumpkin on their table.

Sanscest Oneshots 2.0 (Currently Not Taking Requests)(Hiatus/Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now